Test 2: Lipid Pathology Flashcards
HDL< 35mg/dl, rare primarily genetic
Hypo-α lipoproteinemia
What are the two types of Hypo-α lipoproteinemia?
✓ Tangier’s Disease (Apo A-I deficiency)
✓ LCAT Deficiency
1/10 of normal LDL, not associated with “coronary risk
Hypo-β lipoproteinemia
-increased catabolism of apo-AI and apoA-II
-decrease in HDL-C and apoA-1
-Cholesterol accumulation
Tangier Disease (homozygous)
What are symptoms of Tangier Disease (homozygous)?
-Enlarged orange tonsils
-Peripheral neuropathy
-Pathologic accumulation of cholesterol
-reticulo-endothelial system
-Increased risk of premature atherosclerotic vascular disease
Tangier Disease (heterozygotes)
-less severe decrease in HDL-C and apoA-I levels (compared to homozygous)
Is there tonsillar enlargement and hepatosplenomegaly with heterozygous Tangier Disease?
What are the two types of LCAT gene mutations?
-Complete mutation
Familial / homo (LCAT deficiency)
-Partial mutation
hetero (Fish eye disease)
What does LCAT deficiency cause?
-progressive renal
What does fish eye disease cause?
-increased catabolism of apo-A and apo-AII
-decreased HDL-C and apoA-I levels
-corneal arcus
Atherosclerotic disease (rare)
What is the treatment for LCAT deficiency & Fish eye disease?
-Dietary fat restriction
-ACE inhibitors
Free cholesterol, TG rich lipoprotein, and LDL is ____________ with LCAT deficiency & Fish eye disease
How does LCAT deficiency & Fish eye disease present on electrophoresis?
discoidal pre-beta 1 (early phase HDL?) and alpha 4-containing HDL
LCAT deficiency & Fish eye disease:
HDL-C levels: ____ mg/dL
Lab data!!
ApoA-I levels ____ mg/dL
Sphingomyelin Lipidoses:
Storage process deficit results in decreased _______ function
-Brain and other cells in CNS
an abnormality in sphingolipids storage
Sphingomyelin Lipidoses
Defects in degradation of glucocerebroside
Gaucher’s Disease
✓ Organ involvement is liver, spleen, brain
(Hepatosplenomegaly (Abdominal pain), decreased blood supply to the bone (skeletal abnormality), anemia)
Gaucher’s Disease
What is the enzyme missing with Gaucher’s Disease?
What is the enzyme missing in Neimann-Pick Disease?
✓ Organ involvement: liver, spleen, brain
* Hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, anemia, mental and physical disturbance
Neimann-Pick Disease
What is the enzyme missing in Tay-Sach’s Disease?
β-D-hexosaminidase A
-Organ involvement is brain**
-Inherited neurodegenerative disease **
Tay-Sach’s Disease
What is the order of severity in Tay-Sach’s Disease?
Infantile (deadly) > Juvenile> Late onset (Adult)