Health, Fitness And Well-being Flashcards
A state of complete physical,mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease.
The ability to meet/cope with the demands of the environment
Well- being
A mix of physical, social and mental well- being that give people a sense of being comfortable, healthy and or happy
Physical health and well being
All body systems are working well, free from illness and injury. Ability to carry out everyday tasks.
Mental health and well-being
Can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make contribution to there community.
Social health and well being
Basic human needs are being met - food, shelter, and clothing- friendship and support. Value in society
Sedentary lifestyle
A persons lifestyle choices to have no or irregular physical activity
Consequences of living a sedentary lifestyle
- Become lazy and tired easily
- increased risk of hyper tension/ high blood pressure in arteries
- Lead to possible heart problems + diabetes
- Not being sociable- lead to depression
People with a large fat content caused by an imbalance of calories consumed to energy expenditure. BMI is over 30.
How do you work out BMI?
Obesity can affect fitness and performance by limiting and decreasing levels of…
Stamina/ cardio vascular endurance
Speed and power
Why is obesity bad?
Injury - can lead to it Stamina levels can reduce Blood pressure may increase Attack- heart attack chances increase Diabetes - chances increase
Effects of Obesity - Physical ill health
Increased risk of cancer Increased risk of heart diseases Increased risk of hypertension Increased pressure on joints Increase risk of high cholesterol levels
Effects of obesity - mental ill health
Increased risk of depression
Increased risk of loss of confidence
Effects of obesity - social ill health
Increased risk of being unable to leave home
Increased risk of being unable to socialise
Pear shaped body
High content of fat
Fat around arms , legs and middle
Very thin and lean
Narrow shoulders , hips and chest
Not much fat or muscle
A wedge shaped body
Large muscle content
Broad shoulders and narrow hips
Calories - Average adult male requires
2500 kcal/day
Calories - Average adult female require
2000 kcal/day
What other factors does calorie intake depend on?
Life style/energy expenditure
Are the main energy resource for exercise. They provide the body with glucose, however they will eventually run out after prolonged exercise
Is an energy source. It provides more energy than carbs but only when working at low intensity.
Saturated fats - too much can cause heart disease and obesity
Important for growth and repair of the muscle tissue
Vitamins and minerals
Important for maintaining the efficient working of the body systems and general health.
What is a balanced diet? - not important def
Consists of eating the correct amount of calories to match the energy you expend. Provides the body with all the nutritional needs
What are the reasons for a balanced diet?
Any unused energy from food is stored as fat- can cause obesity
Suitable energy should be consumes so it is available for activity
The body needs nutrients for energy, growth and hydration
What is a balanced diet? Important def
55-60% carbohydrates
25-30% fats
15-20% proteins
How many glasses of water should you have per day?
8 glasses to prevent dehydration
Having enough water to drink to enable functioning of the body
Excessive loss of body water interrupting the functioning of the body
Consuming water to restore hydration
Consequences of dehydration
Blood thickens- slows blood flow
Heart rate increases
Increase in body temperature - may over heat
Reactions become slower and decision making is poorer
May suffer from muscle fatigue or cramps
Classifying someone’s body type and takes into account gender, age , body fat and muscle