Establishing the Crusader States Flashcards
What are the crusader states known as?
The Outremer in the Latin East.
What did the states consist of?
- Kingdom of Jerusalem.
- Principality of Antioch.
- The county of Edessa.
- County of Tripoli.
What were the crusader states surrounded by?
Muslim powers who wanted to expel these new states.
What were the states initially lacking and why?
-Manpower because the crusaders returned to west after 1099.
What are the main factors of the survival of the crusader states?
- Castles.
- Pilgrims
- Knights templar.
- Jerusalem.
Who were the rulers of Jerusalem between 1099-1131?
- Godferey the protector of Holy Seplpure (1099-1100).
- Baldwin I- 1100-1118.
- Baldwin II- 1118-1131.
What did Baldwin I and II do to secure Jerusalem (and other states)
- Expanded.
- Secured the Levantine coast.
What places did the Baldwin’s capture (Part of the Levantine coast)
- Caesarea in 1101.
- Acre in 1104
- Sidon and Beirut in 1110.
- Tyre in 1124.
What exception did the Baldwins not capture on the Levantine coast?
Ascalon after their victory in 1099.
Why were the conquests on the Levantine coast so important?
To help Pilgrims arrive such as King Sigurd of Norway.
Who were part of the Italian Maritime states and what did they do for Pilgrims?
- Venice, Genoa and Pisa.
- Helped them arrive.
- They all wanted to be the biggest military power.
Why were Pilgrims so important for the survival of the crusader states?
- Boosted the economy.
- Boosted population within the states. (hundreds would come at once)
How did the Italian Maritime states seek to exploit the new market that sprang up in the levant?
- Offered military assistance for trading rights.
- Venice and Tyre in 1124.
What solution was created for the pilgrims being attacked on the way to Jerusalem?
-The knights Templar.
What year was the knights templar set up?
How and when did the knights templar gain official backing?
- Crown- The council of Nabulus in 1120.
- Pope- The council of Troyes in 1129.
Why did knights templar BECOME very important?
- Wealthy, permanent standing elite.
- Funded by donations so were free to the crown.
- Garrisoned the castles for free.
How could the knights templar have become a probelm?
- Did not pay tax.
- Answerable to the pope because they were not in service of the crown.
- Attacked by the enemy.
- Criticism of monastic/military life mix.
- making deals with the Muslims undermining authority.
- People purely joining for the religious benefits.
What is an important castle?
-Montreal built in 1115.
Why was Montreal such an important castle?
- Secured conquered land.
- Dominated the trade route from Damascus to Egypt.
What did other castles help protect?
-Specific threats such as Muslim controlled Ascalon.
How did the pilgrims bring in money to the crusader states?
- food
- accommodation
- marketplace sales
- holy site admittance
- deciding to settle in Jerusalem.
How much did Pilgrims boost the population of Jerusalem?
20,000 to 30,000 (provided manpower and tax)
Why was the crossing dangerous for pilgrims?
- pirates, bandits and Muslims would seek to attack and loot pilgrims
- especially between Salta (a port town) and Jerusalem.
Who founded the knights Templar?
-Hugh De Paynes.
Who made up the knights templar?
There were 500 knights, several thousand sergeants and then more support staff.
Which influential figure donated to the knights templar?
Who were the knights templar motivated by?
-God/religious zeal- giving them an edge in battle.
What was a drawback of the castles built?
there was however a lack of men.
-it was a very expensive method of attack.
Why were castles made?
- castles help consolidate territorial gains.
- Good centres for administration.
- A place for protection for supplies.
- Knew how hard fortresses like Antioch are to get into.
Why were Muslims disunited at the time of the crusader state establishment?
- Muslims confused of Frankish motivations
- The Muslim world was not united under one leader with city states rival to one another. E.g., Aleppo/ Damascus/ Mosul.
- The Sunni/Shia split.
- Muslim leaders often cooperate in order to secure their state.
What did Fulcher of Charters say about the Muslim powers?
‘why did they not… devour and destroy us’