Test #5 Flashcards
The Roman Empire
753 BCE
Founding of Rome
What were the 2 myths on the founding of rome
Romulus and remus:
- twin sons of mars
- reed basket on river tiber and found by she-wolf
- killed Amulius (banished them)
- romulus killed remus and became 1st king of rome
- son of venus and man
- escaped trojan war and went on the found rome
- displays desire to connect rome to greece
509 BCE
Expulsion of Kings/monarchy, beginning of the republic of rome
series of Punic wars (constantine vs rome)
44 Bce
Assassination of julius caesar
27BCE-14 CE
augustus as emperor of rome
33 CE
death of jesus christ
2nd CEntury CE
roman empire reaches greatest extent; period of wall building
313 Bc
Empire reaches greatest extent
467 Ce
fall of western Roman empire
How did the Apennine mountains affect the italiens
- isolated them from each other, however the mountains did not make it so that the Italians did not communicate instead they created boundaries and protection
Who were the Etruscans
master bronzesmiths who exported their finished products all over the Mediterranean.
- built roads, walls,
Who was a source of info from this time period
WHat was the organization of the roman republic (in order of most power to least)
1) consuls
2) praetors
4) Aedile
5)centuriate assembly
5) council of plebs
5) Comitia Tributa
5) Comitia Curiata
6) roman people
What did the consuls do
-2 men
- 1 year terms
- administered government
-lead army
What did the Praetors do
military, civil law, day to day local law, (2)
What did the senate do
300 men who served for life, advised magistrates, force of law, grew in power over time,, caesar added 600 more during his time to make 900
What did the questers do
handled money
What did the Aediles do
made blueprints/ said that public works should be built
What did the Council of plebs do?
the Council of the Plebeians elected Tribunes of the Plebs, who acted as spokespeople for the plebeian citizens
What did the comitia centuria do
military, appointed praetor
What did the comitia tributa
both patricians and plebs
What did the comitia curiata do
original committee that dated back to the kings, elected praetors and consuls
What did Suo Anno mean
“in his year”
What does Cursus Honorum mean
The cursus honorum was the sequential order of public offices held by aspiring politicians in the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire.
Why was cursus honorum important
gave consuls experience/ exceptional education on how to run the roman empire
an aristocrat or nobleman, owns land
Plebeians were average working citizens of Rome – farmers, bakers, builders or craftsmen
Carthage and hannibal
Carthage enormous empire, beaten by rome at Cannae, moved to spain, spanish revolt, hannibal second punic war, battle of zama,
Hannibal was a Carthaginian general and statesman who commanded the forces of Carthage in their battle against the Roman Republic during the Second Punic War
a large landed estate or ranch in ancient Rome or more recently in Spain or Latin America, typically worked by slaves.
Gracchus brothers
tried to reform Rome’s social and political structure to help the lower classes but ended up assassinated
recruited armies by promising land which gave power to individual generals rather than the senate
What happened between Pompey and Caesar
Pompey aligned himself with the Senate, who opposed Caesar. then caesar was kicked out but he crossed rubicon and took over rome
declared himself dictator, increased senate, assassinated
WHat are the Ides of March
the middle of march, day caesar was assassinated
“et tu brute?”
“and you brutus?”
What caesar said to brutus, his best friend, who was ab to stab him before he died.
Who is Augustus?
First emperor, caesar’s nephew/ adopted son
WHo was the second triumvirate
octavian: julius adopted son, consul, antony: caesars co-council, lepidus: caesar’s greatest supporter, “master of spain
Who was the first triumvirate?
Crassus, Pompey, Caesar
all military men who had enormous wealth and influence
What were the names given to Octavian/ Augustus
“Augustus”= the great
“The revered one”
“Imperator” (commander in chief)
“Divi Filius”= Divine son of Julius Caesar
“Pontifex Maximus”= head of the roman church
What are the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
The dynasty of Julius Caesar
What did Trajan and Hadrian do
Active in constructing public works
bad emperor who abused his power by eliminating those he didnt like
What does Pax romana mean
The roman peace
Who was Caracalla
one of the 5 good emperors who gave all free men in rome citizenship
WHo traded with the romans in the early empire
the chinese,
what was important about the chinese trading with rome
the silk road, economic expansion, long distance trade, prosperity
What was the significance of the roman bath
health, networking, Thermae: large public baths
Wealthy families education?
very good, girls went to primary school then married, boys went to secondary school then married
Pater Families
male= head of the household
connection to filial piety
father has absolute power
What is the significance “bread and Circuses”
empire gave people food and entertainment so the people wouldn’t see the shift in power from the people to the private officials. No more power to the people
What was the jewish attitude toward their roman rulers?
constant revolt that resulted in failure,
awaited messiah
militant extremists who demanded a violent war to break away
told his people not to adhere to the law but to being good, seen as a zealot, sentenced to death, resurrected,
How does jesus connect to rome
his birth place a result of roman taxation, death in the roman style, killed for possibly starting a revolt
WHat was important about Paul of Tarsus?
Paul spread christianity to all who would listen, not just jews either to gentiles as well
In what ways was jesus similar to the buddha?
both were born into already existing religion, criticized the rulers of their empire, neither wrote anything down, both highly influential figures in their religion
What do the parables teach us?
be kind, unselfish, look past differences,
What were the big troubles in the 3rd century roman empire?
Government silenced people,
what is a tetrarchy
“rule of four” A form of government in which power is divided between four individuals. In ancient Rome, a system of government instituted by Diocletian that split power between two rulers in the east, and two rulers in the west.
moved government capital to byzantine and renamed it after himself, Constantinople.
Made Roman empire a christian empire
What was the capital of the eastern roman empire
Hagia Sophia: church of holy wisdom
Be able to label all the water on a map
BE able to label the places on the map
What is A “republic” and how successful was rome at upholding those ideals
1) define republic
2) dictatorship
3) Magistrates and assemblies
4) Cursus Honorum- Suo Anno
5) Julio-Claudian dynasty- Nero
6) Julius Caesar
7) Augustus
How did Geography affect the expansion of rome?
1) Apennine mountains, po river, Mediterranean, adriatic, peninsula all provided barriers as protection
2) did not cause isolation
3) Fertile River Valleys-> olives, grapes, wheat
4) trade of goods
5) Rome’s optimal location
Connect The triumvirate to Latifundas
The triumvirate= miliary men
Latifundias: push small farmers out which makes the military appealing
Marius’ military recruitment by promising land
How did Augustus’ many names reflect his influence on the roman people
revered, everyone loved him, restored the republic,
Did Pax romana live up to its name?
-power + trade expanded
-trajan created finds for poor parents
-hadrian and trajan active in public works
-wall building
A) protected people
-however peace have its revolts
A) jewish revolts
B) crushed with no mercy
How many hills was Rome built upon?
Who were the ten men in charge of the Plebeian Council and acted as protectors of the plebeians and fought for their demands?
What is a factor of Roman Republic?
Political offices were held by a small group of wealthy elite, that were against helping the poor.
A group of 5-6 thousand soldiers
A group of laws, written down and carved on 12 bronze tablets, that became the Foundation of Roman law.
Twelve Tables
Who made himself dictator for life and was seen as a hero to the plebeians because he gave them land & food, but was power-hungry to the patricians?
Julius Caesar