Textbook notes from all chapters 1-3 Flashcards
exploitation is central to Parkin’s approach to class analysis
FALSE: power is
Marx dismisses strata disctinctions beceuase
tendency of capitalism to transform labour into wage labor
“different capacity to command resources, which gives rise to structures asymmetric relations of domination and subordination among social actors” this is the definition of? who is for it?
Power for Grabb
Wright integrates 2 key concepts. they are
Skills Authority
for parkin, how does the state contribute to the exclusionary practice of credentialism
by issuing/legitimizing licenses only to members of professional organizations who have achieved the credentials required by professional organizations
for parkin, he is concerned with the legalistic approach to class. As in, looking at the access to legal rights and credentials
Neo-marxism is concerned with means of production and class
False: they are concerned about issues of exploitation, authority, and credentials
parkin and Grabb emphasize the dualism b/w structure and human agency?
Power is of central importance to Grabb
for parkin, the 2 central modes of closure are
1) basis of property 2) basis of credentials
marx is concerned with how resources are ditrsibuted within capitalism
False: he emphasizes the relationships among ppl who engage in economic systems of production
what are the 3 types of legitimate domination? for weber
1) traditional authority 2) legal authority 3) charismatic authority
Parkin also talks about social closure through credentialism
parkin believes that classes should be defined in relation to the means of production
False: classes should be defined in relation to their modes of social closure
“refers to processes through which collectives restrict access to resources and opportunities to those inside the group”
social closure
Production is central to Wright’s approach to class analysis
False: Exploitation is
Grabb uses the term Usurpation
False: Parkin does
parkin discusses power in relation to the idea of social closure
___ and ___ are other pillars of social power according to weber
Parties and Status Groups
Marx: the key is the means by which ppl earn income through their labour power, capital, or landed propety
Weber and neo-weberians focus on Class, Power, and Distribution
Marx believes that power relations are structural and cannot be separated from class relations
what are Olin Wright’s 2 themes
1) social class is based in productive relations 2) social clas is conceptualized in relational terms
Weber disagrees with marx regarding the importance of property ownership in the assessment of class
False. He does agree with him on this point
for parkin, Uruspation strategies are…
counterveiling uses of power mobillized by subirtinate classes to gain access to scarse resoruces or to acheive distributive justice
what are Grabbs 3 means of power?
- control of material resources - control of poeple - control of ideas
For Weber, Domination us a specific power relation in which regular patterns of inequality are established where by the subortinate group ACCEPTS that position in a sustained arrangement
Through usurpation, parkin argues that subordinate groups or individuals have power
what are Weber’s 4 main social classes?
1) classes priviledged by property or education 2) propertyless intellectuals 3) petite Bourgiesie 4) working class as a whole
Wright: class conflict results not simply over wage levels but also over how much “work effort” is expected
how are classes defined for marx? A) thorugh social relations that connect ppl to resources associated with means of production? B) by their relationship to their status within society and relationship with owning labor C) defined by those who have the most power and those who dont
Parkin: cuz of exclusionary rules, the dominant class possess a legal monopoly of professional services
Grabb believes that power is distributed equally along class lines