TechSpec Chapters Flashcards
What is TechSpec 3.1.1?
Shutdown Margin - RTCBs Open
What is TechSpec 3.1.2?
Shutdown Margin - RTCGs Closed
What is TechSpec 3.1.3?
Reactivity Balance
What is TechSpec 3.1.4?
Moderator Temperature Coefficient
What is TechSpec 3.1.5?
CEA Alignment
What is TechSpec 3.1.6?
Shutdown CEA Insertion Limits
What is TechSpec 3.1.7?
Regulating CEA Insertion Limits
What is TechSpec 3.1.8?
Part Strength CEA Insertion Limits
What is TechSpec 3.1.9?
Special Test Exception - Shutdown Margin
What is TechSpec 3.1.10?
Special Test Exception - Modes 1 and 2
What is TechSpec 3.1.11?
Special Test Exception - Reactivity Coefficient Testing
What is TechSpec 3.2.1?
Linear Heat Rate (LHR)
What is TechSpec 3.2.2?
Planar Radial Peaking Factors (Fxy)
What is TechSpec 3.2.3?
Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq)
What is TechSpec 3.2.4?
Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)
What is TechSpec 3.2.5?
Axial Shape Index (ASI)
What is TechSpec 3.3.1?
RPS Instrumentation - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.3.2?
RPS Instrumentation - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.3.3?
Control Element Assembly Calculators (CEACs)
What is TechSpec 3.3.4?
RPS Logic and Trip Initiation
What is TechSpec 3.3.5?
ESFAS Instrumentation
What is TechSpec 3.3.6?
ESFAS Logic and Manual Trip
What is TechSpec 3.3.7?
Diesel Generator (DG) - Loss of Voltage Start (LOVS)
What is TechSpec 3.3.8?
Containment Purge Isolation Actuation Signal (CPIAS)
What is TechSpec 3.3.9?
Control Room Essential Filtration Actuation Signal (CREFAS)
What is TechSpec 3.3.10?
Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation
What is TechSpec 3.3.11?
Remote Shutdown System
What is TechSpec 3.3.12?
Boron Dilution Alarm System (BDAS)
What is TechSpec 3.4.1?
RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits
What is TechSpec 3.4.2?
RCS Minimum Temperature for Criticality
What is TechSpec 3.4.3?
RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits
What is TechSpec 3.4.4?
RCS Loops - Modes 1 and 2
What is TechSpec 3.4.5?
RCS Loops - Mode 3
What is TechSpec 3.4.6?
RCS Loops - Mode 4
What is TechSpec 3.4.7?
RCS Loops - Mode 5, Loops Filled
What is TechSpec 3.4.8?
RCS Loops - Mode 5, Loops Not Filled
What is TechSpec 3.4.9?
What is TechSpec 3.4.10?
Pressurizer Safety Valves - Modes 1, 2, and 3
What is TechSpec 3.4.11?
Pressurizer Safety Valves - Mode 4
What is TechSpec 3.4.12?
Pressurizer Vents
What is TechSpec 3.4.13?
Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) System
What is TechSpec 3.4.14?
RCS Operational Leakage
What is TechSpec 3.4.15?
RCS Pressure Isolation Valve (PIV) Leakage
What is TechSpec 3.4.16?
RCS Leakage Determination
What is TechSpec 3.4.17?
RCS Specific Activity
What is TechSpec 3.4.18?
Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity
What is TechSpec 3.5.1?
Safety Injection Tanks (SITs) - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.5.2?
Safety Injection Tanks (SITs) - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.5.3?
ECCS - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.5.4?
ECCS - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.5.5?
Refueling Water Tank (RWT)
What is TechSpec 3.5.6?
Trisodium Phosphate (TSP)
What is TechSpec 3.6.1?
What is TechSpec 3.6.2?
Containment Air Locks
What is TechSpec 3.6.3?
Containment Isolation Valves
What is TechSpec 3.6.4?
Containment Pressure
What is TechSpec 3.6.5?
Containment Air Temperature
What is TechSpec 3.6.6?
Containment Spray System
What is TechSpec 3.7.1?
Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs)
What is TechSpec 3.7.2?
Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs)
What is TechSpec 3.7.3?
Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (MFIVs)
What is TechSpec 3.7.4?
Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs)
What is TechSpec 3.7.5?
Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) System
What is TechSpec 3.7.6?
Condensate Storage Tank (CST)
What is TechSpec 3.7.7?
Essential Cooling Water (EW) System
What is TechSpec 3.7.8?
Essential Spray Pond System (ESPS)
What is TechSpec 3.7.9?
Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS)
What is TechSpec 3.7.10?
Essential Chill Water (EC) System
What is TechSpec 3.7.11?
Control Room Essential Filtration System (CREFS)
What is TechSpec 3.7.12?
Control Room Emergency Air Temperature Control System (CREACTS)
What is TechSpec 3.7.13?
Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) Pump Room Exhaust Air Cleanup System (PREACS)
What is TechSpec 3.7.14?
Fuel Storage Pool Water Level
What is TechSpec 3.7.15?
Fuel Storage Pool Boron Concentration
What is TechSpec 3.7.16?
Secondary Specific Activity
What is TechSpec 3.7.17?
Spent Fuel Assembly Storage
What is TechSpec 3.8.1?
AC Sources - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.8.2?
AC Sources - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.8.3?
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air
What is TechSpec 3.8.4?
DC Sources - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.8.5?
DC Sources - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.8.6?
Battery Cell Parameters
What is TechSpec 3.8.7?
Inverters - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.8.8?
Inverters - Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.8.9?
Distribution Systems - Operating
What is TechSpec 3.8.10?
Distribution Systems- Shutdown
What is TechSpec 3.9.1?
Boron Concentration
What is TechSpec 3.9.2?
Nuclear Instrumentation
What is TechSpec 3.9.3?
Containment Penetrations
What is TechSpec 3.9.4?
Shutdown Cooling (SDC) and Coolant Circulation - High Water Level
What is TechSpec 3.9.5?
Shutdown Cooling (SDC) and Coolant Circulation - Low Water Level
What is TechSpec 3.9.6?
Refueling Water Level - Fuel Assemblies
What is TechSpec 3.9.7?
Refueling Water Level - CEAs