Ethics Flashcards
Buckley Amendment
1974; AKA Family Educational Right to Privacy Act; protects the privacy of student records
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
Guaranteed a high-quality education for all individuals, with a fair and equal opportunity to obtain an education
A legal term, deemed by a court of law, to describe if an individual who, asthe result of a mental disorder, is psychologicall impaired to the extent where he or she is unable to distinguish right from wrong, and understand the consequences of own behavior
Testament capacity
Having the mental competecny to execute a will at the time the will was signed and witnessed
Criminal responsibility
Assessment of a person’s mental status at the time an alleged crime was committed
In court ordered investigation, if legal representative objects to testing:
Psychologist must notify the court and proceed as directed
Information harmful to the client
Information gained by a therapist in a sessioni or evaluation that may incriminate the client is divulged when privilege or confidentiality is waived
Waiving privilege
Occurs when client gives up the right to prevent a therapist from divulging confidential information in a legal proceeding; info may be harmful to the client’s case; in cases that involve minors, the privilege belongs to the parent; in cases of insanity, privilege is waived by the courts
Expert witness
Testify based on special training and professional competence regarding subject matter; impartial educator; no multiple relationships; no contingency fees
Fact witness
Someone who testifies in court because of their direct knowledge of an event. Declien answering questions more appropriate for expert witness; testify only if ct has waived confidentiality/privilege, or if court-ordered
First case using insanity defense
M’Naughten. Most states; defendant deemed insane and not held criminally responsible. Some states “Guilty, but mentally ill (GBMI) verdict
Subpoena duces tecum
bring physical records, only the info specifically requested
Subpoena ad testificandum
oral testimony
Out of court testimony, under oath, which is transcribed in writing: takes the place of courtroom testimony
Confidentiality and EAP
Release information about attendance, compliance may be mandatory condition of therapy