2540 BCE
Great Pyramid of Khufu built
2000 BCE
Early versions of story of Gilgamesh
1892 - 1750 BCE
Reign of Hammurabi of Babylon
1045 - 221 BCE
Zhou Dynasty
750 BCE
Greeks begin colonizing and develop first poleis
508 BCE
Cleisthenes creates democratic government in Athens
480 BCE
Death of Buddha
479 BCE
Death of Confucius
431 - 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
269 - 232 BCE
Reign of Ashoka
221 - 206 BCE
Qin Dynasty
44 BCE
Assassination of Julius Caesar
27 BCE - 14 CE
Augustus’s reign as emperor
313 CE
Constantine legalizes Christianity
476 CE
Fall of Western Empire
510 CE
Clovis established Frankish Kingdom
622 CE
The Hegira
632 CE
Death of Muhammad
661 - 750 CE
Umayyad Caliphate
732 CE
Battle of Tours
800 CE
Charlemagne crowned emperor
800 CE
Charlemagne crowned emperor
1066 CE
William I conquers England
1215 CE
Magna Carta
1258 CE
Mongol conquest of Baghdad
1307 CE
Mansa Musa begins rule in Mali
1450 CE
Gutenberg begins making printed books
1492 CE
Fall of Granada to Ferdinand & Isabella
1517 CE
Martin Luther affixes Ninety-Five Theses in Wittenberg
1603 CE
Start of Tokugawa Shogunate
1842 CE
Treaty of Nanjing ends Opium War
1868 CE
Meiji Restoration
Communist Manifesto