Test 3 Brachial Plexus Flashcards
Dorsal scapular N innervates which muscles?
Levator scapulae m.
Rhomboid minor m.
Rhomboid major m.
Supraclavicular N innervates which muscles?
Supraspinatus m.
Infraspinatus m.
N to subclavius innervates which muscle?
Subclavius m.
Lateral pectoral N. Innervates which muscles?
Pec major
Upper subscapular
Supscapularis m.
Thoracodorsal N. Innervates?
Latissimus dorsi m.
Lower subscapular N. Innervates?
Subscapular m
Teres major m.
Long thoracic N innervates?
Serratus anterior m.
Medial pectoral n. Innervates?
Pec major m.
Pec minor m.
Medial brachial cutaneous n. Function?
Sensory to medial brachium (arm)
Medial antebrachial cutaneous n. Function?
Sensory to medial antebrachium (forearm)
Musculocutaneous N innervates?
Biceps brachii m.
Coracobrachialis m.
Brachialis m.
Axillary n innervates?
Deltoid m.
Teres minor m.
Median N. Function?
Pronator teres m.
Lumbricals 1 &2
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Flexor digitorum superficials m.
Sensation to lateral palm
(Affected by carpal tunnel)
Radial N innervates?
Triceps brachii m.
Brachioradialis m.
Extensor carpi radialis longus m.
Ulnar nerve innervates?
Flexor carpi ulnaris .
Medial 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus m.
Continuation of musculocutaneous nerve?
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n function?
Sensation to lateral forearm
Axillary nerve continuation?
Upper lateral brachial cutaneous n.
Upper lateral brachial cutaneous n function?
Sensation to upper lateral arm (over shoulder)
Radial nerve branches?
Muscular branch
Deep radial n
Posterior interossesus n.
Superficial brachial n
Posterior brachial cutaneous n
Lower lateral brachial cutaneous n.
Posterior antebrachial cutaneous n.
Muscular branch of radial n. Innervates?
Anconeus m
Deep radial N branch of radial innervates?
Supinator m.
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Posterior interosseus n. Branch of radial n. Innervates?
Extensor carpi radialis brevis m.
Extensor digitorum m.
Extensor digiti minimi m.
Extensor carpi ularis m.
Superficial branch of radial nerve function?
Sensation to lateral dorsal hand around thumb
Posterior brachial cutaneous n function?
Sensation of posterior arm (over triceps)
Lower lateral brachial cutaneous n function? (Branch of radial n.)
Sensation to lower lateral anterior arm
Posterior antebrachial cutaneous n function? (Branch of radial nerve)
Sensation to posterior forearm
Branches of Median nerve?
Recurrent branch
Anterior interosseus n.
Palmar cutaneous branch
Recurrent branch of median nerve innervates?
Thenar muscles:
Opponens pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
Anterior interosseous N innervates? (Branch of radial n.)
Flexor pollicis longus m.
Pronator quadratus m.
Lateral 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus m.
Palmar cutaneous branch function? (Branch of median nerve)
Sensation to thenar eminence
(Not affected by carpal tunnel)
Branches of Ulnar Nerve
Deep ulnar nerve
Dorsal cutaneous nerve
Palmar cutaneous n.
Deep ulnar nerve innervates? (Branch of ulnar nerve)
Hypothenar muscles:
Adductor pollicis m.
Adbuctor digiti minimi m.
Flexor digitis minimi m.
Opponins digiti minimi m.
Dorsal interossei m.
Palmar interossesei m.
Lumbricals 3&4
Dorsal cutaneous n. Function? (Branch of ulnar nerve)
Sensation to medial dorsal hand
palmar cutaneous n function? (Branch of ulnar nerve)
Sensation to medial palm
Test to see if nerves are anesthetized?
Pinch thenar = median n.
Pinch hypothenar = ular n.
Push hand = radial n.
Pull hand = musculocuntaneous n.
Abduct shoulder = axillary n.