Testing and Individual Differences Flashcards
test items have been piloted on a similar population of people as those who are meant to take the test and establish achievement norms
split-half reliability
randomly dividing test into two different sections and correlating performances on two halves
equivalent-form reliability
correlation between performance on different forms of the test
test-retest reliability
correlation between a person’s score on one administration of the test with the same person’s score on a subsequent administration of test
face validity
refers to the superficial measure of accuracy; is it suitable for the population you are measuring?
content validity
refers to how well a measure reflects the entire range of material it is supposed to be measuring
concurrent validity
how much of a characteristic a person has now (or in the future)
predictive validity
measure of future performance or potential
construct validity
most meaningful form of validity, demonstrates association between test scores and prediction of theoretical trait
speed test
how quickly a person can solve problems
power test
gauging difficulty level of problems
fluid intelligence
our ability to solve abstract problems and pick up new information and skills
crystallized intelligence
using knowledge accumulated over time
Who is Charles Spearman and what did he prove?
he used factor analysis to conclude that underlying all individual factors for intelligence is one factor, “g”.
Who is Howard Gardner and what did he prove?
he subscribed to the idea of multiple intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical and spatial. This also includes musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist intelligence