Module 7 Flashcards
Manifest destiny
belief that the United State should expand across the continent
Treaty of Fort Laramie
Treaty that gave Native Americans control of the central plains
Santa Fe Trail
Trail from Missouri to SantFe, new MExico
Oregon Trail
Trail from Missouri to Oregon
Religious group that settled near present day Salt Lake City
Joseph smith
Founder and leader of the Mormons
Brigham young
Leader of the Mormons who moved the group west to Utah
Slogan used in the 1844 presidential election as a call for U.S. annexation of the Oregon Territory
Oregon Treaty
Treaty between the United Sates and Britain that extended the mainland boundary with Canada along the 49th parallel and establishing the current United States boundary
Land Grant
Gift of public land to an individual or organization
Stephen F. Austin
Leader of the American colony in Texas
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Mexican president who fought Texans in the Texas Revolution
Texas Revolution
Texas war for independence from Mexico
Site of a key in battle in the Texas Revolution
Sam Houston
First presidents of the Republic of Texas