CBT Flashcards
Using selective reinforcement (approximations) to modify a general response to a specific response; it is building a behavior by dividing it into small increments or steps and then teaching one step at a time until the desired behavior is achieved; steps become a series of intermediate goals. AKA Reinforcing Successive Approximations
A procedure used with intermittent schedules of reinforcement; in thinning, reinforcement frequency is on a decreasing schedule
Response cost
A procedure in Operant Conditioning in which certain responses result in loss of a valued commodity; the intent of such procedures is to produce punishment
Response generalization
In conditioning, the phenomenon in which reinforcement of some forms of behavior results in an increased probability not only of these forms but also of similar and non-reinforced forms
In conditioning, the phenomenon in which reinforcement of some forms of behavior result in an increased probability not only of these forms, but also of similar and non-reinforced forms. AKA Response Generalization
When the rate of a previous behavior decreases following the discontinuation of reinforcement
Spontaneous recovery
When a decrease in behavior (extinction) is not permanent, so the behavior reemerges over time
Extinction bursts
Occasional bursts of behavior during the extinction process, even though the overall frequency is reducing
Cue Deflation
When a compound stimulus controls behavior, extinction to one element of the compound can increase responding to the other element through a process called cue deflation
A decrease in responsiveness to a particular stimulus resulting from repeated exposure to that stimulus
Selective attention
The ability to attend to one stimulus among a mass of competing stimuli
The blocking or prevention of a person’s ability to remember old information or learn new information
Secondary Reinforcement
An Operant Conditioning term that refers to reinforcement by means of a stimulus that has acquired reinforcing qualities by having been associated with a reinforcer
A Classical Conditioning term for elicitation of a response by a previously neutral stimulus when it is presented following a series of occurrences of a conditioned stimulus (e.g., after flinching each time an electric shock is administered, a person is likely to flinch if a loud tone is then presented)
Who demonstrated the concept of taste aversion?
John Garcia in rats. Gave them saccharin-flavored water followed by apomorphine; which causes nausea; other rats received saline after the saccharine flavored water. Rats that had nausea would drink very little water while the other rats would drink a lot.
Best known for his work on rats and the concept of cognitive maps; Considred one of the pioneers of Cognitive Psychology
Known for insight learning and his work with bonobos (or rhesus monkeys)
Studied neural mechanisms underlying associative and nonassociative learning in sea slugs
Covert sensitization
A form of aversive conditioning in which the frequency of undesirable behavior is lessened by mentally associating it with unpleasant mental images
Rescorla-Wagner Model
A mathematical account of how associative strength grows during Pavlonian Conditioning. Looks at associative strength (level of knowledge about the CS-US relationship), the conditioning trial number, the change (a measure of learning), and the maximum amount of conditioning in a situation. This reflects the salience of the CS and the US.
The Rescoral-Wagner Model explains why:
typical learning curves for Pavlonian conditioning are gradual, negatively decelerating; conditioning is faster with stimuli that are more salient (i.e. overshadowing); when two or more stimuli predict a US, conditioning occurs to the one with the strongest predictive validity; and if the US is already predicted by one CS, conditioning will not occur to another CS that provides redundant information (i.e. blocking).
A process in which a stimulus or a context causes an individual to subsequently display a stronger response to another stimulus than would otherwise be expected
Perceptual Masking
A phenomenon that occurs when one stimulus (the masking stimulus) prevents the perception of a second stimulus (the target stimulus) because they occur close together in time. The individual only perceives the masking stimulus.
Operant Extinction
The procedure of withholding reinforcement for a previously-reinforced voluntary behavior; there is a gradual reduction in the behavior until it ceases completely
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Certain factors (hygiene and motivation) in the workplace cause job satisfaction, while others lead to dissatisfaction
Schacter’s Two-Factor Theory
A theory of avoidance learning, holding that avoidance behaviors is the result of both classical conditioning and negative reinforcement; emotions are a direct result of an analysis of the surroundings
Temporal Learning
A Classical Conditioning concept with no counterpart in Operant Conditioning. The passage of time serves as a CS. The body’s natural circadian rhythms are thought to play a role in temporal conditioning.
Trace Conditioning
A form of conditioning involving the brief presentation of a conditioned stimulus, followed by a period of time during which no stimulus is presented, and then the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus, leading eventually to a conditioned response based on the memory (trace) of a previous stimulus
Delay conditioning
A form of classical conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus precedes the unconditioned stimulus by a significant time period and the individual learns to withhold its conditioned response
Temporal Delay
A technical term for a pause
Latent Conditioning
A form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response; it occurs without obvious reinforcement
Developed the concepts of Operant Conditioning, elaborating on Throndike’s theories of Instrumental Learning
A procedure involving the gradual removal of prompts
Latent learning
A type of incidental learning that occurs without any apparent reinforcement or reward
Cognitive map
A mental representation of the spatial relationships among cues in a particular environment. Tolman’s work with cognitive maps meant that the concepts of stimulus-outcome or stimulus-response were not explaining all learning
Occam’s Razor
The principle of parsimony; when given to equally valid explanations for a phenomenon, one should embrace the less-complicated
Insight learning
Learning that utilizes a type of cognitive trial and error as opposed to the physical trial and error associated with Operant Conditioning; an individual looks at a problem, then looks at the tolls available, and then formulates a plan without ever actually trying it first
Counterfactual thinking
The tendency to imagine alternative events or outcomes that might have occured but did not
Cognitive triad
A triad of types of negative thought present in depression
Escape Conditioning
A form of Operant Conditioning involving negative reinforcement, in which an individual learns to terminate an unpleasant stimulus. Learning to avoid unpleasant experiences by first learning fear cues that signal unpleasant stimulus/event, then learning to escape the fear-eliciting cues
Higher-Order Conditioning
Used when an experimenter wants to turn a neutral stimulus into an unconditioned stimulus. Once a CS elicits a CR, a new CS is paired with the first, without the US until the new CS elicits the original CR.
Behavioral contrast
A pattern of responding in which an organism seems to evaluate a reward relative to other rewards. Positive contrast occurs when the rate or magnitude of reward for a behavior increases, and negative contrast occurs when the rate or magnitude of reward for a behavior decreases.
Classical Extinction
Refers to a cessation of a conditioned response after it is no longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement
In operant conditioning, an intermittent schedule works better than a continuous one to maintain the learned behavior; there are four different variable schedules (fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio, and variable ratio)
John B. Watson
Established the psychological school of behaviorism and primarily studied classical conditioning, rather than operant conditioning
Aaron T. Beck
Created cognitive therapy. He utilized certain behavioral techniques but did not define behavioral contrast.
Post-Reinforcement Pause
A temporary pause in responding that occurs following a reinforced response when behavior is maintained on a ratio schedule with a high value