The Cell & Cell Cycle Flashcards
Smooth ER
- no ribosomes
- synthesizes lipids, cholesterol, and steroid based hormones
Rough ER
- surface is rough with ribosomes
- synthesizes proteins that will be secreted from the cell
- synthesizes plasma membrane proteins and phospholipids
- final protein produces are enclosed in vesicle and go to golgi apparatus for processing
Extracellular material
substance found outside the cell
- extracellular fluid
- cellular secretions
- extracellular matrix
Extra cellular fluid
- interstitial fluid: bathes cells
- blood plasma: fluid of blood
- cerebrospinal fluid - surrounds nervous system
Cellular secretions
extracellular material:
- gastric juice, mucus, saliva
Plasma membrane
- phospholipids
- cholesterol
- peripheral proteins
- integral proteins
The cell theory
- all cells come from pre existing cells
- the cell = basic unit of life
- all organisms are made of cells
extracellular matrix
substance that acts as glue to hold substances together
3 basic parts of human cell
- nucleus: control center, contains DNA
- plasma membrane: flexible outer-boundary
- cytoplasm: intracellular fluid, contains cell organelles
plasma membrane
- cell membrane
- active barrier between intra/extracellular
- consists of membrane lipids that form a flexible bilayer
fluid mosaic
specialized membrane proteins float through the fluid membrane
- 30% strands of DNA
- 60% histone proteins
- 10% RNA
- arranged in units called nucleosomes; DNA wrapped around histones
condensed and well packaged form of chromatin
* condensed state protects fragile chromatin threads during cell division
- Dark staining spherical bodies within nucleus
- involved in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and ribosome subunit assembly
Nuclear envelope
- encloses the nucleus
- covered in nuclear pores that allow substances in/out of the nucleus
- outer layer is continuous w rough ER
- inner layer is called nuclear lamina; proteins that maintain the nuclear shape and acts as scaffolding for DNA
- control center, biggest organelle
- contains blueprints for synthesizing nearly al cellular proteins
- red blood cells don’t have nucleus
Cellular extensions
- cilia(many) & flagella(1; tail-like): help cell to move
- microvilli: suck things up
- barrel shaped microtubular organelles - lie at right angles to each other
- form basis of cilia and flagella
- cell center located near nucleus
- microtubule organizing centers - consist of granular matrix + centrioles
network of rods that run through ctyosol
- 3 types
* microfilaments (strands of actin)
* intermediate filaments (ropes of tetramer)
* microtubules (tubes of tubulin)
- plays role in moving cell’s components (acts as ligaments, bones and muscles)
- motor proteins: powered by ATP, uses uses microtubules as tracks to move cargo on
Endomembrane system
- consists of ER, Golgi apparatus, secretory vesicles, lysosomes, nuclear and plasma membranes
- work to produce, degrade, store, and export biological molecules
- degrade potentially harmful substances
Clinical connection: Tay Sachs disease
- happens when a person lacks the lysosomal enzyme needed to break down glycolipids in brain cells
- glycolipids build up in the developing brain + interfere w nervous system function
- seizures, intellectual disability, blindness, and death before age 5
- cleaning crew (think Lysol)
- spherical membranous bags containing digestive enzymes (acid hydrolasis)
- digest bacteria, viruses, toxins
- degrade nonfuntional organelles
- breakdown and release glycogen and Ca2+
- detoxify substances in the cell
- think PEROXIDE (for cleaning wounds)