Test 7 Flashcards
belief in singular god who creates all things
Lineage Group:
a group of individuals who trace descent from a common ancestor
religious or administrative leader, responsible for forwarding tax revenue to higher gov.
Diverse indigenous group in africa
Trans-Saharan trade:
exchange of gold or salt
a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.
:the Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church
a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church.
a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows.
a man who is the head of an abbey of monks.
a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns.
:to in essence excommunicate, or prohibit a person or especially a place from the functions and privileges of the church
a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as divine grace, such as baptism, the Eucharist and penance and the anointing of the sick.
Dark ages:
early middle ages after the fall of the western roman
the history of history
Archi bishop:
head of many communities
: a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work.
warrior, love of adventure
tenants of nobles
grant of land made to a vassal from a noble for military service
agricultural estate operated by lord and worked by peasants
free peasants, work 3 times a week, pay rent, bound to land
land retained by lord
high class in societies, hereditary, power help by nobility
ownership and use of land relating to society economy
production help by private organizations or individuals rather than government.
an economic system
a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power.
Common law:
law that was common to the whole kingdom
meeting of kings by greater council
People who not believe in christianity (muslims)
(of farmland) plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production.
Exempt from military, right to sell goods
Hanseatic league:
Northern Europe’s league to trade
clovis established Frankish kingdom
Muslim traders establish ports on africa’s east coast
Charlemagne crowned emperor
Late 900s-
Islam becomes the religion of some west african leaders
William I conquered England and established strong monarchy
Magna Carta
Edward I calls england’s first Parliament
Kilwa at its height of luxury and wealth
Mansa Musa begins to rule in Mali
Muhammad Ture takes control of Songhai Empire
Sahara acts as a…
divide separating North African coast from the rest of the continent
how does lineage group relate to filial piety
imports into afric
Glass, iron, textiles, porcelain imported
Irvoy, gold, rhino horns exported
how did where coastal cities government
Coastal cities:self-governing
Culture, language
Arabic words combined with Bantu Structure: Swahili
who were The Ashanti peoples god? what is this an example of?
in Ghana had Nyame as supreme God but other lesser gods as well
Pantheism: belief in singular god who creates all things
How did islam travel to africa and how did it spread
Merchants carried beliefs
Gao= first rulers who believed
Huge political impact
arabic -> first written language
United diverse people
Ghana and kings in africa
Gold as primary reason for growth, slaves
Taxed people
Ruled by divine right
District Chiefs-> collected taxes and maintained order
Mansa Musa
Gold trade
Moisture good for agriculture
Mansa Musa:
Powerful king
Contributed muslim faith
Strongly encourage building of mosques
Schools of law/ center of literature and science
Kingdom of the Franks (germanic kingdom)
Sons divided kingdom
Be able to label and draw the pyramid of the catholic church
Saint benedict
Founded monasteries and wrote a set of rules for them
Divided each day w/ activities
Monks lived entirely communally
Monks/ Monasteries and WOmen in Church
Abbot ruled each monastery
Monks gave up everything
New heroes of christianity
Social workers -> heroes of christianity
Abbesses form aristocratic families
Church Supreme
Pope Innocent III used spiritual weapons like the Interdict
Intelligent, decisive, christian
Expanded empire to cover much of western and central europe
800 -> Emperor of the Romans
Beginning of new era of popes and emperors/kings
Vassals fight for lord
Required to appear in court at the command of the lord
Lords responsible to maintenance of vassal by granting fief
Manorial System
Serfs legally bound to the lords lands and couldn’t leave w/out permission
Expectations of knights
- Only ride horses
- Strong and full of energy
- Noble, content, caring, courageous, enduring
Daily life of peasants
1-2 room houses made of plaster, wood and straw
Veggies, berries, nuts, fruits
Chicken products
Peasant women
Bear children, provide for their socialization and religious training
Spinning and weaving
Worked in fields
marriage= economic partnership
Women in nobility
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Women could legally hold property
Still at ill of husband/ father
Eleanor of aquitaine
Guided kingdom while husband at war
Nobility in the middle ages:
Loved war/ men of war/ warriors
Formed aristocracy
No physical labor
Related to the king
Political influence
Extensive land holding
development of towns under nobility
nobles / kings wanted to treat towns and people like fiefs, vassals and serfs
Townspeople needed mobility/freedom to trade
People were sold liberties such as:
Right to bequeath and sell property, freedom and military obligation to the lord
medieval european cities
Narrow winding streets
Organized themselves into guilds
Merchants lived in cities
WHy were guilds so successful?
didn’t have to pay taxes but also got protection
Burg, burgh, borough= fortification burghers
Exempt from military, right to sell goods
Rules don’t apply to them
Relationship between kings and vassal based on ___________. What ratified this?
Respect, Magna Carta
William of normandy
What made him so powerful
Took over england
Made nobles swear loyalty
Gave knights land
Henry II
Strengthened royal courts
Expanded kings power
Common law
Early crusades:
holy war against infidels
What did Parliament do
Approved taxes, discussed politics, passed laws, handled judicial business
Third Crusade
: Reaction to fall of jerusalem to muslim forces under Saladin
What was the goal of the crusades
to Liberate jerusalem and help byzantine empire
Who were the crusader kingdoms dependent on?
Italian coastal cities
WHo was Saladin what did he take and give?
took: Jerusalem
Gave: agreed to allow christian pilgrimages free access to Jerusalem
Later crusades:
Christians take Muslim capital of Constantinople
Rest of addiction crusade are absolute disasters
Effects of crusades
- Influenced europe’s reception of muslim intelligence
- Massacre of jews became regular feature of medieval european life
Benefitted from new technologies and better climate
Irons effects on agriculture and building
Iron on farming: slythes, axes, hoes, plows
Iron for building: saws, hammers, axes, nails, wire
field systems leaving 1 field barren while others are in use to restore
The effects of having a surplus
free time -> craftspeople and artisans
what was the trade and central hub of the Mali empire
Italy: trade in mediterranean
Hanseatic league
Obligations of knights
military service, advice the nobles, chivalry, give taxes
2 bodies that make up parliment
council of commons and council of lords
How did islam conflict with traditional african beliefs
spirit worship, priestly class, gender relations
What city did charlemagne rule?
What is important about Eleanor of Aquitaine
inherited land, kept the land after divorce
Two effects crusades had
Rise in antisemitism, italian trade, spread of islamic knowledge limited
what was dubbed the “most beautiful city” in africa? WHat was its culture
Kilwa, swahili culture
What limited kings power
Magna Carta
What did the interdict do?
enforced the closure of the churches, forbade the administration of the Catholic sacraments, and prohibited the use of churchyards for burials.
What was the land reserved for nobles and priests
demesne, glebe
What were eleanor of aquitaine’s sons names and what did they do
Richard I: crusades
John I: Magna Carta
burnt skin- East Africa
Who was charlemagne’s grandfather
Charles Martel
What 2 rivers define the hump in Africa?
Niger and Senegal
Where is William originally from?
What was the richest and most urbanized part of Europe
Name 3 Germanic Kingdoms that replaced the romans
Visigoths, ostrogoths, Franks,
Ashanti’s Higher God from Ghana
a doctrine which identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.
Who established the Frankish Empire
Economic system, land =$, Demesne, Manors
Political systems, Military
House owned by lord, serfs, worked by peasants, bound to land, payed rent
Who is Charles Martel
Charlemagne’s grandfather, Carolingian, Emperor of Romans
Why was trade important in the 14th century
District Chiefs->
collected taxes and maintained order