The Brahmin and the Mongoose: Verse 3 Flashcards
Originally yat - relative pronoun
Introduces a relative clause.
na gacchāmi
“I don’t go”
Verb Class 1
Adverb of manner
Adverbial accusative from the adjective quick - ‘satvara’
Tadā is a correlative of yadi
tadā and yadi set up structure in the sentence, showing cause and effect.. ‘If, then’
‘in someone’
‘in something’
Kaḥ = Kaś because of visarge sandhi before a consonant.
cid = ind. particle.
√anya = other than, different from, opposed to.
kaścid anyaḥ = someone other, someone else ..
‘will seize’
‘will take’
‘will accept’
3rd pers. Sg Future indicative active
√grah = (class 9) to seize, take, grasp, take possession of..
The future indicative takes the same personal endings as the present indicative. To form, take the gunated root and add -sya- or -iṣya-
Inf = grahītum … (‘to take’)
Gerund = gṛahītvā … (‘having taken’)
PPP = gṛahīta … (‘Having been taken’)
Governed by grahīṣyati
‘the invitation’
Acc. main subject
This ends the -iti- clause.
closing quotations after “the invitation”
‘having thought’
Gerund (tvā) √cint = to think, reflect, consider
Cintayati : Class 10 verb (formed in the same way as caus.) = ‘s/he thinks, considers.’
Note that causatives and class 10 verbs insert the conjunective vowel - i - to form gerunds, PPP, infinitives and the future tense.
(Eg. cintayitvā instead of cintayatvā)
tena dvijena
subject of niṛṇītam
Also logical subject of cintayitvā
‘by the twice-born’
‘by the Brahmin’
both in Instr. sg. masc.
Logical subject of the main verb of sentence
tena = 3rd pers. sg. personal pronoun = s/he, it.
dvijena = ‘twice-born’
PPP - main verb of sentence.
‘it was decided’
‘having been decided’
Nom. Ntr. Sg
PPP from nir-ṇī
√nī = to lead or take away, investigate, settle, decide.
‘I shall leave’
“I will cause to stay behind’
‘I will leave behind’
1st pers. sg. (‘I’) present indicative active
Causative = ava-√sthā
√sthā = stay, abide, stand, remain
ava as a prefix to verbs = off, away, down.
*Cuasatives of roots ending in ā add the conjunctive consonant ‘p’ to avoid a hiatus between sthā and -aya- so that it gives sthāpaya -
nakulam pālitam
noun + verb
‘The mongoose that has been cherished (by me)’
Both in Acc. Masc. Sg.
Nakulam = The mongoose
Pālitam = pālita (PPP) =gaurded, protected, cherished, nourished -> √pāl : to watch, gaurd, protect. “Having been protected”
dīṛgham kālam
two nominals
“A long time”
Accusative expressing a duration of time.
dīrgha = long (in space and time), lofty, high, tall, deep.
“For the goal of protection’
‘for the sake of protection’
nominal compound
mama bālasya
“of my child’
Gen. Sg. Masc
mama = Gen Sg personal pronoun, 1st pers. (I, mine)
yadi satvaram na gacchāmi tadā anyaḥ kaścid āhvānam grahīṣyati iti cintayitvā tena dvijena dīṛgham kālam pālitam nakulam mama bālasya rakṣārtham avasthāpayāmi iti niṛṇītam |
“If I don’t go quickly, then someone else will accept the invitiation.” Thus, having thought by the Brahmin, it was decided “I will leave behind the Mongoose, having been cherished for a long time, for the protection of my child”.