The Brahmin and the Mongoose: Verse 2 Flashcards
Abl. Ntr. Sg. - relative pronoun
yaḥ, yā, yat = ‘who, which, from which cause, since’.
Its correlative is tasmāt, giving the sence of ‘Since, then’
or ‘Because, therefore’.
Yasmāt = relative pronoun, in the ablative (of cause) case.
Tasmāt = demonstrative pronoun.
‘Of him’
Gen, Sg. Masc.
Personal pronoun, 3rd person “He, him, it”
‘The wife of him’ -> His wife.
In agreement with tasya
Nom. Fem. Sg
tasmin kāle
Both in the locative case.
“In that time”
“At that time”
“At this time”
Tasmin + Kāle = Loc. Sg. Masc
Tasmin = 3rd person personal pronoun
na abhavat
‘Was not’
Imperfect Ind. Active - 3rd person sg.
√Bhu - bhav = ‘to be, to exist’.
“In the home”
“In the house”
Loc. Ntr. Sg
“Thus, therefore”
Demonstrative pronoun ‘tad’
yasmāt and tasmāt set up the structure of the sentence : showing connection between cause and effect, between two elements.
Since, therefore…
For what reason? For this reason …
Because, then …
na anyaḥ
‘No other’
‘No one else’
Nom. Masc. Sg
Pronominal declension: anyaḥ, anyā, anyat…
‘Stood behind’
‘remained behind’
Imperfect Indicative Active - 3rd pers. Sg
√sthā tiṣṭhati - s/he, it stands, stays, remains..
Nominal Compound
“For the sake of protection”
‘For the protection’
Compound with Adverbial (accusative) function
√rakṣ - rakṣā (fem.) - to gaurd, watch, protect, care for
artha (acc. Sg) - aim, purpose. when used with the Genitive case = ‘for the sake of, on account of, for’
‘Of the child’/boy
Gen. Masc. Sg
The object of rakṣārtham.
“For the child’s protection”
“For the protection of the child”
Yasmāt tasya bhāryā tasmin kāle gṛhe na abhavat tasmāt bālasya rakṣārthaṁ tatra na anyaḥ atiṣṭhat |
‘Since his wife was not in the house at that time, therefore no one else remained there for the protection of the child / for the child’s protection’