The collapse of the Crusader states: Muslims Flashcards
Who was Nurredin?
- Muslim leader.
- Promoted himself as ‘Mujahid’ through propaganda in schools and Mosques.
- Made building programmes in Damascus and abolished tax.
What did Nurredin do?
- Inherited Aleppo
- Destroyed Edessa in 1146.
- Defeated Raymond of Antioch in 1149 at battle of Inab.
- United Aleppo , Damascus and Syria through alliance with Mosul without killing any Muslims..
In what year did Nurredin unite Aleppo, Damascus and Syria through alliance with Mosul?
In what year did Nurredin destroy Edessa?
Who fought over Egypt through the invitation of Shawar?
-Nurredin and Amalric.
How did Amalric go about trying to get Egypt?
-Spent large amounts of money and time on his campaign
-Nurredins general.
What happened when Shirkuh Nurredins general died in 1169?
- Saladin took control posing as a compromise.
- Manipulated the Caliph in Cairo and making Nurredin his overlord angry.
How did Saladin destroy the Caliphate?
- Placed the family under house arrest.
- Stopped them from reproducing.
- Slaughtered the Nubian palace guard.
- The caliphs guard killed.
- Appointed family members to positions of power.
What year did Saladin defeat a Frankish/Byzantine expedition to Damietta?
What did Saladin do after Nurreddins death?
- Saladin peacefully conquers damascus.
- Champions himself as the heir of Nurredin.
- ‘Al-Sahils true protector’
What did Saladin spend the next 13 years doing after Nurredins death.
- Totally absorbed Aleppo in 1183
- Mosul in 1186.
- Victory at the horns of hamma.
Which battles did Saladin initially loose against the crusaders?
- Montgisard in 1177.
- Bierut in 1182.
- Kerak in 1183 and 4
What victory did Saladin win in 1179?
-Jacobs Ford.
What had Saladin managed to do by 1187?
- He had completely united Syria, Egypt and yemen.
- Home to Mecca and Medina. (also profitable trade routes)
What did Saladin do to the Nubian palace guard?
He then burnt down the barracks of the Nubians where their families were staying.
Murdered anyone who tried to rescue them.
Offered a safe passage to the survivors but then changed his mind anyway.
This led to the caliph swearing his loyalty to Saladin.
How did Saladin defeat the Frankish expedition at Damietta?
- Well -constructed sea defences in the river.
- He sent reinforcements to the town.
What happened at Jacobs ford?
- Saladin tried to pay Baldwin off, but he didn’t comply
- launched an attack breached the walls and killed the templars inside
Which family members did Saladin appoint to positions of power?
Dad- treasuries at Alexandria and Damietta- meant a steady supply of funds.
+gave his brother a large amount of funds, purged the military elite.
What did Saladin do when the Caliph died?
- Removed his name from Friday prayers.
- Replaced it with the Sunni sultan of Bagdad.
What was the horns of hamma?
- the assassins constantly trying to kill Saladin (Zengids)
- one week siege of the assassin castle.
What happened at Mount Guiscard?
Saladin utterly defeated because of disorganisation,
Saladin retreated and returned to Damascus.
What are Nur-ad-dins setbacks?
- Illness
- Earthquakes
- Humiliating defeat at Mecca
- Dislike of the Shia Muslims in Egypt- fighting each other rather than the franks.
Why was Nurredin popular with his people?
- Popular in Damascus through building programmes, gifts of food, hospitals, religious buildings.
- Promoting Sunni Islam not killing any Muslims.
- Renouncing alcohol and prayer.
- not living in wealth at the expense of his subjects.
- Abolished some taxes.
- ‘Mujahid’- coins minted and poems written about him
What are some examples of Nurredins successful military action?
-Battle of inab 1149.
Damascus in 1154.
Destroyed and conquered Frankish castles along the frontier.
What was the battle of Inab (Nurredin)
- Defeated Raymond of Antioch.
- Pushed back borders of Antioch (Christian territory)
What did Nurredin do to Frankish castles along the fronteir?
-Destroyed them.
What happened at Damascus in 1154? Nuraddin
- Diplomatic and military pressure.
- Blockaded the city.
- Damascus opened its gates.
Who did Nurredin negotiate a truce with?
-a truce with the Seljuk Turks to fight together, highlighting the insignificance of the Outremer in BZ’s eyes.
What were Saladin’s failed Jerusalem raids?
- launched raids into the kingdom of Jerusalem.
- 20K men but they were outnumbered- miscalculation
- Did not account for Baldwins forces.