Major sulci are given ____
names i.e. Central Sulcus q
Large sulci are called ____
fissures i.e. lateral fissure
Gyri are named based on…
their function and/or their location
The lobes of the brain are named after…
the bones of the skull
The ___ lobe is not a discrete lobe
It spans portions of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
What are primary cortical areas
areas that receive information from peripheral receptors, with little interpretation of the meaning of information
Primary cortical areas are concerned with….
receiving sensory information and executing motor tasks
What are association areas
Areas that receive input from the primary area and are involved in higher order processing, integrating, and interpreting information
Where are association areas located
adjacent to primary areas
Association areas can be classified as either…
unimodal or heteromodal
Outflow from the primary motor areas makes up the _____
corticospinal tract
Where does the supplementary motor area lie
anterior to the primary motor cortex and superior to the premotor area
What is found in the supplementary motor area
Motor maps for postures
What is the role of the premotor association area
involved in higher order processing and integration of motor information
Where is the somatosensory association area located
adjacent to the primary somatosensory area in the parietal lobe
What is the role of the somatosensory association area
Interpretation of the significance of sensory information, such as touch, pressure, and proprioception
Where is the primary visual cortex found
located on the banks of the calcarine sulcus on the medial aspect of the occipital lobe
How is the primary visual cortex organized
Fibers from the upper visual field project to the…
lower bank of the calcarine sulcus
Fibers from the lower visual field project to the…
superior bank of the calcarine sulcus
where is the fovea represented
near the occipital pole
Where is the visual association area found
surrounding the primary visual cortex on the medial surface of the occipital lobe
What does the visual association area do
give meaning and interpretation to visual information
Where are the frontal eye fields located
in the supplementary motor area and extend anteriorly
What is the role of the frontal eye fields
eye movements
Where is the motor hand area found
It is the hook-shaped segment of the precentral gyrus located just posterior to the frontal eye fields
What is the primary auditory area composed of
- The transverse Heschl’s gyri deep within the lateral sulci
- A strip of cortex on the superior surface of the superior temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe
is the ear represented in a unilateral or bilateral manner on the cortex
What is the role of the auditory association area
Allows us to interpret sounds and give them meaning
Where is the primary gustatory area located
In the insular cortex within the lateral fissure
what is the function of the insular cortex
Involved in consciousness, emotion, self-awareness, and cognitive function
Where is the broca area located? what does it do?
In the frontal lobe, anterior to the premotor association area. Allows for the production of all forms of language
Where is the wernicke area located? what is its role?
Spans the parietal and temporal lobes around the lateral fissure and primary auditory area. Allows for the comprehension of language
How are Broca and Wernicke areas connected
via a deep fiber tract called the arcuate fasciculus
What does the arcuate fasciculus allow for
For us to produce works that make sense and understand what is said and respond appropriately
What does the dominant hemisphere deal with (language)
the important language functions of production and comprehension
what does the non-dominant hemisphere deal with (language
the melody of language, accent and tone of voice
What is the role of the prefrontal cortex
has extensive connections with other parts of brain and is important for executive function, which includes memory, problem solving, attention, planning, and cognitive flexibility
What is the function of the parietal association area
involved in orientating our attention in time and space and is highly interconnected with the prefrontal cortex
What is the function of the temporal association area
Critical for making the link between the visual stimulus of a face or object and its meaning or identity
What is the function of unimodal association cortex
higher-order information processing of a single sensory or motor modality
What is the function of heteromodal association cortex
Involved in integrating functions from multiple modalities (sensory and/or motor)