FINAL EXAM: chapter 12 - CAGE and education Flashcards
how does educational standards speak to cultural capital?
- they reflect middle/upper class
- encourage participation in school, reading, politics, ect
- the working class struggle cuz of …
- less exposure to educational values
Womens outcomes have surpassed mens since the 80s on all levels
FALSE: true except for PHD’s
“your location in society impacts your access to things (i.e. its not what you know its who you know)”. this the definition of ?
A) social capital
B) cultural capital
C) educational attainment
D) history and patterns
B) cultural capital
what is social capital?
- its an individuals access to social networks and informational resources
- this presumes greater access to economic and cultural capital
what 2 things does Bourdieu talk about?
cultural capital and social capital
what are the trends with Age and life course (near the end of the lecture)
- history impacts opportunity
- generational differences in educational attainment
- higher education increasing after WW2
- shift to credentialism
- baby boom gen. wants greater demands for better life
- updating and adult education
- shift to credentialism
- prior education levels determine future adult participation
list the points with “class and educational attainment”
- Class is more determinative (education shifts ppl)
- labor markets require post secondary education
- no diploma = more likely to be unemployed
- lower SES likely to drop out; High SES less likely
- financial barriers
- 1/3 students dont attend school for this reason
- tuition rising
- family income determinative on p-secondary invovlement
- student aid
- parents educational levels
- affects of parental aspirations
lastly, what are the 6 points with regards to age and educational returns
- young ppl earn less than parents
- men affected more than women
- advanced degrees still have higher earnings
- falling demands for under grad degrees
- concerns about too many overqualified grads
- trends will continue
talk about Race and the returns of education
- education does NOT level the playing field
- minorities dont earn same wages as whites for the same job
- employment rates for professionals and managers are lower
- immigrants experiencing declining prospects
- visible minority women most disadvantaged
- immigrants are over qualified for the jobs that they do
what are the reasons for the history and pattern of gender in education?
- most jobs havent historically required higher levels of education
- family beliefs about availability of work
- poor performance and study habits ripple through time in the future
what are the trends with University and gender in education
- girls outnumber boys in graduate programs
- 58% of undergrads are women
- men and women continue to adhere to gendered ideologies about programs
what are the trends with primary school and Gender
- girls out performing boys
- small advantage to boys after 16 for problem solving and math
- gaps in math closing; reading comprehension growing
- girls have higher marks overall than boys
what are the “returns of education” with respect to class? (i.e. how does education affect your position in society later on?)
- what and where you study matters
- lawyers, doctors, earn more than BA’s
- graduate attendance tied to parents education
- promotion of apprenticeship and trades jobs
how did canadas educational system teach certain ideologies (in the old days?)
- taught class-based, racist, and sexist ideologies
- men taught farming and women taught domestic skills
- ex: residential school
- men taught farming and women taught domestic skills
what are the issues/problems with the notion that “education is the great leveler”?
- cultural claims that it results in upward mobility
- ignores how iniqualities are reproduced
- levels of education affected by CAGE
- access to education varies within provinces
- where you live matters
canadas educational system was instituted to create equality. t or f
how does canadas educational system affect class?
- ones family class affects educational attainment and life trajectory
- parents education impacts chilkdren
- streaming
- AP courses vs regular courses
- money = greater K-12 schooling
- lower SES likely to be in special education
- higher SES have better outcomes
- cultural capital (location in society impacts access to resources; education standards through ones parents; ect.) change access and outcomes
what are the educational returns with regards to gender
- despite higher rates and levels of education …
- women still earn less
- little autonomy
- less likely to be supervisors or managers
- wage gap has changed little
- occupational segregation
- family responsibilities
“visible minorities are more highly educated than the general population”. t or f
women have higher levels of education then men. t or f
FALSE: there both equal
what are the “history and patterns of Gender”?
- men and women equal on education levels
- women surpassed mens outcomes except for PHds; technical, mathematics, and engineering programs
- boys at risk of falling behind
- boys from low SES at risk
- aboriginal minority groups
- girls start out with better communication skills
there are systemic barriers to educational attainment with regards to race