The Brain Flashcards
What are the lobes of the brain
Frontal lobe Partial lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellum Temporal lobe
Median sagittal section
Cerebellum Midbrain Thalamus Cerebral hemisphere Corpus callosum Hypothalamus Pons Medulla oblongata
Corpus callosum
White matter tract, connects cerebral hemisphere
Basal ganglion
Regulate initiation and termination of the body movements
Hypothalamus- regulates autonomic nervous system and homeostasis
Major sensory relay station
Spinal cord, brain stem, midbrain to thalamus then to cerebral hemispheres
Motor pathways
Pineal gland
Epithalamus- produces melatonin to regulate body clock, also contains habenular nucleus
Connects pons and medulla to diencephalon
Superior colliculi- visual tracking, scanning
Inferior colliculi- auditory startle reflex
Pons and medulla
Pons- helps control breathing
Origin of cranial nerves, V, VI, VII, and vestibule part to VIII
Contains pyramids, cardiovascular centres, breathing centres, pressure and vibration
Origin of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII and cochlear part of VIII
Vermis between lobes
Pituitary gland
Releases growth hormones
Releases FSH and LH
Circle of Willis
Anterior communication Anterior cerebral Middle cerebral Internal carotid Posterior communicating Posterior cerebral Basilar Vertebral arteries
Anterior menigeal arteries
From ethmoid branches of the internal carotid supplies the dura of the anterior fossa
Middle menigeal artery
Form maxillary artery through foramen spinous to supply dura
Major vessel supplying dura, if damaged will lead to an extra-dural hematoma
Posterior meningeal artery
Form occipital artery supplies dura of the posterior fossa
Dural venous sinuses
Drain blood from brain and channel it into the internal jugular vein