The army body composition program Flashcards
What is the objective of the army body composition program (ABCP)?
To ensure soldiers maintain operational readiness, physical fitness, health, professional military appearance, and establish body fat standards.
How often will every soldier be screened for a body composition?
At least every six months
How long does a new recruit have to meet the body fat standards?
180 days from entry to active service
Does the ACFT and weigh-in have to be conducted on the same day?
No, they can be 7 days apart
What are the actions that are required when a soldier is determined to be exceeding the body fat standards?
- Notification counseling
- Soldier action plan
- Nutrition counseling
How long does a commander have to flag a soldier for failing body fat standards?
Three working days
How long does a commander have to counsel/ notify a soldier for their entrance into the ABCP?
Two working days after flagging the soldier
What is the effective date of a flag due to failure to meet body fat standards?
The date of the soldier being noncompliant with the standards
How often are the ABCP assessments conducted to measure a soldier’s progress?
Every 30 days
Failure to achieve satisfactory progress after six months may result in what?
Involuntary separation
What happens to a soldier that has a medical condition that causes failure to meet the ABCP standards?
They will be enrolled in participate, but will not be penalized for failing to show progress.
How long after pregnancy do soldiers have to meet body fat standards?
365 days
How many NCOs are required to take measurements?
Two; one to place tape measure and one to assure proper placement.
How is height recorded in inches?
To the nearest half inch
What is the maximum body fat allowed for age group 17-20?
Male: 20%
Female: 30%
What is maximum body fat allowed for age groups 21 to 27?
Male: 22%
Female: 32%
What is the maximum body fat allowed for age groups 28-39?
Male: 24%
Females: 34%
What is the maximum body fat allowed for age group 40 and older?
Where are the measurements conducted on males and females?
Males: neck and abdomen
Female: neck, waist, and hip