Cranial Nerves and their nuclei Flashcards
what are the 4 somatic motor cranial nerves (with their functions)
Somatic Motor CN (III IV VI XII)
III oculomotor (eye movement)
IV trochlear (eye movement)
VI Abducens (eye movement)
XIII Hypoglossal (tongue movement)
III Oculomotor Nerve innervates _____ of the 6 eye muscles
III Oculomotor Nerve Innervates 4 of the 6 eye muscles
Axons projects from _________ to the ipsilateral eyeball muscles (except ________ is contralateral) . Muscles that raise eyelids come from ________.
Axons projects from oculomotor nucleus to the ipsilateral eyeball muscles (except superior rectus is contralateral) . Muscles that raise eyelids come from midline.
CN III damage:
_________ = one eye is pulled laterally, while the other stays centred leads to diplopia (double vision).
_________ = drooping (falling) eyelids
_________ = pupils dilated
CN III damage:
lateral strabismus. one eye is pulled laterally, while the other stays centred leads to diplopia (double vision).
ptosis - drooping (falling) eyelids
mydriasis - pupils dilated
Innervates the superior oblique eye muscle, contralaterally : muscle moves eye down and laterally
IV Trochlear Nerve
Only cranial nerve located on the dorsal / posterior side of brainstem. + Only cranial nerve that is entirely contralateral.
Damage to this nerve usually mild because if only control one small muscle. can cause some double vision.
IV Trochlear Nerve
___________ - Innervates the lateral rectus muscle ipslaterally from the abducens nucleus
which abducts the eye (move laterally)
VI Abducens Nerve
Damage to abducens nerve causes________ (one eye pulls medially while th either is centred)
medial strabismus
____________ is also adjacent to Abducens Nerve and runs with the abducens in the __________ of the facial nerve.
Facial nerve is also adjacent and runs with the abducens in the internal genu of the facial nerve.
Lateral eye movements are paired, so damage to abducens nucleus can also affect __________ eye
Lateral eye movements are paired, so damage to abducens nucleus can also affect contralateral eye
___________ “under the tounge” nerve axon go ipsilaterally from ____________ to most of the muscles of the tongue.
Hypoglossal “under the tounge” nerve axon go ipsilaterally from hypoglossal neucles to most of the muscles of the tongue.
Damage to HG nerve causes _____________
what are the 5 brancial CN (with functions)
V trigeminal : major general sensory nerve for the head.
VII Facial - motor nerve for facial expressions.
IX Glossophatngeal: taste and throat/ mouth sensation
X Vagus : …
XI Accessory neck and ..
___________ Nerve :
Like the spinal cord of the head
Transmits tactile proprioceptive pain and temp info from the head to the cortex,Cb and reticular formation.
V Trigeminal Nerve
Like the spinal cord of the head
Transmits tactile proprioceptive pain and temp info from the head to the cortex,Cb and reticular formation.
Trigeminal “birth of three”:
_____ , _________ , ___________
Trigeminal “birth of three”:
phthalamic (eyes)
maxillary( nose, sinus, upper kaw)
mandibular (lower jaw)
Describe neclei of Trigminal nerve
Main Sensory nucleus: touch and jaw position
Spinal nucleus : pain and temp.
Motor nucleus: mastication, jaw reflex
mesencephalic nucleus: touch, proprioception, reflexes.
________________ - misfiring of pain neurons in this area lead to brief bouts of excruciating pain.
trigeminal neuralgia - misfiring of pain neurons in this area lead to brief bouts of excruciating pain.
____________ innervates muscles of facial expressions from the _____________ (through the internal genu of the facial nerve)
VII Facial Nerves
Facial nerve innervates muscles of facial expressions from the facial motor nucleus (through the internal genu of the facial nerve)
____________ : involved in corneal blink reflex (when one cornea is touched both eyes blink) - can be used to test of damage to trigmenial and facial
VII Facial Nerves
involved in corneal blink reflex (when one cornea is touched both eyes blink) can be used to test of damage to trigmenial and facial
______________ Also innervate nasal cavity, soft palate, taste buds, salivary glands, lacrimal glands, originates from superior salivary nucleus
VII Facial Nerves
Also innervate nasal cavity, soft palate, taste buds, salivary glands, lacrimal glands, originates from superior salivary nucleus
_______________ are those from motor cortex to the brainstem. Facial expressions muscles are sepalled side controlled (as opposed to swallowing muscles)
Corticobulbar neurons are those from motor cortex to the brainstem. Facial expressions muscles are sepalled side controlled (as opposed to swallowing muscles)
_____________ Conveys info from tongue and throat to brainstem nuclei (from tastebuds, from several glands, from larynx and pharynx muscles for swallowing and speaking)
IX Glossophatyngeal nerve (GP):
Conveys info from tongue and throat to brainstem nuclei (from tastebuds, from several glands, from larynx and pharynx muscles for swallowing and speaking)
some to inferior salivary nucleus, solitary nucleus and nucleus ambiguous, pain maybe from trigeminals.
________________ - intense pain that starts in posterior tongue and upper throat and radiate to ear, sometimes just from swallowing.
Glossophatyngeal neuralgia - intense pain that starts in posterior tongue and upper throat and radiate to ear, sometimes just from swallowing or taling.
_____________ : The major parasympathetic nerve and mostly widely distributed (wandering - vagabond), fibers run through visceral and abdominal cavities arising from the ___________ of the vagus and ____________ , among many others.
X Vagus Nerve
The major parasympathetic nerve and mostly widely distributed (wandering - vagabond), fibers run through visceral and abdominal cavities arising from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and nucleus ambiguous , among many others.
___________ Nerve runs to heart, neck, throat.
Vagus Nerve runs to heart, neck, throat.
____________ nerve responsible for visceral feelings of “nerves” “butterflies”- grossed out and other gut feelings and Gag reflex.
Vagus nerve responsible for visceral feelings of “nerves” “butterflies” grossed tout and other gut feelings and Gag reflex.
____________ - Innervates neck and shoulder muscles (allows us to shrug)
Accessory Nerve - Innervates neck and shoulder muscles (allows us to shrug)
Brainstem Damage: ______ in head, ________ in body.
Brainstem Damage: ipsilateral in head, contralateral in body.
______________ - lateral medullary damage wold result in loss of pain and temp senation, in contralateral body but loss of pain and temp sensation in ipslateral face, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing
Wallenberge’s syndrome:
lateral medullary damage wold result in loss of pain and temp senation, in contralateral body but loss of pain and temp sensation in ipslateral face, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing
_____________ - Damage to one sided cerebral peduncle ( usually from Posterior Cerebral Artery stroke) affects one sided oculomotor nerve so ipsilateral ptosis (B) pupillary dilation and lateral strabismus (C,D) but contralateral body paralysis.
Weber’s syndrome:
Damage to one sided cerebral peduncle ( usually from Posterior Cerebral Artery stroke) affects one sided oculomotor nerve so ipsilateral ptosis (B) pupillary dilation and lateral strabismus (C,D) but contralateral body paralysis.