Technical, Visual and Audio Codes Flashcards
What is meant by encoding?
This is where a producer of media texts, encode key messages they want to communicate with the audience.
What is meant by decoding?
This is where the audience interpret and understand the intended messages embedded by the producer.
What is this camera shot?
An extreme close up
An extreme close-up shot frames a subject very closely, often so much so that the outer portions of the subject are cut off by the edges of the frame. On an actor, this is commonly used to show specific portions of the body, like the face or hip, but it can go closer to show only an actor’s mouth, or even a single eye.
What is this camera shot?
A medium close up.
This shot is from the top of the characters head to their chest.
What camera shot is this?
A mid shot.
This shot is from the top of the characters head to their waist.
What camera shot is this?
Over the shoulder shot
What camera shot is this?
A long shot.
This shot is from the top of the characters head to their feet. You may also be able to see the background.
What camera shot is this?
A two shot.
Usually, the character framed to the left is dominant.
What camera shot is this?
A point of view shot.
This aligns us with the character.
What camera shot is this?
An establishing shot
What camera shot is this?
A high angle shot.
This makes the character look vulnerable
Why do producers use stars?
The stars who are in the film may provide familiarity to the genre.
Stars are reputable to a global audience and are also ‘bankable’ – likely to make a film studio a lot of money.
The inclusion of certain stars can have a major influence on attracting a larger audience to watch a film.
What is a mark of quality?
This can range from the film use of technology, institution logo or director’s name to reference the quality of the film.
This acts as a source of branding and relates to reputation, making the film more appealing to the intended audience.
What is expert criticism?
Quotes from various media institutions suggesting the quality of the film.
Audiences can be easily persuaded by positive reviews, so expert criticism can serve as a marketing tool.
What is a ‘promise of pleasure?’
Quotes from various media institutions suggesting the quality of the film.
Audiences can be easily persuaded by positive reviews, so expert criticism can serve as a marketing tool.
What is star billing?
The positioning of the stars or the names of the stars are always on the poster.
There is usually a sense of hierarchy and importance.
What is iconography?
Objects, setting and visuals synonomous with a genre and will provide evidence of the films genre and even an insight to the narrative.
This serves to fulfil audience expectations.
What is a tagline?
Memorable phrase or slogan that becomes memorable for the film.
What sort of language may be used on a film poster?
Superlatives and hyperbolic
What is a visual code?
Visual Codes are the means by which media products contain messages to an audience. Messages are encoded by the creators of the product and audiences decode these messages. Audiences respond and interpret media text differently and not all audiences take away the same messages. Therefore, media products maybe polysemic and are open to a range of interpretations. Everything we see in the product will contain meanings and has been constructed with a purpose.
How do media producers use clothing
in a text communicates messages about the person, for example a uniform or a football shirt.
How do media producers use facial expression
facial expressions are also ways in which messages are communicated rapidly. Combined with close-up shots, emotions can be clearly represented in a text and easily interpreted by an audience.
What is a gesture code
are non-verbal communicators and, as such, cross language barriers. Characters can convey emotion easily through the code of gesture, for example a shrug, a wave or something more aggressive or offensive.
What is technique
the way in which a product is constructed and presented conveys meaning. For example, the use of black and white photography in an advertising campaign.
Why do producers use colour and lighting?
can transmit messages and in some cases are a key part of the product construction. For example, in fragrance advertisement they can suggest the type of fragrance being marketed even though the audience cannot smell it.
What is body language?
Body language is a non-verbal communicator that convey messages of emotion, feelings and a person’s character.
What is iconography and settings?
Objects, settings and backgrounds within a media product that contain meanings. Some objects take on significance beyond the literal meaning. The limitation of Big Ben is a clock in London.
What is typography?
Written graphics within a text
What is diegetic sound?
Sounds from inside of the fictional world. EG: Talking, birds tweeting, phone ringing, etc.
What is non-diegetic sound?
Sounds from outside of the fictional world. EG: Sound track, narrator, etc.
What camera shot is this?
An extreme long shot
What is this camera shot?
A close up shot.
This shot is from the top of the characters head to their neck/ shoulders.