Test 1: 03. ortho exam small animal Flashcards
what is included in ortho exam
general physical
neurology exam
ortho exam
do affected leg last
steps of ortho exam
gait analysis
palpation- standing and laying down
visual inspection includes
body symmetry
muscle atrophy
body conformation for breed
observe sitting and rising
0 or 4 is lame
0: no lameness
1: mild weight bearing lameness
2: moderate weight bearing lameness
3: severe weight bearing lameness
4: non-weight bearing lameness
how to tell thoracic limb
head bob
down on the sound
how to tell pelvic limb
hip hike
Stride length shortened on lame/injured limb
Normal limb reaches forward faster than lame limb (stride speed)
Oscillating motion during locomotion (oscillates
toward normal side
how to palpate standing patient
palpate both sides at same time
neck, back and hip palpation
look for joint effusion, swelling, muscle atrophy, malaligned bony landmarks
recumbent exam
start distal and move up
palpate full range of motion- 1 joint at a time
palpate long bones
test reflexes
6 things to look for in recumbent exam
- Pain
- Swelling
- Effusion (standing best)
- Crepitus
- Instability
carpus exam
effusion best palpated —
instability —
effusion at elbow best seen
lateral epicondyle and olecranon
— is medial to the greater tubercle
biceps tendon
best place to feel effusion on stifle
medial to patellar tendon
what is medial buttress
thickening of medial joint capsule of the stifle
from chronic disease
should the patella be able to move?
rotate limb externally and internally to test
drawer test is for
cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) test in the stifle
tibial tuberosity
fibular head
cranial cruciate ligament
if broken then + drawer test
cranial tibial thrust
lift/dorsiflex paw
if tibia moves then +
stimulates weight bearing
tests stifle stability (cranial caudal)
range of motion for hip
flexion, extension,
adduction, adduction, circular
how to test for hip luxation
triangle test
wing of ilium
ischial tuberosity
greater trochanter
— hip luxation will form a straight line form —
cranial dorsal
wing of ilium
ischial tuberosity
greater trochanter
how to test hip laxity
ortolani test
Lateral or dorsal recumbency
- Stifle (distal femur) grasped, other hand stabilizes dorsal spine
- Femur adducted and forced dorsally to subluxate femoral head, then limb abducted and
reduction is felt (or heard) as “clunk”
ortolani means
hip laxity
hip pops out