The "false CNS" Flashcards
Which two CN are not “true”? Why?
1 and 2- paired anterior extensions of the forebrain
What is the brainstem? What are the 3 sections from sup to inf?
Connects the brain and SC.
Midbrain, pons, medulla
What is the course of the olfactory nerve?
From the CNS along the olfactory tract to the olfactory bulb where nerves pass through the cribiform plate to catch smell from olfactory mucosa at roof of nose
What fibres do the olfactory nerve carry?
What is the function of the olfactory nerve? How do you test?
Conveys sense of smell.
Ask pt if they have noticed any change in smell or taste of food, test smell of each nose in turn
What is anosmia? What is the commonest cause?
Loss of sense of smell. URTI- cold, also head injury e.g BS #
What is the course of the optic nerve?
Forebrain through optic canal (sphenoid bone), cross over at optic chiasm and enter retina through optic canal
What type of fibres does the optic nerve carry?
What is the function of the optic nerve?
How do you test the optic nerve?
AFRO- visual Acuity (Snelllen chart), visual Fields (H test), Reflexes (pupillary light and accommodation), fundOscopy