Tetrarchy, Constantine, And The Fall of The West Flashcards
How long did Diocletian reign for?
284-305 A.D
When did Diocletian begin his reign?
284 A.D.
Diocletian was a peasant from what part of Illyricum?
Diocletian’s reign marks the end of what era?
Era of the Barrack Emperors
In what year did Diocletian split the Roman Empire into a tetrachy (a four person rule, a ruler for each of the four new sections)?
293 A.D.
Two of the leaders in the Tetrachy would hold a traditional imperial title, while another two would hold a different traditional imperial title. What were these two titles?
two of them holding the title of Augustus, two of them holding the title of Caesar
Who were the original tetrachs?
Diocletian, Galerius, Maximian, and Constantius Chlorus (father of Constantine the Great)
What was Diocletian’s capital?
What was Galerius’s capital?
What was Maximian’s capital?
What was Constantius Chlorus’s capital?
Augustus Treverorum
Who was Augustus in the East?
Who was Constantius Chlorus’ Caesar in the East?
Who was the last emperor to sack Ctesiphon?
Who did Galerius fight against?
What king did Galerius defeat in order for him to sack Ctesiphon
King Narses
In what year did Galerius sack Ctesiphon?
297 A.D.
Who was Augustus in the West during the First Tetrarchy?
In what year did Maximian became Augustus in the West?
286 A.D.
Who was Maximian’s Caesar in the West?
Constantius Chlorus
Who declared themselves emperor in Britain from 287-293 A.D?
M. Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius
From what years did M. Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius declare himself emperor of Britain?
287-293 A.D.
Who replaced M. Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius as emperor in Britain?
When was Allectus made emperor in Britain?
293 A.D.
In what year did Constantius Chlorus defeat Allectus, restoring Britain?
296 A.D.
Diocletian dealt with what uprising against his rule in Egypt (296-7 A.D.)?
Domitius Domitianus and Aurelius Achilleus
In what years did the uprising of Domitius Domitianus and Aurelius Achilleus take place?
296-7 A.D.
Who was Diocletian’s patron god?
Jove (Jupiter)
Who was Maximian’s patron god?
What edict did Diocletian establish in 301 A.D.?
Edict On Maximum Prices
When did Diocletian establish his Edict On Maximum Prices?
301 A.D.
What baths did Diocletian establish?
Baths of Diocletian
Diocletian is known for his prosecution of what group?
When did Diocletian and Maximian jointly abdicate from the throne?
May 1st, 305 A.D.
Where did Diocletian retire to?
Salona (Split), modern-day Croatia
Who abdicated from the throne jointly with Diocletian?
How long was Constantius Chlorus Augustus in the West after the resignation of Maximian?
305-306 A.D.
Who became Augustus in the West after the resignation of Maximian?
Constantius Chlorus Augustus
How long did Galerius reign as Augustus in the East after the abdication of Diocletian?
305-311 A.D.
Who became Augustus in the East after Diocletian abdicated from the throne?
Who passed the Edict of Toleration in 311 A.D. on their deathbed?
When was the Edict of Toleration established?
311 A.D.
What did the Edict of Toleration end?
Prosecution of Christians
What happened when Maximian tired to reclaim the throne?
Tries to regain throne with and from son Maxentius and also against Constantine, who forces his (Maximian’s) suicide in 310
How long did Maxentius rule as Caesar in the West?
306-312 A.D.
Maxentius was the son of whom?
Who opposed Maxentius coming to the throne as Caesar?
Constantine and Severus II
Who made Maxentius Caesar in the West after the death of Severus the Second in 307 A.D.?
His father Maximian
Who was made Augustus in west by Galerius to oppose Maxentius?
Licinius was Augustus in the west for how long?
308-311 A.D.
After the death of whom was Licinius made Augustus in the east?
When did Galerius die?
311 A.D.
How long was Licinius Augustus in the east?
311 A.D.- 313 A.D.
Who did Licinius defeated to become sole emperor of the empire in 313 A.D.?
Maximinus Daia
When was Licinius made sole emperor?
313 A.D.
Licinius’s sole office of emperor last how long for him?
313-323 A.D.
Constantine the First is also commonly know as whom?
Constantine The Great
How long did Constantine rule for?
306-337 A.D.
When did Constantine the Great begin his reign?
306 A.D.
Who were the parents of Constantine the Great?
Constantius Chlorus and Helena
Upon who’s death was Constantine the Great made emperor?
Constantius Chlorus’s, his father’s
Where was Constantine the Great first proclaimed emperor in 306 B.C.?
Eboracum (York)
What emperor, famous for his successful action against the Goths, is Constantine the Great proclaimed to be a descendant of?
Claudius Gothicus
When did Constantine the Great defeat Maxentius (son of Maximian)?
Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D.
In what year did Constantine the Great defeat Maxentius (son of Maximian)?
312 A.D.
Who did Constantine the Great defeat at Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D.?
Maxentius (son of Maximian)
Describe the vision Constantine the Great had before the battle at Milvian Bridge?
Sometime before the battle, legend has it he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words “Εν Τούτῳ Νίκα”, En toutō níka, usually translated into Latin as “in hoc signo vinces,” both phrases have the literal meaning “In this sign, you shall conquer;”
What words did Constantine the Great see on the cross in his vision?
“Εν Τούτῳ Νίκα”, En toutō níka, usually translated into Latin as “in hoc signo vinces,” both phrases have the literal meaning “In this sign, you shall conquer;”
After the battle at the Mivian Bridge, what part of the empire did Constantine the Great rule?
full control of the west
After the battle at the Mivian Bridge, what part of the empire did Licinius rule?
control of the east
In what year did Constantine the Great defeat Licinius, and become sole emperor of the empire?
324 A.D. at Adrianople and ultimately at Chrysopolis
In what battle was Licinius ultimately defeated?
In what battles were Licinius defeated by Constantine the Great?
324 A.D. at Adrianople and ultimately at Chrysopolis
What edict did Constantine the Great issue, legalizing Christianity throughout the Empire in 313 A.D.?
Edict of Milan
In what year was the Edict of Milan passed?
313 A.D.
What did the Edict of Milan do?
legalized Christianity throughout the Empire
In what year was the council of Nicaea held?
325 A.D.
The council of Nicaea resolved what controversy?
Arian controversy
Arians believes that Jesus was not God, instead he was what?
Subordinate to God, rather than equal to the Holy Ghost and God the Father
Who was an Arian?
Arius of Alexandria
Who opposed Arian?
Athanasius of Alexandria
The Council of Nicaea decided who was wrong?
What came out of the Council of Nicaea?
The Nicene Creed (Apostles’ Creed)
Who was Constantine the Great’s eldest son by his first wife, Minervina?
Who was Minervina?
Constantine the Great’s first wife?
When did Constantine the Great have Crispus executed?
326 A.D.
Whom did Constantine the Great execute in 326 A.D.?
Crispus and also Fausta, his second wife
Who was Constantine the Greats second wife?
When did Constantinople (former Byzantium, modern Istanbul) become the capital of the empire?
330 A.D.
What city was made capital of the empire in 330
Constantinople (former Byzantium, modern Istanbul)
Who was the first emperor to convert to Christianity?
Constantine the Great
When did Constantine the Great die?
337 A.D.
When was Constantine the Great baptized?
shortly before his death in 337 A.D.
After Constantine the Great’s death, what three sons of his split the empire between themselves?
Constantine II, Constans I, Constantius II
What sons did Constantine’s second wife, Fausta, give to him?
Constantine II, Constans I, Constantius II
How long did Constantine the Second reign for?
337–340 A.D.
What provinces did Constantine the Second recieve to rule?
Gaul, Britannia, Hispania, and Mauretania
Who defeated Constantine the Second in battle?
Constans I
Who reigned from 337-350 A.D?
Constans I
How long did Constans I reign for?
337-350 A.D
What provinces did Constans I recieve?
Italy, Africa, Illyricum, Pannonia, Macedonia, and Achaea
How did Constans I die?
Who gave orders to assassinate Constans I?
Magnentius, a British and Frankish officer
How long did Constantius II reign for?
337-361 A.D.
Who received Constantinople, Thrace, Asia Minor,
Syria, Egypt, and Cyrenaica to rule?
Constantius II
Who did Constantius II fight against in 351 A.D.?
Who killed themselves in 353 A.D. after being defeated by Constantius II?
When did Constantius II die?
Died of illness on his way to battle his cousin Julian in the east.
How long did Julian reign for?
361-363 A.D
How was Julian related to Constantine the Great?
Nephew of Constantine the Great
Who was the last emperor of the Constantinian line?
Why is Julian known as the “Apostate”?
tried to restore paganism throughout the empire
Who tried to restore paganism throughout the empire?
Julian, the “Apostate”
What Persian ruler did Julian fight?
Shapur II
What group did Julian fight?
Who died of a spear wound said to have been thrown by a Christian?
How long did Jovian reign for?
363-364 A.D
How many months did Jovian reign for?
8 months
Who was Jovian?
General, unrelated to Constantine’s family who ruled for 8 months
Who negotiated a treaty with Shapur II?
How was Jovian towards paganism?
Rescinded the pagan policies of Julian
The Battle of Adrianople (378 A.D.) was fought against whom?
Goths under Fritigern
Who led the Goths at the Battle of Adrianople?
In what day, month, and year did the Battle of Adrianople take place in?
August 9th, 378 A.D.
The Battle of Adrianople was a crushing defeat for whom?
The Romans
What Roman died at the Battle of Adrianople?
Valens ruled where?
in the east
Where did Gratian rule?
in the west
How long did Gratian rule for?
375-383 A.D. in west
Gratian was the son of whom?
Valentinian I
Who convinced Gratian to renounce the title of pontifex maximus and remove the altar of victory?
St. Ambrose of Milan
Gratian was killed and defeated by whom?
usurper Magnus Maximus, commander in
What emperor was the son of Valentinian I and half-brother of Gratian?
Valentinian II
At what age was Valentinian II made co-Augustus in the west?
4 years of age (375 A.D.)
Who defeated and killed Valentinian II in 392 A.D.?
Frankish commander named Arbogast
After his defeat of Valentinian II in 392 A.D., Arbogast installed who as emperor?
Eugenius as emperor
How long did Theodosius I reign for in the east as co-Augustus?
379-392 A.D.
How long did Theodosius I reign for as emperor of the whole empire?
392-395 A.D.
Who was defeated at the Battle of the Frigidus River in 394 A.D.?
emperor Eugenius
Who won at the Battle of the Frigidus River?
Theodosius I
In what year did the Battle of the Frigidus River occur?
394 A.D.
Who was the last emperor to rule over both the west and the east?
Theodosius I
Theodosius I made what religion the official one of the state?
Theodosius I closed all temples that were associated with what type of religion?
What games did Theodosius I end?, because of their association with paganism?
Olympic games
Who was the bishop of Milan?
St. Ambrose
Theodosius I was forced to repent for what massacre by St Ambrose?
massacre at Thessalonica
When did Theodosius I die?
395 A.D.
Who were the sons and successors of Theodosius I?
Honorius and Arcadius
What son of Theodosius I ruled in the west?
What son of Theodosius I ruled in the eat?
How long did Arcadius rule in the east for?
395-408 A.D.
How old was Arcadius when he became emperor?
17 or 18 years old
Who was Stilicho?
Flavius Stilicho was a high-ranking general in the Roman army who, for a time, became the most powerful man in the Western Roman Empire. He was half Vandal and married to the niece of Emperor Theodosius I.
Who was Arcadius’s corrupt Praetorian Prefect?
Who rivaled Stilicho?
Praetorian Prefect Rufinus
Who conspired to have Praetorian Prefect Rufinus killed?
Stilicho conspired with Gainas, an Ostrogoth, to have Rufinus killed
How long did Honorius reign in the West for?
395- 423 A.D.
How old was Honorius when he became emperor?
10 years old
Where did Honorius move the western capital to?
Who was Alaric?
King of the Visogoths
Where did Stilicho defeat Alaric?
the Battle of Pollentia (402 A.D.) and Battle of Verona (403 A.D.)
In what year did the Battle of Pollentia take place?
402 A.D.
In what year did the Battle of Verona take place?
403 A.D.
What was Stilicho’s military title under Honorius?
magister utriusque militiae, master of both cavalry and infantry
In what year was Stilicho executed?
408 A.D.
Why did Honorius execute Stilicho?
charges of Stilicho colluding with Alaric
In what year did Alaric of the Visigoths sack the city Rome (first time Rome was sacked in 800 years since Brennus)?
August 24th, 410 A.D.
Who sacked the city of Rome on August 24th, 410 A.D.?
Alaric of the Visigoths
Who succeeded Aleric?
Who was taken captive by Aleric during his sack of Rome?
Galla Placidia, the daughter of Theodosius I and halfsister of Honorius
How long did Valentinian the Third rule for in the West?
425-455 A.D. in the west
Who were the parents of Valentinian the Third?
Galla Placidia and Constantius III
What general defeated Atilla the Hun at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (Chalons) in 451 A.D?
Flavius Aetius
In what battle was Atilla the Hun defeated by Flavius Aetius in 451 A.D.?
the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (Chalons)
In what year did the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (Chalons) occur?
451 A.D.
Who was Valentinian the Third’s sister?
What bishop convinced Attila to make peace with Rome, or to withdraw from Italy without carrying off Valentinian III’s sister, Honoria (453
Bishop of Rome, Leo I
When did Bishop of Rome, Leo I convince Attila to make peace with Rome, or to withdraw from Italy without carrying off Valentinian III’s sister, Honoria?
453 A.D.
Why was general Flavius Aetius executed by Valentinian’s III?
Valentinian III wasunder the influence of Petronius Maximus and the chamberlain Heraclius (454 A.D.)
Who was the king of the Vandals?
In what year did Gaiseric sack Carthage?
439 A.D.
What city did Gaiseric sack in 439 A.D.?
When did Gaiseric sack and plunder Rome?
June 3rd, 455 A.D
Gaiseric abducted who during his sack of Rome on June 3rd, 455 A.D?
Valentinian III’s daughters, the younger Placidia and Eudocia
How long did Theodosius II reign in the east for?
408 A.D.-450 A.D. in the east
What women dominated Theodosius II’s rule?
his sister Pulcheria, and wife Aelia Eudoxia
What work compiled all the Romans laws passed since 312 A.D. into a book of law?
Codex Theodosianus by Theodosius II
What is the first university in the wolrd?
The Imperial University of Constantinople
Where was The Imperial University of Constantinople located?
Who founded The Imperial University of Constantinople
Theodosius II
In what year was The Imperial University of Constantinople founded?
425 A.D.
Theodosius II held the longest reign since whom?
Theodosius II ruled what part of the empire?
The east
How did Theodosius II die?
riding incident (450 A.D.)
When did Theodosius II die?
450 A.D.
How did the eastern ruler Martian reign for?
450 A.D.-457 A.D.
How long did the eastern ruler Leo I rule for?
457-474 A.D.
Leo I’s attack on Gaiseric
a (failed) three-pronged attack on Gaiseric in 468 A.D. after he had obtained release of Eudoxia and Placidia the Younger.
How long did Zeno rule for in the east?
474-491 A.D.
Zeno ruled as emperor in the east after what part had already fallen?
the west
How long did the Eastern ruler Justinian rule for?
527 A.D.-565 A.D.
What law code, similar to that of Theodosius II, did Justinian pass?
Corpus Iuris Civilis
Who did Justinian send to attempt to reconquer the western Roman Empire?
Belisarius to try to reconquer the western empire
Who was Ricimer in the west?
grandson of the Visigothic Wallia, and an Arrian, Christian, placed several of these guys on the throne and was named magister utriusque militiae under Avitus
Who succeeded Ricimer in his position?
Gundobad, Ricimer’s Burgundian nephew, succeeded him in the same position (472 A.D.)
Who was the last western emperor of Rome?
Romulus Augustulus
When did Romulus Augustulus reign in the west?
475-476 A.D
Who placed Romulus Agustulus on the throne?
Orestes, the successor to Gundobad and father Romulus Augustulus, placed him on the throne
What was Orestes former position?
secretary to Attila the Hun
Who deposed of Romulus Agustulus?
German king Odoacer
When was Romulus Augustulus deposed?
September 476
Who was emperor in the east while Romulus Augustulus was emperor in the west?
How was Odoacer killed?
Theoderic the Great (Ostrogoth) killed Odoacer at a banquet circa 493 A.D.
What Roman emperor had been a cavalryman under Gallienus?
Diocletian previously served as cavalry man under what Roman emperor?
Who was elevated to the rank of Caesar by Diocletian after crushing the revolt of the Bacaudae, before becoming co-Augustus with him?
What group of desperate, rebelling peasants was crushed by Maximian, resulting in him appointed Caesar to Diocletian?
What rank was Maximian elevated to after crushing the revolt of the Bacaudae?
What enemy of Rome cleared the British Channel of pirates in 286 AD?
Marcus Aurelius Carausius
Carausius cleared what body of water of pirates in 286 AD?
British/English Channel
When did Carausius clear the British Channel of pirates?
286 AD
How many provinces / dioceses did Diocletian divide the empire into?
What Roman emperor divided the empire into 12 provinces, called dioceses?
Give the Latin term for the individual that would be in control of a dioces
What Roman emperor turned the empire from 40 regions to 105?
Diocletian turned the empire from how many to how many regions?
40 - 105
Diocletian’s wife was of what religious faith?
What Roman emperor’s wife was Christian?
What Roman emperor died at Eboracum on July 25th, 306 AD?
Constantius Chlorus
On what day, month, and year did Constantius Chlorus die?
July 25th, 306 AD
When was the Conference of Carnuntum, arranged between Diocletian and members of the 2nd Tetrarchy?
308 AD
A conference at what location was called in 308 AD, between Diocletian and members of the 2nd Tetrarchy?
Carnuntum was located in what Roman province?
Name the wife of Licinius, also the half-sister of Constantine I
Constantia was the half-sister of what Roman emperor?
Constantine I / The Great
Constantia was the wife of what Roman emperor?
When was the Battle of Aquileia, which led to the death of Constantine II?
340 AD
What battle was in 340 AD?
Battle of Aquileia
Name the victorious Roman emperor, and the Roman emperor who lost and died at Aquileia in 340 AD
Victorious: Constans I
Loser/Dead: Constantine II
At what battle was Constans I victorious over his brother Constantine II, killing him in 340 AD?
Battle of Aquileia
What usurper in late Roman history was defeated by Constantius II?
What Roman emperor defeated Magnentius, who comitted suicide after?
Constantius II
What Roman emperor was killed at Ctesiphon while fighting Shapur II?
At what city was the emperor Julian killed while fighting Shapur II?
The emperor Julian was killed at Ctesiphon while fighting what Persian king?
Shapur II
Ammianus Marcellinus writes in great detail about the emperorship of what Roman emperor?
What Roman wrote in great detail about the emperorship of Julian?
Ammianus Marcellinus
What Roman emperor stopped condemning Christians to gladiatorial games?
Valentinian I
Valentinian I stopped condemning people of this type of religious faith to gladiatorial games?
How did Valentinian I die?
Of a stroke during negotiations with the Quadi
What Roman emperor, while negotiating with the Quadi, died of a stroke?
Valentinian I
Valentinian I died of a stroke while negotiating with what tribe?
What Roman emperor created the office of defensor civitatis?
Valentinian I
What office did Valentinian I create?
Defensor Civitatis
What Roman general put down a revolt by Firmicus?
Count Theodosius (father of the emperor)
Theodosius (father of the emperor) put down a revolt led by what man?
What two tribes, led by Fritigern, killed Valens on August 9th, 378 AD at Adrianople?
Ostrogoths and Visigoths
What usurper was proclaimed emperor by his soldiers in Britain, 383 AD?
Magnus Maximus
When was Magnus Maximus proclaimed emperor by his soldiers in Britain?
383 AD
What Roman emperor accepted Magnus Maximus as his co-emperor after Maximus killed Gratian?
Theodosius I
What man did Theodosius I accept as his co-emperor, after he overthrew and executed Gratian?
Magnus Maximus
Who was the magister militum of Theodosius I?
What position did Stilicho hold under Theodosius I?
Magister Militum
What Roman emperor died at Milan in 395 AD?
Theodosius I
What location did Theodosius I die at?
Milan / Mediolanum
What Roman emperor was unique because he had the consulship bestowed upon him at birth?
At birth, Honorius had what Republican-era office bestowed upon him?
In 402 AD, the captial of the Western Roman empire is moved from what location to Ravenna?
Milan / Mediolanum
When is the capital of the Western Roman empire moved from Mediolanum to Ravenna?
402 AD
In 402 AD, the capital of the Western Roman empire is moved from Mediolanum to what Roman fortress?
What battle in Roman history is that last ever to have a triumphal parade after it?
Battle of Pollentia
The Battle of Polletia is unique because it’s the last one to have what sort of celebration after it?
A triumph
What Roman commander effectively abandoned Britain to defeat Alaric?
Stilicho had to remove troops from this region, essentially abandoning it, in order to deal with Alaric
Britain / Britannia
Name the daughter of Theodosius I who would marry both Ataulf and Constantius III
Galla Placidia
Name the father of Galla Placidia, a Roman emperor
Theodosius I
Name the husbands of Galla Placidia
Ataulf, Constantius III
Name the half-sister of Honorius and Arcadius
Galla Placidia
Galla Placidia was the half-sister of what two Roman emperors?
Arcadius, Honorius
Name the mother of Valentinian III
Galla Placidia
Galla Placidia was the mother of what Roman emperor?
Valentinian III
Name the two kings of the Visigoths in order after Alaric
Ataulf, Wallia
What king of the Visigoths was the successor to Alaric?
Name the predecessor of Ataulf, king of the Visigoths
What king of the Visigoths was the successor to Ataulf?
Name the predecessor of Wallia, king of the Visigoths
What Roman commander burned the Sibylline Books in 405 AD?
What objects did Stilicho burn in 405 AD?
Sibylline Books
When did Stilicho burn the Sibylline Books?
405 AD
When was the battle of Faesulae, the decisive battle of the War against Radagaisus?
406 AD
What battle was in 406 AD?
Battle of Faesulae
Name the victorious and losing commanders at Faesulae in 406 AD
Victorious: Stilicho
Losing: Radagaisus
At what battle did Stilicho decisively defeat Radagaisus, in 406 AD?
Battle of Faesulae
What woman did Atilla the Hun want to abduct from Rome, the sister of Valentianian III?
What Roman emperor kills Flavius Aetius?
Valentinian III
What magister equitum of his does Valentinian III kill in 454 AD?
Flavius Aetius
Who succeeded Aetius as magister equitum of Valentinian III?
Ricimer succeded what man as magister equitum of Valentinian III?
Flavius Aetius
What position did both Ricimer and Aetius hold in relation to Valentinian III?
Magister Equitum
Name the two Magister Equitum of Valentinian III
Flavius Aetius, Ricimer
What Roman arranged for the murdering of both Valentinian III and Heraclius (the replacement of Aetius)?
Petronius Maximus
What Roman emperor was murdered by a plot spearheaded by Petronius Maximus?
Valentinian III
What two men were recognized as emperor after the death of Valentinian III?
Avitus, Majorian
Avitus and Majorian were both recognized as emperor after the death of what man in 455 AD?
Valentinian III
What notable Roman backed Majorian’s claim to the throne after the death of Valentinian III, and later put many other “puppet emperors” on the throne?
What man did Ricimer back to be emperor after the death of Valentinian III?
What Eastern emperor recognized Majorian as emperor in the West on April 1st, 457 AD, partly due to Ricimer’s insistence?
Leo I
Leo I recognized what emperor as the emperor in the West on April 1st, 457 AD, partly due to the insistence of Ricimer?
On what day, month, and year, was Majorian made emperor of the West by Leo I?
April 1st, 457 AD
What Roman emperor was killed on August 21st, 461 AD?
On what day, month, and year was Majorian killed?
August 21st, 461 AD
Who killed Majorian?
What Roman emperor was appointed after Majorian?
Libius Severus / Severus III
Severus III was appointed emperor after the death of what previous Roman emperor?
How was Severus III killed?
Poisoned by Ricimer
Who killed Severus III?
What Roman emperor was killed in 465 AD by being poisoned by Ricimer, the very person who appointed him in the first place?
Severus III
What Roman emperor succeeded Severus III?
Anthemius was proclaimed emperor after the death of what previous Roman emperor?
Severus III
What Roman emperor failed to expel Visigothic King Euric from Spain, leading to Ricimer having him killed in 472 AD?
What king of the Visigoths did Anthemius fail to expel from Spain, leading to his death by Ricimer?
Euric was another king of what people?
Who killed Anthemius?
Who did Ricimer appoint emperor after he had Anthemius killed?
Olybrius was appointed emperor after the death of what previous Roman emperor by Ricimer?
How did Olybrius surprisingly die, unlike Majorian, Severus III, and Anthemius?
Natural Causes
What Roman emperor was the only one of Ricimer’s “puppet emperors” to die of natural causes?
Name the four “puppet-emperors” of Ricimer
Majorian, Libius Severus (Severus III), Anthemius, Olybrius
Majorian, Severus III, Anthemius, and Olybrius were influenced to become emperor by what man, who really ruled Rome at the time?
Name the son of Arcadius who succeeded him as emperor
Theodosius II
Name the father of Theodosius II, also the previous emperor
How old was Theodosius II when he become emperor of Rome?
7 years old
What region of Italy was Romulus Augustulus sent to live out the rest of his life after being deposed by Odoacer?
What Roman emperor was sent to Campania to live out the rest of his life, after being deposed by Odoacer?
Romulus Augustulus
Where was Odoacer killed by Theodoric the Great?
What usurper was killed at Ravenna by Theodoric I, in 493 AD?
Where had Carausius been stationed before he began his rebellion?
What Roman, stationed at Gesoriacum, staged a rebellion against the Western Tetrarchy?
Marcus Aurelius Carausius
What Praetorian Prefect under Constantius Chlorus defeaeted Allectus near Silchester at the end of the rebellion of Carausius?
Asclepiodotus defeated what successor of Carausius, near Silchester at the end of his rebellion?
Near what location did Asclepiodotus defeat Allectus?
Asclepiodotus was the Praetorian Prefect of what Roman emperor?
Constantius Chlorus
What position was held by Asclepiodotus, in relation to Constantius Chlorus?
Praetorian Prefect
In what year did Theodosius order the closure of all pagan temples?
391 AD
What deed did Theodosius do in 391 AD?
Ordering the closure of all pagan temples
Zeno was originally a chieftain in what mountainous Turkish region, whose people later led an extended revolt against the rule of Anastasius I?
Isaura / Isauria
What Roman emperor of the East was originally a chieftain of the Isaurians?
In 532 AD, agitators from two chariot-racing factions set fire to several important buildings in Constantinople in what set of riots, but were crushed by Justinian’s general Belisarius?
Nika Riots
During the reign of what Roman emperor did the Nika Riots occur?
Justinian I
When were the Nika Riots?
532 AD
What general of Justinian I crushed the Nika Riots?
During the Nika Riots, agitators from two chariot-racing factions set fire to several important buildings in what famous city?
Constantinople / Byzantium
Name the wife and daughter of Diocletian
Prisca; Galeria Valeria
What Roman emperor was the husband of Prisca?
What Roman emperor was the father of Galeria Valeria?
What Roman emperor beheaded Diocletian’s wife and daughter (Prisca and Valeria)?
What two people did Licinius behead, a prior emperor’s wife and daughter?
Prisca and Galeria Valeria
Name the son of Galerius
Candidianus was the son of what Roman emperor?
What Roman emperor executed a rival’s son, Candidianus?
What son of a rival, Galerius, did Licinius execute?
At waht battle did Licinius defeat Maximinus Daia?
Battle of Tzirallum
Name the victor and loser at the Battle of Tzirallum
Victor: Licinius
Loser: Maximinus Daia
At what city did Maximinus Daia commit suicide?
What Roman emperor committed suicide at Tarsus, having lost to Licinius at Tzirallum and being chased by him to that location?
Maximinus Daia