Technology Flashcards
Positive impacts of technology - health and well being
Health and well being of performers can be maintained and observed through technologies such as heart rate monitors and body fat monitors
Positive impacts of technology- computer and software and calorie counters
Computer software and calorie counters means thy diets can now be manipulated so that athletes reach peak nutrition for their events
Positive impacts of technology- safety
Has increase through the development of certain sporting equipment, such as the helmets and body protection used in cricket- has helped to prevent injuries
Positive impacts of technology- clothing and footwear
Has been developed to increase performance levels - full body suits used in cycling have become increasingly popular
Positive impacts of technology- rehabilitation
If injuries do occur rehabilitation is now much quicker because of the advances in technology. Ice baths, oxygen tents, hyperbaric chambers
Positive impacts of technology- prosthetics
Have been made for athletes with a specific disability helping them to compete
Positive impacts of technology- performance studies
Performances can be studied in detail through ordinary and computer software. Performance analysis can inform the coach about the performance . It can also be used to analyse opponent strength and weaknesses.
Negative impacts of technology on performers - costa an affordability
It is difficult for some performers to access it
Negative impacts of technology on performers - upside technology
Tech is constantly developing and therefore the performer needs to regularly keep up to date and buy the latest technology in order to gain an advantage
Negative impacts of technology on the performer - study performances
Opponents are able to analyse and study performances, identifying weaknesses and copying strengths
Positive impacts of technology on sport - feedback of coaches
Analysis of sport performances has allowed coaches to provide better quality feedback
Positive impacts of technology of sport -Accuracy
Increased accuracy in time and distance measurement of performance
Positive impacts of technology on sport - officials
Officials are enabled and assisted to make correct and fair decisions
Negative impacts of technology on sport - technology is fair
Sports must ensure that technology is fair. In some sorts those with access to the best technology are often the winners
Negative impacts of technology on sport - frustrating
The time taken waiting for off field decisions is often frustrating for spectators
Positive impacts of technology on officials
Allows officials to communicate with one another through microphones or a head set
Negative impacts of technology on officials - danger , wrong decisions,Cost
Despite tech some feel wrong decisions are made
Refs may become too reliant on Var so it will slow the game down
Not all sports can afford to inverts into providing tech
Positive impacts of technology on spectators - experience
Increased their experiences at home through the use of more and improved cameras - instant replays and played cameras
Cameras in the stumps in cricket or camera in the car in racing
Positive impacts of technology on the spectators - informed on the game
Spectators are now informed about the sport through interactive on screen information - possession and shot statistics
Positive impacts of technology on spectators - performance levels
An increase in technology has led to an improvement in performance levels which increase the experience of the spectator- they can now become more involved through listening to refs whilst excitement is created
Negative impacts of technology on spectators - nature of a sport
Some technology has changed the nature of some sports - this has a negative impact for some spectators
Negative impact of technology on spectators - frustration
Can be come frustrated with the delay of the game by having to wait for decisions to be made
Positive impact of technology on sponsors - advertise
It has assists sponsors on how they are able to advertise their products
Positive impacts of technology on sponsors - sales and profit
More cameras and advertising boards mean more chances of the sponsors product and logo being seen - profits and sales
Negative impacts of technology on sponsors -cheating
Enhancement of technology could lead to injuries or cheating of a player/performer - this performer could be linked to a spondsor which could be bad recognition of the sponsor.