Test Five Flashcards
Prokaryotic cells lack a…
Nuclues and Membrane Bound Organelles
Most bacteria cells exhibit one of three basic shapes…
shperes, rods & spirals
Bacilii means…
Cocci means…
Spirillum means…
Bacteria reproduce _____________ by _______________ but most occasionally exchange some genetic material.
asexually; binay fission
Archaea live in…
extreme conditions
Archaea are not associated with…
Human disease
Protista are from what domain?
Name for Fungus like protista
Slime molds and Water molds
Name for animal like protista
Name for plant like protista
Slime molds gather their food by…
decomposing their food
Protozoa are broken down into four main groups–
Identify these four groups and give the main characteristic.
Flagellates - move using a flagella
Ciliates - Move using cilia
Amoeboids - Move using pseudopodia
Sporozoans - Rely on their host to move
All algae have this in common?
Algae are grouped by this feature?
Photosynthis Mechanics
Algae lacks…
True stems, leaves and roots.
The four main algae groups are…
Green, Red, Brown, and Golden Algae
This algae is also known as diatoms
golden algae
Fungi are more closely related to…
Fungi are…
A. heterotrophic
B. autotrophic
C. Monotrophic
D. Homotrophic
A. Heterotrophic
Fungi store their energy as…
Animalia store their energy as…
Single celled fungi are called…
Fillamentous fungi are called…
Aquatic fungi that produce flagellated gammetes….
Chytrid Fungi
Phylum Chytridomychota
Produces zygospores as their sexual reproductive spores
Zygote fungi
Phylum Zygomychota
Produce ascospores within a special structure termed an ascus
sac fungi
phylum ascomychota
Produce basidiospores in a basidium
Club Fungi
Phylum Basidiomychota
Yeast reproduced by…
A fungus living in close association with an algae is called a…
Three examples are…
Crustose, fruticose, foliose
The two organisms in lichens are in a…relationship that is…
symbitoic; mutualistic
Particles consisting of a nucleic acid in a protein coat
Circular molecule of RNA that effects plants
Missfolded proteins that infect cells
Plants alternate generations. The diploid stage is called… and the haploid stage is called…
What are the four divisions of plants
What is the scientific name and description of mosses
Briophytes - seedless and avascular
What is the scientific name and description of ferns
Pteridophytes - seedless and vascular
What is the scientific name and description of conifers
Gymnosperms - naked seeds, vascular
What is the scientific name and description of flowering plants
Angioserms - enclosed seeds
Bryophytes require… for fertilization
Bryophytes get their water thorugh…
The study of how organisms interact with their environment
A network of organisms and their physical environment
Group of interbreeding organisms within a specific location
A collectionof populations in a specific locatioin
Non living material
abiotic components
Organisms that live very close together
Both symbiots benefit
One symbiot benefits and the other is unaffected
One symbiot benefits at the expense of another
Use carbon dioxide as a carbon source
plants and algae
Use organic molecules from other organisms as a carbon source
herbivors, omnivors, carnivors, and decomposers
The food chain is divided into groups that feed in a similar manner called…
trophic levels.
The trophic levels are…
producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers
In actuality the food chain is more of a
food web
Energy Pyramid – approximately… of potential energy is transfered to the next trophic level
The four facors that affect population size are…
Birth, Death, Immigration, Emigration
The maximum number of offspring an animalcapable of producing is…
biotic potential
All individuals within a population are producing within their biotic potential
Intrinsic rate of increase.
Factors that prevent a population from gorwing at its intrinsic rate of increase are…
enviromental resistance factors including: carrying capacity, density independant factors, density dependant factors.
The unique way in which an organism interacts withits environment…
A biogeochamical… is normally unavailable
A biogeochemical…is the source for organisms
exchange pool
The three stages of the water cycle are…
evaporation, condensation, precipitation
The two stages of the phosphorous cycle are…
upheavel and weathering
The three stages to the nitrogen cycle are…
nitorgen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification
the two stages of the carbon cycle are…
photosynthesis and respiration
Factors that effect ecosystem are…
solar radiation, topogrophy
Terestrial ecosystems are called…
The eight biomes on earth are…
tropical forrest
temperate grassland
temperate deciduos forrest
coniferous forrest
Describe Tundra
Areas of extream cold and little precipitation. Treeless due to permafrost.
Describe coniferous forrest.
Areas with long cold winters.
Most precipitation is snow.
Poor nutrient content soil.
Describe temperate forrest.
Areas with four distinct seasons.
Deciduous trees.
Rich soil
Describe tropical forests.
Found close to the equater.
Tremendous biodiversity.
Poor soil.
Describe Savannahs.
Areas of warm climate with a long dry season.
Lots of grasses, few trees.
Describe temperate grasslands.
Areas with wide range of temperatures.
Extreamly fertile.
Describe chaperal.
Areas with mild rainy winters and long hot, dry summers.
Waxy leaf addaptations for retaining moisture.
Describe deserts.
Areas that are dry and may be very hot or very cold.
Fertile soil if water is available.
Aquatic ecosystems include…
freshwater, saltwater, and esutaries.
Estuaries are
where fresh water and salt water meet.
All lakes and ponds can be divided into three zones, list and describe these zones.
Littoral zone- close to water surface and to shore
limnetic zone- close to water surface, but far from shore
profundal zone- deep water habitats in pond and lakes
Biotic organisms in estuaries have
adaptations that allow them to deal with changing alinity conditions.
Ocean habitats are divided by either…or…
depth of water; proximity to shore
Intertidal Zone is the
closest marine zone to shore
sometimes underwater, sometime above water
Neritic Zone is the
underwater marine zone habitat near to the coast
Oceanic Zone is the
marine habitat that is the farther out deep zone
The colonization of bare land devoid of soil
primary succesion
The colonization of land with soil intact
secondary succession.