Test 2 - Explosives and Propellants Flashcards
Ingredients and mix of gunpowder
7 parts Saltpetre
5 parts Sulphur
5 parts Charcoal
Ballistite consists of?
NC, NC, Camphor
Cordite consists of?
NG, NC, Petroleum Jelly
Categories of Propellants?
Liquid or Solid
What is in triple based propellant?
NC, NG, NQ (picrite)
Types of Liquid Propellants?
Mono Propellant
Types of Solid Propellants?
- Colloidal - Single, double, triple based
- Composite based propellants
How did they overcome Picric Acid’s not fully detonating in the Boer war?
Tetryl was added as a booster to enchance the detonation.
List all Types of Pyros
P - Pyromechanisms T - Tracer Comp P - Priming Comp I - Incendiary Comp S - Simulators S - Signal Comp S - Smoke Comp I - Illumination Comp D - Delay Comp
What makes the colours of illum/signals?
Red - Strontium Nitrate Orange - Calcium Nitrate Yellow - Sodium Nitrate Green - Barium Nitrate Blue - Copper Carbonate White - Barium Nitrate/Potassium Nitrate Mix
4 Characteristics of Primer composition:
Easily ignited
Generate High Heat
not burn too quickly or violently
be compatible with the mixutre used.
Define Primary Explosives
Substance, or mixture of substances used to initiate a detonation or a burning reaction.
2 Types of Initiators?
2 Types of Explosive Initiators?
Define HE:
Any explosive which once initiated decomposes almost instantaneously into it’s original molecular structure by the passage of a detonation wave through it, with a subsequent production of heat and gases and the liberation of great energy.
Define Detonation:
An extremely rapid checmial reaction with the evolution of heat and gas, accompanied by a violent disruptive effect and intense blast.
Define LE:
An explosive substance which decomposes rapidly through combustion with the evolution of heat and flash and generates a large qty of gaseous products.
Burning rate up to 300m/s
Name the 11 HE Natures:
T - TR1 N/A (Explosive D 7150) H - HMX 9120 A - ANFO 1100-2700 T - TNT 6950 C - CE 7500 C - Comp B 7800 C - C4 7500 R - RDX 8450 P - PETN 8300 P - Picric Acid 6800 P - PE4 8200
what is the VoD for all He natures:
Exp D = 7150 HMX = 9120 ANFO = 1100-2700 TNT = 6950 CE = 7500 Comp B = 7800 C4 = 7500 RDX = 8450 PETN = 8300 Picric Acid = 6800 PE4 = 8200
What is the make-up of Comp B
59.5% RDX, 39.5% TNT, 1% Wax
Purpose of Additives:
Increase Sensitivity Increase blast effects Improve Stability Improve mouldability Decrease Sensitivity
How many essential ingredients are there for cap compositions and what are they?
- Primary explosive
- Sensitiser
- Oxidiser
What’s Dark ignition?
the delay before a tracer ignites, usually 100-200m from the wepons. it allows for the weapon position to not be compromised and also to prevent dazzling to the firer when firing of multiple weapons at night.
List the design requirements for Illum:
- Must burn for the correct time
- Must have correct luminosity
- Whitstand firing forces.
How many Ideal properties in smoke compositions and what are they?
- Immediate in effect
- Unaffected as far as possible by climate/weather
- Persistent
- Non anti-personnel
- Non incendiary
Two Purposes of Smoke:
Tac Screening
2 Groups of Incendiary material?
Metals and Alloys (magnesium) Combustible Fluids (Napalm)
Define Propellant:
An explosive in which, by controlled burning, provides the gas pressure required to give motion to a projectile or missle.
Purpose of a delay composition:
Provide a delay between two igniting or explosive events.
Advantages of Single based propellant:
- Coller bruning, there less erosive
- Generates less flash than cordite
- ballistics less affected by change in charge temp
Advantages of Double based propellants
- Easily ignited
- higher flame temperature
- Higher Energy rating than single
- higher burn rate
Two functions of carbamite:
Stabiliser and Surfance Moderant
What are the different forms/ways propellant burns?
Degressive - large to small surface area through burn
Constant/Neutral - same surface area throughout burn
Progressive - small to large surface area through burn
Define Delay Composition
A Composition that provides a time delay for a burning train of inflammable composition between events.