Thalamus & Hypothalamus ppt22 Flashcards
What does the thalamus relay?
all sensory except smell. the Fs feed fight flee fornicate
What is the largest division of the diencephalon?
the thalamus (relay center)
Where is the input of the ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus from?
l for legs= BODY
Where is the input of the ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus from?
m for makeup= FACE
Where is the input of the medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus from?
geniculate- genitals of the face
m- music
Where is the input of the lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus from?
geniculate- genitals of the face
l- not music
What artery supplies the main sensory relay centers of the thalamus?
Thalamogeniculate Arteries
What is the function of the thalamus?
vegetative (awaken)
What is the internal capsule of the thalamus?
layer of white matter (myelinated axons) that separates the caudate nucleus and thalamus medially and from the lentiform nucleus laterally.
What arteries supply the internal capsule of the thalamus?
Anterior limb- lenticulostriate & ACA
Genu- Lenticulostriate
Posterior- Lenticulostriate & Ant. Choroidal Artery
What does the Posterior limb of the internal capsule contain?
- sensory radiations (pain, temperature, and touch).
- corticospinal fibers.
- visual and auditory radiations.
What are the regulatory functions of the hypothalamus?
Regulation of
- body’s internal environment,
- water balance
- body temperature
- food intake (feeding behavior)
- sleep and wakefulness
What are the functional nuclei of the hypothalamus?
Anterior Nucleus Posterior Nuc Lateral Nuc Medial (ventromedial) Suprachiasmatic
What are the functions of the the nuclei of the hypothalamus
Anterior- (radiator) cooling Posterior- (exhaust) heating Lateral- (gas cap) hunger Medial- (gas tank) satiety Suprachiasmatic- (Sun roof) circadian rhythm
How does the body regulate temperature?
skin circulation
metabolic rate
behavioral change
What is the mechanism of fever?
BBB at organum vasculosum laminar terminalis (OVLT)-
increase hypothalamic set point.
What are the phases of fever?
Chills- vasoconstriction and possible shivering until fever is established
Breaks- body temp above set point, patient hot and vasodialated
Hyperthermia (hypothalamus)
High temperature that could be fatal.
Anterior hypothalamus that controls the heat loss
Gential Dystrophy and abnormal Sexual Development
lesions to the tuberal region of the hypothalamus but that may extend to the ventromedial nucleus
loss of sexual activity and genital atrophy
Feeding, Obesity, and Emaciation
Lesion of the medial- in creased appetite
lesion of the lateral- loss of appetite
Aggression and rage (Hypothalamus)
Tumors located that impinge on the ventromedial hypothalamus
expressions of violent behavior
Sleep disorders (Hypothalamus)
Damage to the posterior region of the hypothalamus
Damage to ascending fibers from the reticular
Hypothermia (hypothalamus)
Damage to the POsterior hypothalamus.
Diabetes insipidus (hypothalamus)
Damage of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei ( ADH)