Test #1 Flashcards
Basic nutrient of the cell, simple sugar. It is also the building block for ATP(energy for the cell).
Leaving s pt. after initiating care, w/o someone with proper medical/advance training equal or higher than your own.
Can energy be created without glucose
What is mitochondria?
Mitochondria are responsible for converting glucose to form ATP that process called metabolism.
Deviation from the excepted standard of care that result in further injury.
Presumptive negligence
Policy violation
Omission of care
Legal and allowed act done incorrectly
Illegal act
To be guilty of negligence you need what four things
Duty to act, Breach of duty, damages physical and psychological, Causation
Makes it so you cannot release any pt. information
Ryan white care act
Mandates a procedure by which emergency response personnel can seek to find out if they have been exposed to potentially life threatening diseases while providing pt. care
Minute Volume
The amount of air moved into and out of the lungs per minute
List of steps, such as an assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations. Protocols are developed by the medical director of an EMS
Scene safety
Yourself, your partner, you pt.
look for hazardous individuals/ terrorist incidents/ rescue OPS/ violence Plan, observe, and react to danger.
Inadequate breathing
Fast or slow rate Irregular rhythm Abnormal lung sounds Reduced tidal volumes Use of accessory muscles Cool, damp, pale, or cyanotic skin
Adequate breathing
Normal rate and depth
Regular pattern
Regular and equal chest rise and fall
Adequate depth
General impression
Impressions of the pt.’s condition that is formed on first approaching the pt., based on the pt. environment, c/c, and appearance
Adenosine Triphosate
Why does Flail chest occur
3 or more ribs broken in 2 or more places
Cranium bones
Frontal bones(front), Parietal bone(top), temporal bone(side), Occipital bone(lower back of cranium)
Costal cartilage
Parts of the rib that connect to the sternum
Heart cycle
Vena cavae, RA, tricuspid valve, RV, pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, lungs(respirations), pulmonary vein, LA, mitral or biscupid valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta, to body
What do stimulants do to the eyes?
What do depressants do to the eyes?
In 1970,………
The French began to transport wounded soldiers away from the battlefield so they could be cared for by the physicians.
Early 1900’s what was used for transport services only and offering little to no emergency care
Non military ambulance services
Most emt courses today are based on what?
Models developed by the DOT
In 1970, what was the NR of EMTs established for?
Professional standards
In 1973, what act was passed by the congress?
Emergency medical service systems act
Who replaced the ambulance attendant ?
Who are some critical decision making pt.s
Cardiac, stroke, trauma, burn, pediatric
Besides pt. assessment and emergency care what else are your responsibilities
Preparation, safe response to scene, safe transportation to the hospital, and transferring the pt. to the hospital personnel for continuity of care.
The three Rs of reaction to danger
Retreat, radio, reevaluate
Things to know when lifting a pt.?
The object
Your limits
Comm w/partner
Position your feet properly
Use ur legs
Never turn or twist
Do not compensate with lifting with one hand
Keep weight as close as possible to your body
Use stair chair when going through stairs
Non urgent moves
No immediate threat to life
Emergency moves
Moves where there is immediate threat to life and use moves to get them out no matter what
Urgent moves
Threat to life but make sure u provide no damage to spine
What is the 8 steps in auscultation BP
BSI scene safety Explain procedure to pt. Cuff the pt. arm Palpates for brachial artery Places stethoscope over brachial Inflated cuff 30 mmHg above last pulse Deflates cuff slowly Report measurements
What’s the 7 steps for palpation BP
Explain procedure to pt. Cuff arm Palpates for radial or brachial Palpates the artery Inflated cuff 30 mmHg above last pulse Deflates cuff slowly Reports systolic measurement
What is the 5 steps for pulse
BSI scene safety Located radial pulse with at least two fingers Counts pulsations for about 15 sec Calculates report Reports quality and rhythm
What is the 5 steps for RR
BSI scene safety
Place hand over diaphragm observe chest rise and falls
Counts respiratory cycle for at least 15 sec
Calculates the rate
Reports rate, quality, and rhythm
What is the 6 steps for shin assessment?
BSI scene safety Observes skin color Feels skin temperature Feels skin condition Assesses cap refill in child and infants Reports skin color, temp, and condition
What is steps 1-6 in oxygen administration by non rebreather mask
BSI scene safety Gathers appropriate equipment Cracks valve on the O2 tank Assembles the regulator to the O2 tank Open the O2 valve Check O2 tank pressure
What is steps 7-11 on oxygen administration by non rebreather mask
Checks for leaks
Attaches non rebreather mask to regul.
Turns on O2 flow to prefill reservoir bag
Adjust regulator to 10L/ per minute
Attaches mask to pt. face and adjusts to fit snugly
BVM Ventilation of an apneic pt. step 1-10
BSI scene safety Check responsiveness(AVPU) Checks breathing Requests additional EMS checks for pulse Opens airway Prepares rigid suction catheter Turns on power to suction device Inserts catheter without applying suction Suction the oropharynx
BVM Ventilation of an apneic pt. steps 11-16
Opens airway manually Inserts OPA ventilates the pt. within 30 sec unattached to oxygen Checks pulse for at least 5-10 sec Attaches BVM assembly to oxygen Ventilates the pt. adequately
Age, sex, actual location, chief complaint, assessment, treatment(Rx), transport
Penetrating trauma
When the moi tears through the surface of the skin
Blunt trauma
When the moi does not tear through the skin