Terminology 2 Flashcards
Course of disease…. (5)
Time b/w exposure to the microorganism and the onset of signs and symptoms. This period is variable and disease agent is communicable during this period
Step 1 - Initial latent or silent stage known as: Incubation period (no signs/symptoms)
Time in the early development of disease when body is undergoing changes but signs are non specific
eg fatigue, loss of appetite and headaches
Step 2- Prodromal period
Appearance of signs and symptoms of disease
Step 3 - Acute stage/ clinical stage
Individual harbour an organism (carrier) but does not have an active infection. This person can transmit infection to others
Step 4 - Convalescent or Carrier stage
Total elimination of pathogen without residual sign/symptoms of disease
Step 5 - resolution
*** not all of the disease will have the exact mentioned stages. Durations of stages may differ
The manifestations of a disease are the clinical effect (AKA)
clinical manifestation
Manifestations of disease can be “found at the site of the problem”or “involving different organ systems of the body”
1) local
2) systemic
___________, any perceptible change in the body or function that indicates disease or kind or phase of disease
Can be classified as objective, subjective…
examples of subjective complaint/ info is that of the person with the disorder ie. pain, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite
______, are objective indicators of a disease, a manifestation that is noted by the observer. ie elevated temperature, a swollen extremity, change in pupil size
**see signs
These may be related to primary disorder or they may represent the body’s attempt to compensate for the altered function caused by pathologic condition usually occurs together in response to certain condition
Signs/ Symptoms S/S
This is a collection of signs and symptoms, often affecting more than one organ,
usually occurs together in response to a certain condition.
This term refers to a designation as to teh nature or cause of a health problem eg. bacterial pneumonia
Bacterial vs Viral?
*usually requires a careful history, physical examination and sometimes additional diagnostic tests etc.
eg blood tests, radiological examinations, CT scans/ MRI
These are a new secondary - additional problems that arise after the original disease begins
eg. development of congestive heart failure following a heart attack
With massage regarding “complications”
we take into consideration ‘these’ - for example an ankle sprain may cause hip issues from limping
Compensatory factors/ changes
___, describes the outcomes of the primary condition, such as paralysis following recovery from a stroke