The Equine Head Flashcards
palpable bony landmarks of the skull
- facial crest
- zygomatic arch
- supraorbital foramen
- nasoincisive notch
- infraorbital foramen
- mental foramen
- mandible
facial crest
- origin of the master muscle
- transverse facial artery, nerve, and vein run just ventral to facial crest
zygomatic arch
is fully bone in horse
supraoribtal fissure
supraorbital nerve comes there here; block this for eye procedures; this is d to eye fairly medial
nasoincicive notch
notch between nasal and incisive bones around hole in front of skull
infraorbital foramen
this is in maxilla around level of end of facial crest; infraorbital nerve emerges from this
- Ramus
- Vascular notch
mental foramen
mental nerve emerges form this to provide sensory innervation to lower lip; block this for tooth stuff; this is in mandible v rostral
vascular notch
this is pt of mandible where rounded pt of ramps turns into straight part of jaw bone; facial vein, artery, and parotid duct runs through here
muscles of facial expression innervation
CN VII (facial nerve)
muscles of facial expression
orbicularis occult, orbicularis iris, zygomaticus, levator nasolabialis, levator labii superioris, depressor labii inferioris, and buccinator
muscles of mastications
masseter, temporalis, digastricus, medial and lateral pterygoid msucles
muscles of mastication innervation
mandibular branch of the trig menial nerve (CN V) and digastrics gets additional motor innervation from facial nerve (CN VII)
big muscle over cheek; attaches from facial crest to mandible
muscle of mastication on top of the head
muscle on back of chin; attaches to paracondylar process
medial and lateral pterygoids
branches of facial nerve
- dorsal and ventral buccal branches
- auriculopalbepral branch
dorsal and ventral buccal branches
- these are branches of CN VII
- these are visible crossing the surface of the masseter (mid masseter)
- arise as direct continuations of facial nerve emerging from under parotid gland
what do dorsal and ventral buccal branches innervate
they are motor innervation to muscles of facial expression
auriculopalpebral branch innervates
motor to eyelid
trigeminal nerve ophthalmic division
branches into supraorbital nerve which is sensory to eyelid (medial canthus); this nerve emerges through supraorbital foramen
trigeminal nerve maxillary nerve
infraorbital nerve is its continuation
- nerve is entirely sensory
- enters maxillary foramen and passes rostrally through infraorbital canal
infraorbital nerve innervates
upper cheek teeth and gums; small branch continues w/ in bone for upper canine and incision teeth and their gums
trigeminal nerve mandibular branch
gives off inferior alveolar nerve and mental nerve
inferior alveolar nerve location
- runs into mandibular foramen on medial side of mandible, passes rostrally w/ in mandibular canal; gives off mental nerve then continues w/ in bony canal
- one of the terminal branches of mandibular nerve
mental nerve
- emerges from mental foramen (which is deep to labii inferioris)
- arises from inferior alveolar nerve (one of terminal branches of mandibular nerve)
inferior alveolar nerve innervates
- w/ in mandibular canal gives off twigs to check teeth and gums
- after giving off mental nerve continues w/ in bony canal and supplies canine an incisor teeth and their gums
mental nerve innervates
lower lip
main blood supply to head
common carotid artery
first things to branch of common carotid
internal carotid and occipital arteries branch near level of wing of atlas
blood supply to brain
internal carotid and occipital arteries supply brain
common carotid after branching at wing of atlas
(branching at wing of atlas is internal carotid and occipital arteries branching off)
- common carotid becomes external carotid and gives off linguofacial artery
linguofacial artery
- travels on medial aspect of mandible giving off lingual artery
- when becomes lateral to mandible becomes facial artery
lingual artery
goes to tongue
facial artery
can be palpated at vascular notch of mandible; supplies rostral region of head
terminal branches of external carotid
- superficial temporal artery
- maxillary artery
maxillary artery termination
infraorbital artery
transverse facial artery
comes from superficial temporal artery
vasculature of head
arteries on head where you can take a pulse
- facial (under mandible, the one dad likes)
- masseteric (v superficial over masseter)
- transverse facial (the one by the eye)
masseteric artery relationship to dorsal and ventral buccal branches
it is ventral to d and v buccal branches
retromandibular fossa
- ventral to ear and cd to ramus and angle of mandible
retromandibular fossa contains
- Virborg’s traingle
- guttural pouch
- parotid and mandibular salivary glands
- retropharyngeal and cr deep cervical LNs
- external jugular vein
- common carotid artery
- thyroid gland
Viborg’s triangle boundaries
- tendon of sternocephalicus
- ramus of mandible
- linguiofacial vein
guttural pouch location
w/ in vibrog’s triangle
salivary glands of the head
- parotid and mandibular
parotid salivary gland location
- ventral to ear
- occupies large part of retromandibular fossa
parotid salivary gland duct path
- travels w/ facial artery and vein medial to mandibule
- becomes ventrally located at vascular notch
- then travels lateral to mandible
parotid salivary gland drains to
opposite the upper 2nd or 3rd premolar
mandibular salivary gland
elongate; medial to parotid salivary gland and angle of mandible
mandibular salivary gland drains to
sublingual caruncle
lymph nodes horse (important ones)
- mandibular
- medial and lateral retropharyngeal
- parotid
- cr deep cervical
mandibular lymph nodes
the only normally palpable LNs in horse; md to mandible under chin