Test Construction Flashcards
Item Characteristic Curve
A graphical representation of test item’s difficulty, discrimination, and chance of false positive. Difficulty (degree of attribute needed to pass item): indicated by position of curve on the X axis. Discrimination (ability to differentiate between high and low scorers): indicated by slope of the curve. Chance of false positives (probability of getting answer correct by guessing): indicated by the Y-intercept of the curve
Criterion-Related Validity Coeffecient
A value that indicates strength of a correlation between test scores and performance on a chosen construct.
Test Characteristic Curve
A graphical representation of the expected number of test items a participant answers correctly versus the constructs measured by the test
Item difficulty
AKA item difficulty index or ‘p’. Defined as the percentage of examinees that answer the item correctly (how much of the attribute and individual must possess to pass the item).
What are the item difficulty (p) ranges?
0 and 1. 0 menas that no one passed the item (too hard) and 1 means that everyone passed (too easy). Average item difficulty should be 0.5
With item difficulty, what are the floor and ceiling effects?
Floor effects refers to a test’s ability to distinguish people at the low end of a distribution, while ceiling effects refers to a test’s ability to distinguish people at the high end of a distribution.
What is item discrimination?
The ability of the item to unambiguously separate out those who fail from those who pass. Can be visually represented with discrimination as the slope of the curve. Steeper slopes indicate more discrimination.
How is item discrimination assessed?
Index D (item discrimination index): difference between the proportion of low-scoreers who answered the item correctly and high-scorers who answered the item correctly.
What are the D ranges?
1 to -1; it is desirable to have positive values of D, which would indicate that more high-scoring examinees (rather than low-scoring examinees) answered the item correctly
Ratio measure
A level of measurement describing a variable with attributes that have all the qualities of nominal, ordinal, and interval measures as well as a true zero point; measurement of physical objects is an example of ratio measure.
Interval measure
A level of measurement describing a variable whose attributes are rank-ordered and have equal distances between adjacent attributes with no true zero point; the Farenheit temp scale s an example of this, because the distance between 17 an 18 is the same as the distance between 89 and 90
Nominal scale
A variable whose attributes are simply representations for groups and have no ranked relationship; gender would be example of a nominal scale of measurement because male does not imply more gender than female.
Item Response Theory
IRT focuese on determining specific parameters of test items. Makes use of characteristic curves, which provide info about item difficulty, item discrimination, and the probability of false positives.
Assumptions of IRT
Single underlying trait, relationship between trait and item response can be displayed in item characteristic curve, and requires large sample size.
Computer Adaptive Assessment
Uses IRT; customizes test to the examinee’s ability level.
Classical Test Theory
CTT; AKA Classical Measurement Theory, is an approach to testing that assumes that individual items are as good a measure of a latent trait as other items; thus, CTT focuses on the reliability of a set of items. in CTT, item and test parameters are sample’dependent
Kappa Coefficient
Measured the degree to which judges agree. Measure of inter-rater reliability. Increases when raters are well-trained and aware of being observed. Applicable only with nominal, ordinal, or discontinuous data.
Ranges of Kappa Coefficient
-1 to +1; .80 - .90 indicates good agreement
Convergent Validity
Indicates the degree of correlation between two instruments that are intended to measure the same thing
Metric Data
A term used to refer to interval/ratio data
Continuous Data
A term used to refer to interval/ratio data
Internal Consistency
A measure indicating the extent to which items within and instrument are correlated to each other; internal consistency indicates the extent to which the given items measure the same construct
Kuder-Richardson Formula 20
A method of evaluating internal consistency reliability; used when test items are dichotomously scored; used when test items vary in difficulty; indicates the degree to which test items are homogenous; falsely elevates internal consistency when used with timed tests
Single-Subjects Designs
One or more participants and are focuses on assessing variables within and individual rather than between individuals. They are ideographic (differences within a participant) rather than nomothetic (differences between participants)
2 types of single-subject designs
Case study (describes an individual by using tests or naturalistic observation) or experimental (determine how the introduction of a factor affects behavior)
Problems with single-subject designs
Autocorrelation (when measured on the same variable multiple times, the variable becomes correlated with itself); Time-intensive (multiple assessments or intense observations are time-consuming); Generalizability (may not generalize); Practice effects (scores may increase from practice)
An approach to personality that focuses on groups of individuals and tries to find the commonalities between individuals.
Very high multiple correlations among some of all predictors in an equation.
Quantitative Research
Systematic empirical exploration or relationships; deductive, rather than inductive. Involves the collection and statistical analysis of quantitative data, whose results can often be generalized.
Refers to the consistence or repeatability of data; pertains to quantitative research
Test for differences in the mean scores of groups based on one or more variables. DV must be continuous and IV must be categorical. Tests the null hypothesis that the means of the group are equal.
ANOVA assumptions
Independence of observations (each participant in only one cell); Normality (distribution of scores cluster around the mean with fewer observations fallen farther from the mean; AKA bell-chaped curve); and Homogeneity of Variance (variance of every group is same as variance of every other group, AKA homoscedasticity.
2 types of ANOVA
One-Way ANOVA (test the main effect of one IV); or Two-Way ANOVA (tests main effects of first IV (A), second IV (B), and the interaction of the two (A*B))
Interaction effect (ANOVA)
The effect of one IV on the DV differs depending on the level of the other IV
What are F-ratios?
Ratios of effect variance to error variance. In One-Way ANOVA, there is one F-ratio of the effect of the IV. In a Two-Way ANOVA, there are three F-ratios (main effect A, B, and interaction effect)
Advantages of Two-Way Anova over One-Way Anova:
Includes interaction effects; increases power; reduces familywise error rate.
The violation of the assumption of homogeneity, such that the variances of the groups are not equal. ANOVA is robust to such a violation, if there are no outliers, sample sizes are large and fairly equal, sample sizes within levels are relatively equal, and the hypothesis is two-tailed.
Chi-Square Test
Statistical method of testing for an association between categorical variables; specifically, it tests for the equality of expected and observed frequencies or proportions.
An extension of ANOVA methods to cover cases where there is more than one DV and where the DVs cannot simply be combined. The MANOVA combines the DVs in such a way as to maximize differences between groups. In addition to identifying whether changes in the IV have a significant effect on the DV, the technique seeks to identify the interactions among the IVs and the DVs, if any.
A general linear model with one continuous DV and one or more IVs, plus a covariate. ANCOVA is a merger of ANOVA and regression for continuous variables. ANCOVA test where IVs have an effect after removing the variance for which one of more covariates account; the inclusion of covariates can increase statistical power because it accounts for some of the variability.
Dichotomous/Continuous Variables
Continuous variables assume an intermediate value between two other values and there can be an infinite amount of possible values between those two values. Dichotomous variables have only two values (yes or no)
Point-biserial correlation
Examines the relationship between a dichotomous variable and a continuous variable. Can only be used with TRUE dichotomous variables.
Biserial correlation coefficients
Examine the relationship between an artificially-created (made form a continuous variable) dichotomous variable and a continuous variable
Spearman’s rho
This correlation coefficient is used when measuring the relationship between two ranked variables giving a rank-order correlation.
Pearson’s r
This correlation coefficient is used when measuring the relationship between two continuous variables
Measures the amount of variance in a set of tests or items that can be accounted for by an underlying factor. Used in factor analysis and principal components analysis. Often converted into percentages to determine percentage of variance in a set of test items accounted for by an underlying factor. Factor analysis will provide same # of eigenvalues as there are items or tests.
What do large eigenvalues indicate?
An underlying factor is explaining a large amount of variance in a set of items or tests.
Inferential statistics
Deal with formulating conclusions and making inferences from collected data
Multiple regression
A manner of regression analysis in which one or more predictor variables are used to predict a single criterion variable.
Factor Analysis
A statistical technique that identifies underlying patterns in a data set.
Goals of factor analysis
Identify underlying factors that are responsible for variation in a set of items, variables, or tests; Reduce a large set of variables to a smaller number of underlying factors.
What are factor loadings?
Produced by factor analysis (along with eigenvalues) and provide a measure of the correlation between an item and an underlying construct. Higher factor loadings indicate that the underlying factor is accounting for a large amount of variance in the item.
When is factor rotation used?
To aid in interpretation of factor loadings from a factor analysis
Discriminant analysis
A statistical method utilized to predict group membership.
Path Analysis
A correlational technique that tests directional hypotheses among multiple IVs and multiple DVs simultaneously.
Moderator Variable
Changes the relationship between a predictor and a criterion variable; equivalent to an interaction effect in ANOVA; background variables such as gender, and SES, are common moderators. When moderator variables are present, a test has differential validity (validity differs depending on the level of the moderator, such as whether one is male or female)
Administering a test to a new sample, one that is different from the original validating sample, so as to evaluate the test’s validity on another sample of subjects
Criterion Contamination
A misleading increase in a test’s validity, in which raters give subjects scores on the criterion variable after being privy to the subject’s scores on the predictor variable.
Discrete variable
A variable that is measure on either nominal or ordinal scales
A result of corss-validation in which there is a decrease in the validity coefficient due to sample differences.
Confounding variable
A variable that affects the dependent or criterion variable, but is of now interest to the researcher
One-tailed test
AKA directional test; test for rejection in only one tail; greater chance of rejecting null hypothesis
Two-tailed test
AKA non-directional test; tests for rejection in both tails; able to reject null hypothesis in both tails, but each tail has a greater chance of rejecting the null hypothesis
Standardized score that allows for a participant’s score to be compared to the norm group. Mean of 50 with a standard deviation of 10
Mean of 10 and standard deviation of 1
What are the %s and T-scores for one standard deviation from the mean?
68% of scores, or T-score between 40-60.
What percentage of scores and the T-scores fall within two standard deviations from the mean?
95% or T-scores between 30-70
Stanine Score
Mean of 5 and standard deviation of 2.
Trend Analysis
An extension of ANOVA. Identifies trends in data when the IV varies from highest to lowest. (Ex. if one group is given 5 mg of meds, a 2nd group gets 10 mg and a third group is given 15 mg.
Linear trend
Means are arranged in a line
Quadratic trend
Means arranged in a U shape
Cubic trend
Means arranged around two points of inflection
Quartic trend
Means arranged around three points of inflection
Means arranged around four points of inflection
Multiple correlation (R)
Deals with the correlation between an optimally weighted linear combination of predictors and a criterion. (Multiple regression deals with defining optimal weighting and is a test of prediction).
Eta (n)
A universal measure of relationship that can be used regardless of the form of the relationship; it is obtained by computing the variance in Y about any curve of the relationship. Eta is a universal measure of relationship because it (1) applies regardless of the form of the relationship, (2) can be used with either a predicted cure of a relationship or a best-fitting curve obtained after the data are collected, and (3) applies equally well to continuous or categorical independent variables.
Type I Error
Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. Usually set to 0.05 in the social sciences
Type II Error
Failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false. Related to Type II error is power (1-B), the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.
Type III Error
Rejecting the null hypothesis, but for the wrong reason. Because of sampling error, two groups can be correctly identified as being significantly different, but the direction of the difference is the opposite of reality. These are relatively rare.
As Type I Error becomes smaller,…
Type II Error becomes larger
Power is impacted by ____?
Sample size (larger samples increase power); Alpha (smaller alpha levels decrease power, e.g. 0.01 or 0.001 rather than 0.05); Effect size (greater effect sizes increase power, in other words, larger difference between the two groups); and Test used (different statistical tests have more power, two-way ANOVA is more powerful than a one-way ANOVA)
Criterion-References Test
Compares the test-taker’s performance to an objective standard of achievement. Can be Domain-Referenced (examines the degree to which the test taker has mastered a specific area) or Objectives-Referenced (examines the degree to which the test taker has achieved instructional objectives)
Norm-Referenced Test
Compares test-taker’s performance to other test-taker’s performance. Requires large standardized sample that is representative of population.
In multitrait-multimethod matrix, convergent validity is evidenced by ____?
High correlations between measures of the same trait
In multitrait-multimethod matrix, divergent validity is evidenced by ____?
Low correlations between measures of different traits
Correlation between two tests that measure one trait using one method
Correlation between two tests that measure one trait using different methods
Correlation between two tests that measure different traits using one method
Correlation between two tests that measure different traits using different methods
Nomological Network
Developed by Cronbach and Meehl (1995) stating that in order to prove that a given measure had construct validity, a “lawful network” for the measure had to be developed; this network includes the theoretical framework for what the instrument is attempting to measure (the construct), an empirical framework for how the construct will be measured (observable manifestations), and the interrelationships among and between the the two frameworks.
Predictor variable
Synonymous with IV; the variable that is sued to predict variance in the criterion; plotted on the X axis
Criterion variable
Synonymous with DV; variance of the criterion is predicted by the predictor; potted on the Y axis
Assessment of relationship between the predictor and criterion
Beta (B) weights (strength of a predictor when all other predictors are held constant), R2 (unique predicitive strength of a predictor); Zero-order correlation (relationship between predictor and criterion ignoring all other predictors); Multicollinearity (i.e. highly correlated predictors, may not reduce predictive ability of predictors)
Validity coeffeicient
Correlation between predictor and criterion; squared validity coeffecient indicates the proportion of variance in criterion that is accounted for by the predictor; Greater ranges of scores in both predictor and criterion increases validity coefficient, restricted range decreases validity coefficient; Few validity coeffecients exceed 0.60
Conceptual criterion
Theoretical standard that researchers seek to understand
Actual criterion
Operational or actual standard that researcher actually assess
Criterion deficiency
Portion of the conceptual criterion that is not measured by the actual criterion
Criterion relevance
Degree of overlap between the actual criterion and the conceptual criterion
Composite criterion
Available criterion measure is a composite of separable attributes
Criterion of discrimination
A criterion that inaccurately differentiates between groups, resulting in majority of members being overrepresented in comparison to minority groups
True positive
The number of individuals in a given group who exceed cutoff on both predictor and criterion
False positive
The number of individuals in a given group who exceed cutoff on predictor but fail to exceed cutoff on criterion.
True negative
Number of individuals in a given group who fail to exceed cutoff on both predictor and criterion
False negative
The number of individuals in a given group who fail to exceed cutoff on predictor but exceed cutoff on criterion
Measurement error
Error in the employed values of a variable due to the presence of distorting influences on the assessment, such as momentary distractions, error in recording or understanding, and influences of other variables on responses to particular items. These are uncorrelated with the “true scores” by definition and treated as “random”. A reduction of the correlation coefficient because of error is known as shrinkage.
Threats to internal validity
History (any event between pretest and posttest), maturation (natural changes in participants), testing (practice effects), mortality (dropping out), selection, regression effects, demand characteristics
AB research design
Simples version of this design in which a baseline (A) is tracked, and then some treatment (B) is applied; if there is a change then the treatment is said to have effect. Weak design because it is subject to many different hypotheses.
Time Series Design
AKA quai-experiemental design, refers tot he pretesting and posttesting of one group of subjects at different intervals. The purpose might be to determine long-term effects of treatment, and, therefore, the number of pretests and posts can vary from one to many. Sometimes there is an interruption (follow up test) to assess strength of treatment over time.
Correction for Guessing Formula
Usually used for multiple choice exams; Corrected score = R-W/(n-1). R is the number of right answers obtained, W is the number of wrong answers, and n is the number of possible answers per question.