Neuropsych Flashcards
Disorder of speech, usually occurring secondary to stroke that causes a loss of control over the muscles of face and mouth. Pts. may drool, speak slowly, slur words, and display limited mouth and jaw movement.
Pure Alexia
A disorder of reading (AKA alexia without agraphia). Can spell and recognize words spelled to them but have great difficulty reading. Caused by damage to the connection between the visual cortex and the angular gyrus
A neurological disorder characterized by clumsy movements and poor coordination of musles.
Inability to move despite the urge and physical fitness necessary to do so. Can be very specific, ex. constructional apraxia, which only involves difficulty with drawing objects or constructing simple models.
Kluver-Bucy Sndrome
Neurological disorder thought to be caused by brain damage due to trauma or herpes encephalitis. Pts behave in sexually inappropriate ways, tend to put objects in mouth. May suffer from visual agnosia.
Ganser Syndrome
Factitious disorder where pts mimic behaviors they believe are characteristic of psychosis. May respond with nonsensical words when asked questions, engage in echolalia and echopraxia (rpting mvmts).
Angular Gyrsu
Located in the parietal lobe, just behind Wernickes area. Located on the margin of the occipital and temporal lobes. SErves to coordinate visual, spatial, and language-related information.
Causes of Gerstmann’s Syndrome
Thought to be due to damage to the left parietal lobe in the area of angular gyrys
Gertsmann’s Syndrome
Finger agnosia, right-left confusion, acalculia or dyscalculia, and agraphia. This is different from motor agraphia (find motor probe; poor muscle tone)
Occipital Lobe Damage
Results in visual-perceptual deficits, such as devpmt of scotomas; in addition visual hallucinations or illusions, (objects abnormally sized or colored), may become unable to read (alexia) or write (agraphia)
Parietal lobe damage
Causes abnormalities in body image and spatial perception; damage to the right parietal lobe can lead to contralateral neglect, construction apraxia, and anosognosia. Damage to the left results in Gertsmann’s Syndrome.
Temporal Lobe damage
Causes auditory disturbances including auditory hallucinations, probs with visual perception, difficulty with language comprehension (Wernicke’s aphasia), and impaired long term memory (anterograde amnesia)
Anterior Cingulate Cortex Damage
ACC allows for communication between cortex and limbic system. Also helps focus attention on tasks. ACC damage associated with inability to detect errors, difficulty resolving contradictory stimuli, emotional instability, poor attention, control, and loss of voluntary movement and speech.
Primary Motor Cortex
Executes movements. Damage here associated w/difficulties w/fine finger movement and a loss of speed and strength in the hands/limbs
Motor Association Cortex
Involved in the planning of movement. Damage here may cause difficulties coordinating the muscle movements required for speech
Broca’s Area
Located in the left inferior frontal cortex and involved in word retrieval. Damage may cause Broca’s aphasia (an inability to retrieve words)
Orbitofrontal Cortex
OFC - Associated with judgment, self-monitoring, and processing emotionally arousing stimuli. Damage here associated with poor or heightened response to threatening stimuli, poor decision making and judgment, and poor risk assessment (also disinhibited bx)
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
DLPFC - Associated with short term memory and top-down attentional control. Damage to this region associated with difficulties with concentration/attn., and poor recall of recently learned info
Prefrontal Cortex subdivisions
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex,, Broca’s area, motor association cortex, and primary motor cortex
Damage to prefrontal cortex
Personality changes, and disturbances in planning, initiation, judgment,a nd goal-oriented behavior
Prefrontal cortex responsible for
Involved in executive function, planning, decision-making, attentional control, updating working memory
Caudate nucleus
Located within basal ganglia, may be involved in learning and memory and generating feelings of love; abnormalities in caudate nucleus linked to OCD
Cingulate Gyrus
Locate in the medial brain; receives input from the thalamus, somatosensory cortex, and other cortical areas; helps focus attn on tasks, and relay info between limbic system and higher cortical areas
Precocious puberty
A condition from premature activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadotropic axis. Leads to early sexual maturation
FSH and LH
In females, LH and FSH stimulate ovarian devpmt. In males, FSH essential for spermatogenesis and LH promotes testosterone synthesis
Regulate the gonads and the release of hormones necessary for sexual maturation; FSH and LH
Produced in stressful situations and stimulate release of hormones by the adrenal gland
Thyroid stimulating hormones that modulate metabolism in the thyroid gland
Anterior Pituitary Lobe
Controls the release of various hormones from endocrine organs
Disorders associated with the midbrain
Parkinson’s - Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra. Drug addiction - pleasurable effects of drug as well as addictive qualities are associated with functions of the VTA.
Reticular formation
Network of neurons that extends from the spinal cord, through the hindbrain and midbrain. Plays a role in the sleep/wake cycle, arousal, attention, pain, and touch.
Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)
Group of neurons in the base of the midbrain, which are involved in the reward system of the brain
Red Nucleus
Involved in movements such as arm swinging while walking and crawling in babies.
Substantia Nigra
Contains a large number of dopamine-producing neurons, associated with voluntary movement and motor planning
Inferior colliculus
Receives sensory info fromt he ear and relays auditory stimuli
Superior colliculus
Process info related to visual stimuli and is associated with eye movements
Equally prevalent in males and females; difficulty perceiving short wave lengths (blue and yellow) because retina lacks blue cones; sees reds and greens normally, however sky is green and yellow objects look pink
AKA second color deficit; confuse green and red; remainder of color cision normal. More common in males. (Green cones are filled with red spin).
AKA first color deficit; they have good acuity in short wavelengths (blue and yellow) but lose color perception at higher wave lengths; confuse reds and greens as they look yellowish; more common in males
Color agnosia
Condition in which one is unable to associate a color with a particular object; a person with this condition may not know what the color of an elephant is
Color anomia
Inability to name colors one sees. Not a visual problem, but a problem with verbalization and word-finding
Damage to V5
Loss of ability to see movement. Can see still objects, but object will disappear if it begins to move
Damage to both V3 and V4
Complete loss of form perception
Damage to V4
Loss of ability to perceive color, known as cerebral achromatopsia. See the world in shades of gray. Dyschromatopsia refers to partial loss in color perception and is more common
Damage to V3
Partial loss of form perception
Damage to V2
Global disruptions in vision, with impairments in ability to distinguish form, movement, color, and spatial orientation of patterns
Damage to V1
Most serious of visual impairments. Partial blindness in both eyes. Blindsight: a condition in which patients report seeing nothing, but respond to change in visual field, such as movement, due to visual processing still occurring at lower levels.
Homonymous hemianopia
Damage to the optic chasm will affect input from one half of our visual field from both eyes, thereby causing bilateral heminaopia that affects one medial and one lateral input
Blindness in part fo the visual field caused by damage to either optic nerve. Damage to the medial optic nerve at optic chasm leads to loss of vision in temporal half of both eyes, or bilateral hemianopia.
V5 area
Critical for the detection of form while in motion
V4 area
Function is primarily color processing, although some cells within V4 respond to both form and color
V3 area
Predominantly devoted to form perception
V2 area
Sends visual projections to lower visual areas. Heterogenous with V1 in function, performs some color, form, and mvmt processing and processing spatial info
Primary visual cortex
AKA - V1 and striate cortex. Largest most important visual area. All visual input comes here first then projected to the other occipital areas. responsible for perception of sight.
Vision and occipital lobe
Lateral inputs are projected to the anterior portion of the occipital lobe. Medial inputs are directed to posterior portions of the occipital lobe
Implicit memory
Basal ganglia (caudate nucleus and putamen), globus pallidus, thalamus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum
Explicit memory
Located in the temporal lobe and include: hippocampus, amygdala, temporal cortex. These structures connected through the thalamus to the prefontal cortex
Occipital lobe
Involved with the brain’s ability to recognize objects. Responsible for vision.
Temporal Lobe
Responsible for hearing, memory, meaning, and language. Plays a role in emotion and learning. Concerned with interpreting and processing auditory stimuli.
Parietal lobe
Connected with processing of nerve impulses related to the senses; touch, pain, taste, pressure, and temperature. Also have a language function.
Damage to frontal lobes
Difficulty interpreting feedback from the environment, perseverating on a response, risk taking, and non-compliance with rules, and impaired associated learning (external cues to guide behavior). Change in social behavior.
Left vs. right frontal lobe
Left - controlling language related movement. Right - non-verbal abilities. Not an absolute; both sides influence verbal and non-verbal movement.
Frontal lobes
Emotional control and home to our personality. Involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior. Most common region of injury in mild-mod brain injury.
Medulla oblongata
This structure is the caudal most part of the brain stem, between pons and spinal cord. Responsible for maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heart rate.
Part of met encephalon in hindbrain. Involved in motor control and sensory analysis. Info enters here first. Has parts that are important for levels of consciousness and sleep. Some of pons linked to cerebellum (mvmt and posture)
Cerebral peduncle
Anterior part of midbrain, huge bundles of axons traveling from cerebral cortex through brain stem. These fibers (along with other structures) are important for voluntary motor function.
AKA mesencephalon, rostral part of brain stem. Includes tectum and tegmentum. Involved in vision, hearing, eye mvmt, and body mvmt.
Portion of cerebral hemispheres in basal medial part of temporal lobe. Important for learning and memory (short term–>long-term) and recalling spatial relationships.
Part of telencephalon, located in temporal lobe; involved in memory, emotion, and fear. Beneath surface of the front, medial part of temporal lobe; causes bulge called the uncus
Part of diencephalon, ventral to thalamus. Involved in homeostasis, emotion, thirst, hunger, circadian rhythms, and control of autonomic nervous system. Also controls pituitary.
Deep in the forebrain at the topmost portion of diencephalon. Sensory and motor functions. Almost all sensory info enters it where neurons send info to cortex. All senses except olfaction synapses here. Last relay site before info reaches cerebral cortex.
Components of the brain stem
Midbrain, pons, and medulla
Limbic System
“Emotional brain:. Buried within cerebrum. Contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus.
What is the “little brain”
The cerebellum. 2 hemispheres. Associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.
What is the neocortex?
Bulk fo the cerebrum: nerve cells that make up the gray surface of the brain. White nerve cells underneath carry signals between nerve cells and other areas of the brain and body.
What the body does to the drug
What the drug does to the body
Measure brain waved during sleep; monitor anesthesia; contributes to the dx of epilepsy; poor spatial resolution/localization
Better spatial resolution than EEG; contributes dx of epilepsy; pre-surgical planning
Uses x-rays to generate structural brain image; relatively low resolution; detects large brain tumor
Measures metabolic brain activity; used to study cognitive processes; detects brain legions via the detection of abnormal functional activity
Higher structural resolution than CT; detection of brain tumors and other brain abnormalities
variant of MRI; measures BOLD signal; provides poor temporal resolution relative to EEG measures
Poor performance on Stroop
Associated with frontal lobe lesions, including those locacted in the inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex
Adrenal glands
On top of kidneys; consist of adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla; synthesizes corticosteroids, including cortisol. Testosterone, androgen, and aldosterone secreted by adrenal cortex. Responds to HPA.
Adrenal medulla
Contains chromaffin cellls; synthesizes catecholamine hormones, adrenalin, noradrenalin; involved in fight or flight
HPA Axis
Stress manifested by activation of HPA; System is modulated by corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). CRF released by hypothalamus. CRF travels to anterior pituitary gland where it activated production of adrenal corticotropin hormone
Travels thru blood stream to adrenal cortex; stimulates adrenal cortex ro release cortisol
Predominant hormone involved in stress. Hypercortisolemia (chronically inflated cortisol levels) associated with structural and functional brain damage and lower resistance to infections
Pineal gland
regulates the circadian rhythm thru production of melatonin
has both exocrine and endocrine functions
Alpha waves
8-12 Hz; most observable during resting (awake) with eyes closed
Beta waves
13-30 Hz; occur when individual is awake and attentive
4-7 Hz; occur during transition from wakefulness to sleep
less than 4 hz; present during stage three sleep during transition from light to deep sleep
Explicit memory
Located in temporal lobe and include: hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex
Implicit memory
Basal ganglia (caudate nucleus and putamen), globus padillus, thalamus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum
Inability to express emotions, despite feeling them; persons with Kluver-Bucy syndrome are unable to feel emotions.
Invovled with processing cognitive information, emotion regulation,a nd autonomic control
superior to genu of corpus callosum; plays a role in cognitive function, including; executive function, response selection, negotiating conflict, and autonomic control; sensitive to task difficulty and novelty
located inferior to genu of corpus callosum; associated with emotional function; implicated in processing emotional information and regulating emotional response
Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFCA
Interfaces with both cognitive and emotional systems. Thought to be involved w/distinguishing task-relevant info from task-irrelevant info.
Posterior Cingulate Cortex
pCC has been showns to relate to inhibition processes as well as engagement level during a task. Abnormal activity in subgenual cingulate cortex observed in depressed individuals
Basal Ganglia
Functions to inhibit actions that would interfere with smooth motor output of the intended action. Primary neurotransmitters are GABA and dopamine, but receive noradrenergic and serotenergic inputs as well.
Dysfunction of Basal Ganglia
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, OCD, Tourette’s, ADHD, and Cerebral Palsey
Reticular Activating System
Involved in regulating states of arousal and activity, and helps maintain circadian rhythm
Forebrain; becomes the telencephalon and diencephalon
hindbrain; becomes the met encephalon and the myencephalon
Cerebral cortex
Outer most layer of the brain
Left hemisphere of brain
Dominant in most people; location of language functions; associated with analytical and rational thought; calculates, communicates, abstract cognitions, and makes exective decisions; processes info in right visual field; associated w/processing of positive emotions
Right hemisphere of brain
Associated with visual-spatial skills, creativity, nonverbal memory, and intuitive thought; allows us to perceive stimuli as a whole, facilitating out ability to read maps or draw sketches of 3D objects; negative emotions, particularly fear, anger, and pessimism; processes info in left visual field
Implication of lateralization of function after stroke
Depends on hemisphere affeccted; in left hemisphere more likely to affect language than right. In right occipital lobe, may result in disturbances in visual processing of info in left visual field.
Hemispatial neglect
AKA contralateral neglect; individual is unaware of info on one die of his or her body or environment; occurs most commonly after stroke to right parietal lobe (neglect is for left side). Most often associated with visual processing
Unawareness of one’s neurological symptoms
Corpus callosum
Bundle of axons that connects the hemispheres and allows for communication
Split Brain
the severing of corpus callosum; May be done to attempt to control epilepsy; Pts are only able to verbalize what they see in the right visual field (info in left field sent to right hemisphere where language is processed). If presented to left visual field, pt would not be able to verbalize but could point to what they saw.