Test 3: 1 Flashcards
gas can be seen where on normal esophagus
thoracic inlet
heart base
fluid can be seen where in normal espophagus
caudal mediastinum- left lateral view
* faint tubular soft tissue opacity between the descending aorta and caudal vena cava
position of esophagus from mouth to stomach
dorsal then left back to center and enters left into stomach
upper esophageal sphincter
* cricopharyngeus
* thyropharyngeus
cardia of stomach/ end of esophagus
* lower esophageal sphincter
* darker circle is muscularis layer
lower esophageal sphincter is made of
- Circular layer of muscularis
- Rugal folds
- Diaphragmatic crus
- Oblique angle of the distal
what sedation is doing a esophagram with contrast
acepromazine- will not cause decreased GI motility
why use iodine over barium for esophagram
barium can cause peritonitis, fibrosis and adhesions if there is a leak
iodine if aspirated can cause non cardiogenic pulmonary edema , but leakage is okay
— has skeletal muscle the entire esophagus
dog- longituginl stritations
— have skeletal and smooth muscle in the esophagus
(caudal 1/3- 1/2)
herringbone pattern
which one is cat
- bottom- skeletal muscle and smooth muscle (caudal 1/3-1/2)
- herringbone pattern
redundant esophagus
* common in brachy dogs
what are some causes of hiatal hernia
- genetic- shar pei
- upper airway obstruction causing negative intrathroacic pressure
- increased abdominal pressure
bird beak sign
lower esophageal achalasia
* failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to open in response to a pharyngeal swallow
what are some acquired causes of megaesophagus
usually older
- idiopathic
- neuromuscular disorders: Myathenia gravis, polymyositis, dysautonomia, botulism
- endorcine (addisons or hypothyroid)
- esophageal lesions
- lead toxicity
- thymoma
persistent right aortic arch
- segmental gas dilation of the esophagus
- focal leftward deviation of trachea
- absent left aortic arch
- need CT angio to confirm
esophageal FB
esophageal perforation with gas outside the esophagus
what meds in cats can lead to esophageal stricture