Thalamus Flashcards
Major relay station of the brain (esp of sensory and motor info)
but it does association work too
integrates info from other subcortical structures (eg basal ganglia)
________ contains pineal gland and habenula
__________ is an endocrine gland, secretes melatonin when it’s dark, regulates sextual cycles, and circadian sleep/wake cycles , located above tectum and in font of posterior commissure.
Pineal gland
__________ lies in front of pineal (on both sides), linked to negative reward/aversive stimuli and is smaller in depressed individuals (interacts with DA and 5HT system)
_________ contains subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta. It continues with tegmentum in midbrain.
lies underneath the thalamus
_________ project to SN and red nuclei and to the reticular formation and other parts of midbrain
Orientations of Thalamus are :
_______ to lateral ventricles
_______ to internal capsule
_______ to hypothalamus and subthalamus
_______ to 3rd ventricle
masa intermedia ______ 3rd ventricle
Orientations of Thalamus are :
inferior to lateral ventricles
medial to internal capsule
superior to hypothalamus and subthalamus
lateral to 3rd ventricle
masa intermedia across 3rd ventricle
divisions of thalamic nuclei are separated by a sheet of white matter called __________
internal medullary lamina
Thalamus is wrapped by ___________
reticular nucleus
gross nuclei divisions of thalamus are :
__________, ____________, __________
lateral nuclei, medial nuclei, anterior nuclei
Nuclei inside internal medullary lamina are ___________
interalaminar nuclei
Where internal medullary lamina splits at anterior of thalamus is the___________ (pink)
________ projects to the cingulum
relay nucleus
anterior nucleus
Where internal medullary lamina splits the medial from the lateral thalamus is the.
called ________ nucleus
projects to the prefrontal cortex
association nucleus
Medial Nucleus. (called dorsomedial nucleus too)
lateral to the internal medullary lamina is the _______
comprises majority of thalamus
further divided into dorsal and ventral tiers
lateral nucleus.
Lateral nuclear group in the dorsal tier consists of :
lateral dorsal nucleus
lateral posterior nucleus
Ventral nuclear group in the ventral tier consists of :
ventral anterior nucleus,
ventral lateral nucleus,
ventral posterior nucleus
Ventral Posterior Nucleus is further drvoted into :
________ (___ sensory) and _______ (___ sensory)
ventral posterolateral nucleus (sensory body)
ventral posteromedial nucleus (sensory head)
the two nuclei that hang off the back in the ventral lateral thalamus are :
lateral geniculate nucleus (visual) and medial geniculate (auditory)
____________ only projects to other portion of thalamus not cortexes.
important for regulatory function (inhibition)
reticular nucleus
___________ are loops - inputs comes into the thalamus and outputs leaves, it often loops to and back from cortex
Makes thalamus a filter and a regulator
Thalamic connections
Inputs to the thalamic nuclei can be divided into two categories : ______ and ______
specific inputs (from sensory system) and regulatory inputs (feedback from cortex)
The thalamic nuclei (specific inputs and outputs) can also be divided into three categories : ___________ , _________ and _________
Relay nuclei
Association nuclei
intralaminar and midline nuclei
specific input (from spinal)
to _______ of thalamus
project to specific cortical region
and feedback to regulate function
most thalamic nuclei are in this category.
Relay nuclei (sensory or motor to cortex)
specific input is received from association cortex (eg PFC) to ___________
it projects back to related association cortex ares (other PFC region)
association thalamic nucleus
receives specific inputs from subcortical regions (eg basal ganglia) and project to cortex and also to basal ganglia or limbic structures
Intralaminar Nuclei (basal gangalia and limbic loops)
The _______ nucelus and ______ are the principal association nuclei
dorsomedial nucleus and pulvinar
___________ project to both the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia
Intralaminar nuclei
Thalamus mainly suppled by _______________
posterior cerebral artery and its communicating branches
Most thalamic damage come from _______ events
vascular events
pain often results from damage anywhere along the anteriolateral pathway, thus called _____________
thalamic pain (type of central pain)
__________ fibers between thalamus, putamen, caudate.
inferiorly goes down through _________
superiorly fans out as ________ on its way to cortex (projection fibers)
internal capsule
cerebral peduncles
corona radiata
___________ is the white matter of the association cortices that run within hemisphere (anterior to posterior )
centrum semiovala
Internal Capsule has 5 parts, name them with location related to putaman
anterior limb (btw putamen and caudate)
posterior limb (btw putamen and thalamus)
genu (btw anterior and posterior limbs)
retrolenticular part (behind putamen)
sublenticular part (below putamen)
___________ : fibres that connect anterior nucleus to cingulate ; dorsmedial to PF
anterior limb
__________ : contains motor fibres .
eg corticospinal and those that go to VA and VL and thalamus
posterior limb
________ : transition zone between anterior limbs and posterior limbs
_________ : parietal connections, occipital including some of optic radiations (those going to superior bank of calcarine)
retrolenticular part
__________ : rest of optic radiations (those going to inferior of calcarine) ; auditory radiations; pulvinar to temporal association cortex fibers
sublenticular part