The Civil War Flashcards
Decision by a state to leave the Union
Compromise of 1850
Series of measures hat were intended to settle the disagreements between free states and slave states
Popular sovereignty
Idea idea that people living in a territory should make their own decisions, especially the decision to admit slavery
Stephen A. Douglas
Senator from Illinois who worked too pass the COmpromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore
13th President
Fugitive SLave Act
Law that provided for harsh treatment for escaped slaves and for those who helped them
Underground Railroad
Secret network for people who hid fugitive slaves who went north for freedom
Harriet Tubman
Famous “leader” of the underground railroads
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of the anti slavery novel Uncle TOms Cabneth
Kanas Nebraska Act
Law that split Nebraska into territories of Nebraska and Kansas and allowed for popular sovereignty there
John Brown
Fierce Opponent of slavery who led a raid that killed 5 pro slavery people
Bleeding Kanas
Nickname given to the Kanas Territory because of the bloody violence there
Franklin Pierce
14th president
Favoring native born people over immigrants
Know - Nothing Party
Political party formed to stop the influence of immigrants
Free - soil Arty
Political party formed tot oppose extending slavery in the territories
Republican PArty
Police to party formed to oppose extending slavery in the territories
Horace Greeley
Newspaper editor who strongly supported the newly formed. Republican Party
John C Fremont
Republican candidate in thr 1856 presidential election
James Buchanan
15th president