Tech Flashcards
1000 Location is not captured on the map although GPS is on
SituationWhen checking the activity of Filed Staff, Managers find no location on the map although GPS is on in GPS information. # Why this happens? There are some possibilities.
Accuracy of GPS location is not high enough to capture to the mapBattery optimization is on Filed Staff may not allow the notification for location service which has the message ““SENRI is running”” so that location service doesn’t workField staff moves very fast (more than 60km/h) Field staff moves very slow or does not move (less than 200m)
# How to solve the trouble?1. To get high accuracy location,
Do not deny location permissionPermit to get High Accuracykeep turning on wifikeep turning on Bluetooth
To refresh GPS sensor.
Turn off GPS once and turn it on againRestart the device
- Check battery optimize setting (Ref. ) 3. Allow the notification for location service in the mobile settings”
1004 Can Field Staff use all functions of SENRI app in offline?
Core functions can be used in offline but the following functions are available only when it’s online.- Edit/create schedule- Check latest payment balance- View some past records- Check duplication of customer name- View Customer photo (once you downloaded, it will be stored in cache)- Edit customer additional question
1013 Can I check if field staff login to SENRI with multiple device?
“Yes, it’s possible to check,
By Login token- Check login token in Usage History of Manager page or User Usage of CS page. - Login token is code issuing when field staff login to account which will be the same till clearing data. - User usage of CS page shows login token of each sync, If there are the multiple login token existing at the same time, field staff are highly probably logging in by multiple devices.- When Field Staff clear the data and login again, login token will be changed. So when there are different token, please check if only new token is existing after changed or not. If only new token is existing, it might mean Field Staff clear data. By GPS- The situation when we doubt multiple device is GPS dots are seriously hanging.”
1003 How should manager do if Field Staff are resigned company?
Manager can delete the user in user settings.The Field Staff will be automatically logged out if he is online and cannot login again.He will be treated as inactive user and will not be shown in the future data of all reports in SENRI.
1002 App Cannot Refresh
When the app cannot refresh although internet is connected,
Check the bundleCheck storage capacity is enough (10%+ remaining capacity is required at minimum)Check battery optimize setting
Uninstall app then install againReboot
When the app doesn’t finish refreshing and after refreshing it begins to refresh again, it might be network error. The app will retry again on its own. “
1033 Why is buying company phone recommended?
We recommend company phones, due to avoid some inconvenience below.
Reason1: SENRI has some requirements
- SENRI requires an android version of 5.0* at least and recommends above 8- Android OS usually requires 10% HDD availability to sync data, so if Field Staff uses a private phone, HDD could be full with their private photo or video.*Minimum requirement will be increased in the following schedule; At end of Jun 2021: Requires 6.0.0 and aboveReason2: Further restrictions are possible- In case you want to control device like force GPS always on or restrict usage of mobile data bundle to SENRI, MDM is required.Reason3: GPS accuracy
- GPS accuracy is not very good with some phones. It is usually depending on the device and brands and we usually recommend Samsung phones.- Here is data based on SENRI’s actual GPS information of 300,000 and it indicates that TECNO phone (2.4%) has 6 times of GPS information with more than 1km inaccuracy than Samsung phone (0.4%).”
1061 Can Field Staff edit price or make discount?
Managers can choose either allow or restrict Field Staff to edit price or give discount it at the following settings in user. Deal Discount (Percentage)Deal Discount (Fixed Amount)Edit PriceFree SampleReplaceReturn
1006 What is base unit?
This is the function for sub-inventory and you can relate package (e.g. dozen package of coke) to single or any smaller unit (e.g. one bottle of coke) so that van seller can unpack large unit of SKU and sell it as smaller unit of SKU.If you load 10 dozen package of coke in sub-inventory and sell 3 dozen packages and 5 bottles, SENRI can convert 1 dozen package to 12 bottles. Thus the remaining stock is 6 dozen packages and 7 bottles.
Settings: Set base unit on SKU and Product page.
In settings of lager unit of SKU, you will select smaller unit of SKU (Base Unit SKU) and the quantity of smaller unit SKU which larger unit SKU contains (Base Unit Quantity) .Enable ““Register Empty Inventory Content”” in Company Settings of CS page.Ask admin to set smaller unit of SKU to be loaded into Sub inventory even if stock is 0Enable ““Record Sales when Negative Stock for Sub-inventory and ERP Inventory”” in Company Settings.
Daily operation:
Load large unit of SKU as many stock as neededLoad small unit of SKU as Stock 0FS sell small unit of SKU, number of remaining stock will be converted when sub inventory is refreshed at night
Because ““Record Sales when Negative Stock for Sub-inventory and ERP Inventory”” is enabled, the app will allow FS to make an order with SKUs with negative Stock.
1066 How does visit recommendation work?
AI checks the followings and show recommend products
Sales based AI
CompanyCustomer#SKU per customer in 6 monthsSales quantity per product in last order Sales subtotal in last orderDate from last orderIf customer order in every single week for last 24 weeks
Visit based AI
CustomerCompanyDate from last visitIf customer is visited in every single week for last 24 weeks
The recommendation data will be shown when the below criteria is fulfilled.
Sales based AI
Only companies with a sales history of more than six months and within last 3 monthsOnly customers with more than 10 transactions
Visit based AI
Only companies with a visit history of more than six months and within last 3 monthsOnly customers with more than 10 visits
1005 Why does some users need very long time for first download although others are not?
There are some possibilities;
Internet is unstableVolume of data are relatively large. Here is data consuming large space.
# of assigned customersMerchandising ReportsAdditional questions (in case you set large number of questions)Large number of future plans
Thus, the best way is just getting better internet connectionsHowever, if you have to finish first download in weak internet connections, you erase those settings above and set up later.Users killed app while running download
1037 Can we force the field staff to keep ON the GPS?
In company settings, SENRI can only force GPS on when Field Staff creates record and customer registration but not always. This is Google policy that mobile app cannot force GPS on at all time. However, we observe some MDM is possible to lock GPS settings so please install MDM separately. If FS uses private smartphone, it may be difficult to agree installation of MDM.
1057 What is variant, amount, scale and unit?
Product name: Coca Cola
SKU name: Coca Cola 200mlPET×10
Amount: 200ml
Scale: 10
Unit: ml
Variant: 200mlPET×10
Variant is a name used to distinguish between SKUs in the same product on only the app.Normally, SKUs in the same product have the same name and different quantities, colors, etc. Therefore, when displaying SKUs on the app, instead of showing the official name of the SKU, a variant is displayed to avoid duplication.It’s displayed after selecting a product in sales order on the app.
1007 Field staff said he made 3 visits in this morning and 2 visits in the afternoon but I only see visit of afternoon. Is it possible?
Basically, it is not possible since SENRI mobile app does not send part of information when it’s synced. i.e. All information is synced or none of information is synced.However the exception is here:- Field staff cancel/delete records before they submit so manager needs to check deleted transactions or visit reports to see those records and it does not reflect to activity report or sales trends.- Field staff clear data or uninstall the app before they submit them.- Field staff may change time settings of mobile app and the records in the morning are not recorded as in the morning. You can lock automatic date/time on mobile.
1053 SENRI stops working
When the app crashed or failed to open and the app stops, it needs an investigation from engineers. Please report the following for the investigation. - User ID- The page where the app crashed- What made the app crash
1034 What is the requirement of mobile phone?
- Android 5.0* above at least but above 8 is recommended- ROM 16GB above- RAM 4GB above- Samsung phone recommended in terms of GPS accuracy*Minimum requirement will be increased in the following schedule; At end of Jun 2022: Requires 6.0.0 and above
1050 App is requesting FS to grant permission for location although it’s granted
There are multiple ways to grant permissions depending on the OS.In some cases, the permission is only granted while the app is open but SENRI requires that permissions are always granted.Recently, the Permission dialog does not include “Always granted” option. You may need to change the permission to “Always granted” from phone settings.
1085 Can I add the same product to the same staff twice a day?
You cannot add but just override.Remaining stock will be re-calculated when you override SKU added.
1090 Can we assign visit report to customers or users etc…?
You can assign visit report format by tier or user.
1093 Why does blue dot (GPS tracking) not override on red flags (onsite customer visit)?
This is because logics of blue dots and red dots are completely separate.Blue dots are captured every 10-60 seconds except when field staff is not moving or moving very fast.Red flags are captured when FS record visit and blue dots are not recorded at the time so those are not at the sames point.However blue dots and red flags should be as close as 200m and then verify onsite.
1009 Can I delete default price?
It’s possible on app- If you assign default price to specific tier, it will disappear for customer not assigned to the tier.- If you set default price as 0, it will not be shown on the app.It’s Impossible on web.- It is required to input figures although 0 is accepted as price.
1020 Can I access to web app with any device?
Yes but it may be difficult to read because some pages of SENRI is not designed to be displayed on mobile devices.
1010 Data is not uploading after switching phones
It happens by any of the following reasons.
- Network is unstable Check the settings of mobile such as battery saver function and network bundle.
- Device Check if the OS is killing the app.
- Account Refresh by using different account and check if login successfully
- HDD availability Check you have HDD availability of more than 10%
1022 What is the meaning of ON-SITE, OFF-SITE, No GPS and GPS off??
Onsite:Field Staff were as close as 300m to customer registered location
Offsite:Field Staff were not as close as 300m to customer registered location. Field Staff can send request for change location at the time and if manager accepts change, it will be changed to Onsite
No GPS:Either visit location or customer location was not captured.
GPS off:GPS was physically off on device
1060 Can Field Staff delete record?
The records bellow cannot be deleted on app but other records can be deleted. The deleted item can be checked on web. Schedule has different settings about deletion, so please check separately.
Company report
Competitor report
Delivery record (delivered item)
All master list
Tier/Customer Type
1075 Can field staff edit plans after creation?
FS can always edit Time, Repeat and Note.For other fields, it depends on ““Addition and Deletion of future schedule from mobile app”” settings on company page. Managers can choose from:
AllowedAllowed except for today (after 1st visit)Allowed except for todayNot allowed
1008 Why check out time is empty in visit list?
If version of mobile app is 5.13 or later, it means the field staff has not yet check out outletIf version of mobile app is 5.12 or before, it means check out functions is disabled for that person or field staff has not yet check out outlet
1065 How does product recommendation work?
AI checks the followings and show recommend products
Company Customer Product #SKU per customer in 6 monthsSales quantity per product in last order Sales subtotal per product in last orderDate from last orderIf customer order in every single week for last 24 weeks
The recommendation data will be shown when the below criteria is fulfilled.
Only companies with a sales history of more than six months and within last 3 months
Only customers with more than 10 transactions
1116 Can we set discount and promotion rules by the size of purchase? What kind of rule can be applied?
SENRI has 3 types of price scheme rules by the size of purchase, which called price scheme.
You can set rules below;
1. Admin Console > Servive setting section > Sales > Products and SKUs
2. Click the name of SKUs
3. Click Price Scheme under the Edit SKU
a. Free sample
1. e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 3 quantity of free sample.
2. Free sample given could be the same or different SKU from SKU bought
3. It is multiplied when 4 quantity bought.
4. When multiple price scheme applied to the same SKU given, only last price scheme will be given
b. Discount rate %
1. e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 25% discount.
2. It is not multiplied when 4 quantity bought because it will reach to 100% in the end.
3. When multiple price scheme applied to the same SKU, it will be summed up like 10% discount(Price scheme1)+5% discount (Price scheme2) = 15 %
c. Discount fixed
1. e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 10USD discount.
2. It is not multiplied when 4 quantity bought.
3. When multiple price scheme applied to the same SKU, it will be summed up like 5USD discount(Price scheme1)+2USD discount (Price scheme2) = 7 USD discount
1073 Why does some product not appear in mobile app?
There are some possibilities.
Price is 0Price is not assigned to tier of that customerProduct category is not assigned to field staff”
1088 What’s happened if I delete a user?
- Past records remain active.- Field staff name will be hidden from dashboard and reports except the period when he worked- Field staff is forced to logout and cannot login again.
1040 What’s happen when geo-fence is on?
You cannot create records until you are as close as 300m to customers.
1067 Do new customer and new company use AI functions?
The below criteria is required:- The companies with a sales history of more than six months and more than 10 transactions with their customers. - Plus, companies that have a history of transactions within the last 3 months.Even if the above criteria is fulfilled, if sales function is used only partially, accurate recommendation would not be shown.
1132 Why is #visit and new customer registration counted as 0 although Field Staff visits and registers customers?
When field staff only register customer, it is neither counted as visit nor new customer registration.Those are only counted when FS records some activities like check-in/out, visit report, sales, merchandising report, delivery or payment.
1023 What are the meaning of the white, red and green blocks under GPS Tracking?
White: Phone was off or GPS tracking time range was not set
Red: Phone was on but GPS was off
Green: Phone was on but GPS was on
1026 What is change location in new requests on web?
- A request sent from Field Staff to the manager to change a customer location- By approving the request, customer location will be changed and the visit when the request was sent will be changed from offsite to onsite. - It’s important to check carefully not to approves wrong requests. Customer location may be registered incorrectly or visits by field staff will be marked as onsite although visit was not made.
1047 SENRI is saying I’m not close to customers though I am
It may be due to GPS accuracy.GPS Accuracy is low right after turning on GPS.Please turn on GPS at all time, rather than only recording to avoid it.
1048 Updated data are not reflecting on the app
When the data updated by manager has not been reflecting on the app, please download and refresh from the drawer menu.If it still doesn’t reflect, please check bellows; Customer … Customer assignmentSKU … Product assignment, Ties on Price SettingsVR Format … Tier on Visit Report FormatCompany Report Item/Competitor Report Item … Item list assignmentPlan … Deleted plans
1074 Can I approve plan after field staff created?
No but managers can check, edit and delete plans made by field staff anytime.
1041 How do you ensure that the Field Staff can’t fake GPS data?
- SENRI map, distance, customer location and all other GPS related functions does not capture fake GPS- Also, you can see if Field Staff uses fake GPS in GPS tracking of individual activity report.- Additionally, MDM can restrict fake GPS app to install
1084 What’s happen to past transactions if I delete product or customer etc…?
Transactions will not be deleted.Basically in SENRI, even if you delete product, user, customer etc, no related records does not disappear.
1092 Do field staff have to tap refresh everytime they want to refresh?
No, they don’t need. The app automatically refreshes every 30 minutes if the internet is online.
Also, if there are any unuploaded data created when offline, it will be automatically uploaded when it becomes online.
1019 Can I login to mobile app with login credential of web app?
No, you cannot login to mobile app with login credential of web users.
1052 FS is unable to install app on his phone
The phone might have the setting which restrict to download the app not distributed through Google Play. HDD storage is not enough to download the app. It should have more than 10%.
1055 The phone keeps hanging, battery power drains faster.
The battery saving function may be working on the app. When the app is killed many times, battery consumption will be faster.To stop battery saving function, please refer to:
1086 How does SENRI calculate visits?
Count number of visit unique to 1 customer in a day by 1 Field Staff. Plans are also counted same. If you made 1 visit in a day although you made 2 plan, it shows visited as planed
1143 Why onsite status of visit is No GPS although user is forced to turn on GPS?
No GPS means the app didn’t receive location info. If all the status are No GPS, it might be because - GPS monitoring service has been killed.- The app doesn’t have permission to access the location informationCheck if “SENRI is running” message keeps showing on the mobile which means monitoring service is working and allow the app to access the locationIf some status are onsite but others are No GPS, it might be because- Rebooted the device.- GPS was turned off once and turned on immediatelyRecommend FS not to turn off device and GPS while using SENRI.
1122 What is the difference between download Sub Inventory and download Grand Total?
Download Sub-inventory generates Sub-inventory info for each SKU per single day. If you select multiple day, Sub-inventory info is shown sorted by date.Download grand total generates accumulative sub-inventory info for each SKU in selected period.
1015 How do system calculate the time spend at customer’s place?
For using checkin and checkout- Calculate time between record checkin and checkoutFor not using checkin and checkout- Calculate time when field staff was as close as 150m to customers
1038 How often can I track the movement of my field staff?
If FS keep moving, the app tracks between 10 - 60 seconds depending on the device.
1062 What is the maximum limit you can sale to a customer on credit?
Managers can set credit limit per customers in customer detail page.Field Staff cannot record sales when the amount of unpaid transaction exceeds preset credit limit.
1077 How does sub inventory works?
Sub-inventory is daily record of truck inventoryDaily records are created 00:00 every day but in case no change is made for the previous day, it won’t be createdBeginning stock is automatically entered from last remaining stock of yesterday.Product added is editable on web *negative number is also allowedProduct sold is automatically calculated from sales records on appRemaining stock is beginning stock + product added - product sold
1081 What is the difference between Ordered Item List and Invoiced Item List?
- Ordered Item List: order which field staff input- Invoiced Item List: latest orders after edit or approve by web users (from business perspective, this is confirmed orders)
1089 What is the diffrence between orders and sales?
Order is what Field Staff collect on the app whichever it is approved or not. Since most of orders may not approve within a day. It is show in Activity Report and Daily Activity Summary on Dashboard.Sales is what is either approved by web user or delivered. It is show in Sales Trends and Monthly Summary Summary on Dashboard
1091 How is it possible for the field staff to make 3 onsite visit within 2 mins?
It may be possible when customers are very close and make no reports or sales.You may need to make “Make Records before Checkout” required to avoid FS to do checkin/out only.Or FS might change the date&time of mobile phone. To avoid this, you need to make “Enable Automatic Date/Time” required.
1096 Why is any GPS dot not showing for 1 hour althought GPS shows on?
Here is possible senarios;
Field staff moves very fast (more than 60km/h)Field staff moves very slow or does not move (less than 200m)Also when the app is closed, GPS dots will be shown less than when the app is opened.
1012 User didn’t go to the field but the map record distance
- GPS is not that accurate so that GPS location might be received even the phone is not moved.
- Field Staff login to multiple devices. This can be checked by Login token on usage history or user usage.
1014 Can multiple users share one account?
Web- Okay but need to have different account to set page access settings or different roles
App- It is possible but not recommend.
- As exception, some van sales field staff are using one account when multiple persons are always together. It may be good because you want to manage single sub-inventory in team but please note that activities cannot be separated.
1028 Can we assign 2 FS to 1 Sub-inventory?
- This might be requested when two Field Staff are moving together with one van- You need to use one device and one account especially in case two Field Staff are moving together
1056 What is measurement amount?
It’s for Product Amount in Sales Trends which shows the weight amount of each category sold. When the unit of SKU is different from the unit of category, measurement amount need to be set for SKU in order to calculate the weight amount in the same unit.
Category is Paint
SKU is Paint bottle 500g
- Set Unit as “Kg” in Category “Paint”
- Set Unit as “g” in SKU “Paint bottle 500g”
- Set the Measurement amount to 0.5 for SKU “Paint bottle500g”
- If 1 qty of “Paint bottle 500g” is sold, it will be counted as 0.5kg in the Sales by Product Category
1064 What is Edit Order Time in New Request on web?
Field staff can set the date of transactions in sales order if the order date needs to be different from the day.This will be sent to manager as a request of changing order date and manager needs to approve the request to reflect the data to the transaction. If manager doesn’t approve the request, the change won’t reflect to the transaction.
1070 Can field staff create or edit customers?
To create new customer, “Register New Customer” needs to be allowed in settings.To edit customer information, “Edit Customer Information” needs to be allowed in settings.
1078 Can I use subinventory for factory inventory management including raw materials and finished goods?
No, Sub-inventory manage mainly finished good only and we cannot manage the transition on manufacturing process from raw materials to finish goods.
1114 When should manager need to use page access settings?
When there are multiple managers, leaders or supervisor have different authorities to access to SENRI information.For example, supervisor do not have authority to edit transactions but view transactions. Some leaders do not have authority to view payment status of each customers etc.
1051 Fake on-site visit records seems created under geofence restrictions
Field Staff may create the future visit by changing the date & time of phone.Enable “Force Automatic Date&Time” option on company settings so that Field Staff cannot make records if the settings is not Automatic Date&Time.
1080 Why some transactions are approved although I do not approve transactions?
Even if you do not approve it, it is automatically approved when:
- Delivery status is delivered- Web users edit orders and save
Thus, for someone doing van sales, orders are usually approved automatically.
1094 Can we track field staff if they kill the apps?
You can track as long as the location service is running.If you turn off the location service notification display, the location service will be disabled.
1097 FS is saying SENRI is draining battery so battery does not last. Is it possible?
If smartphone is only for SENRI, battery can last for approximately 2 days.
FS may misunderstand it because some android phones notify FS the app using battery most except for google apps.
This notification is inevitable when we track FS at all time and the app syncs automatically every 30 minutes but still it can last at least 1 day.
For someone having 1week trip to rural area, buying battery bank may be recommended.
1112 Can I restrict some field staff to sell or see specific products?
Please set item category assignment for Field Staff so that those items are not shown to them.
1016 Why some visit duration are accurate while others are not?
For using checkin/out- In case of automatic checkout, checkout time may be delayed a bitFor not using checkin/out- In case of low accuracy of GPS, calculation of duration has also low accuracy because the duration is based on the calculation when field staff was as close as 150m to customers.
1018 Can I check if web users login to SENRI with private devices?
- If your company has fixed IP, you can check different remote IP in Usage History.- Usage history also shows device and browsers so it may help.
1021 Can we audit the changes made in the setting?
No, you cannot audit the changes made in the setting.You can only check login history from usage history
1095 Can we completely delete customer from SENRI?
Basically we don’t remove any data from database completely.This is because removing data physically cause some issues such as making mobile app crash and impossible to recover.
Thus, you can only change status from active to inactive so that the customers are removed from mobile app and reports on web.
1128 Will the order and payment amount be deleted in visit list if transactions or payment is deleted?
Order amount:It will not deleted because order amount indicates amount Field Staff receives.Payment amount:It will be deleted.
1098 Can we track the milage of the sales rep?
It is possible, but it has 20% inaccuracy in calculation.Since we calculate this based on the distance of GPS blue dots, it may not able to capture curving movement well.
1100 Why does some GPS dots go very far suddenly or is it not exactly where Field Staff goes?
GPS accuracy is not always 100% and would be said 68% by Google.
According SENRI actual data, 82% of GPS data is as accurate as 50m, 95% for 200m and 98% for 1km.Also, it has difference depending on brand or devices. We observe Samsung phones have high accuracy in GPS as well as Xiaomi and Nokia, though TECNO phones do not have as well as itel, infinix and Huawei.
1115 Can SENRI count different field activities as separate visit numbers for the same customer within the same day?
SENRI counts multiple records in one customer in the same day as 1 visit in Activity Report, Dashboard etc.. However, in Visit List of Individual Activity Report, you can check each record and visit even if Field Staff create multiple records in the same day
1117 What we can do with visit report analysis?
- Analyze #visit reports by answerIf you set single choice questions and multiple choice questions, Visit Report Analysis can give you the number of answers to each choices answered by Field Staff.2. Show # visit reports format submittedVisit Report Analysis can give the number of reports submitted by formats.
1024 What is last visit at? What if field staff has not finish all their visit of today?
- Last visit is latest visit recorded when sync is completed
- For today’s last visit, last visit keeps updating every time Field Staff made new visit
1025 Why last visit is empty although field staff made a visit?
Last visit is empty until Field Staff made more than 2 visits
1032 What is difference between created-at and uploaded-at of transactions?
- Created at: Time when field staff start recording transactions
- Uploaded at: Time when the record was sync to server
1036 Is unuploaded data lost if I logged out on mobile app?
No but if you uninstall, clear data, or change credential before login again, it will be lost.
1039 Will the Field Staff be tracked if he turns off internet?
Yes, it is possible. However, more accurate GPS can be captured when FS is connected to Wifi.
1042 Why is sync incomplete although smartphone is online?
- Android OS requires 10% HDD availability so even if you are online, you cannot sync.- Internet might be unstable.
- Download data is very huge and takes long time to complete.
1083 Can we assign users to multiple user groups?
Web user: Possible
App user: Not possible
1124 How many photos can attached to customers?
No restrictions for the number of photos.
1142 What is committed Stock of ERP Inventory?
It means the number of orders that have already been received out of the total ERP inventory.
1030 What is the difference between “close” of sub-inventory and “clear inventory”?
- Sub-inventory is closed at 23:59 automatically on the day there was the change and open new sub-inventory at 00:00. Remaining stock of the closed sub-inventory recorded as beginning stock of the new sub-inventory.
- Close of sub-inventory can make the above happened manually.
- “Clear inventory” can make all figures in the sub-inventory to 0.
1031 How do we avoid to sell items more than inventory?
- In app settings of company settings, we have this settings
- You can restrict Field Staff to sell more than what you have in Sub
- inventory or warehouse inventory
1045 I cannot see GPS tracking in map. What could be the issues?
- Mobile app is not refreshed- Low GPS accuracy
- Field staff does not move at all- Location audit service is turned off.
Please refer to
1059 Can I set default value in payment and delivery information when recording sales?
- Due date: Have a setting per customer in customer detail page
- Type: Have settings per Field Staff in User Settings
- Method: Copied by last transactionsDelivery
- Delivery assignee: Have setting by company in Company Settings
- Delivery status: Copied by last transactions- Due date: No settings
1063 Can Field Staff access to past record in offline?
In offline, Field staff can access bellow;
Visit Reports for 1 week
Outstanding delivery, Payment and its transactions for 6 months
Delivered and paid transactions for 1week
1069 Can field staff input random number to telephone number?
SENRI can check digit number and starting number when registering new customers on app.Both differs by country.
1076 Can I set multiple plans for one customer in a day?
It is possible but regarded as one plan in schedule summary or dashboard.You are still possible to check each plans for each Field Staff in upcoming section under schedule summary.
1087 When are visits reports time and date stamped?
The time when Field staff checked in
1131 What is Minimum Number of Plans?
Field staff cannot records any visit unless # of plans exceed the preset number. If you do not want to restrict, set as 0. When you use this restriction, “Addition and Deletion of Future Schedule on Mobile App” should be “Allowed” or “Allowed except for today’s schedule (before the 1st visit)”. Company which want to strictly control # daily visit will use this function
1029 Can we modify SI recorded 3 days ago?
You cannot modify sub-inventory in past date but can update current sub-inventory.Sub-inventory is closed at 23:59 automatically on the day there was the change and open new sub-inventory at 00:00. Remaining stock of the closed sub-inventory recorded as beginning stock of the new sub-inventory.After Sub-inventory was closed, you cannot edit but you can edit opened sub-inventory and adjust differences.
1043 Does automatic sync work if mobile app is killed?
Yes, SENRI is restarted again at the time of automatic sync.
1044 How can the field staff reset the password if they forgot it?
Field staff needs to contact with managers or CS team and reset password.
1054 Sales data disappeared after uploaded successfully
Basically, unuploaded records created more than a week ago would disappear when refresh or logout.Only unuploaded sales, payment and deliver with “unpaid” or “undelivered” will not disappear.
1072 Which information of SENRI is tax reflected and not reflected?
Basically, transactions or payment are inclusive of tax and analytics for Field Staff activity does not.
Web; Sales trends, Activity report, Dashboard,
Target Management: Not reflectedTransaction,
Payment Management: ReflectedMobile; Home, Record sales: Reflected
1079 What is the timestamps in visit list?
Using checkin/out function- Time when field staff tap checkin and outNot using checkin/out function- Time when field staff start recording
1101 Why is sometimes GPS inaccurate and what can we do for it?
GPS accuracy is not depending on SENRI but all factors below matter concurrently. Google assumes that GPS accuracy is apporox. 60% so it cannot be perfect with today’s technology. However SENRI use unique technologies to eliminate inaccurate GPS within as much as possible but still cannot be always perfect.
GPS satellite
Different satellites has different quality of positioning and usage of satellites is different by country.Recent research mentioned that Chinese satellites are higher quality of accuracy than US’sAmericas and West Africa are using US satellites primarily. On the other hand, rest of the world are using Chinese satellites primarily. Actually, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and some of western Europe are using both equally.Plus, Kenya is supported by more satellites than other countries like US or UK and it also matters.
Wifi or GSM adjustment
Cons of satellite tracking is especially inaccuracy at indoorWifi and other GSM antenna adjust location in collaboration with satelliteHowever, it requires hardwares in territory so countries with lack of the antenna or some rural areas are not supported in this methods.
Quality of GPS chip of device
Different GPS chips supports different satellite and for example, some chips does not support Chinese satellite and other does not support Europe satellite etcIt is different by brands or generations so needed to choose right devices.
Indoor or outdoor
GPS satellites require clear sky for accuracyTracking location indoor is difficult especially when wifi or GSM adjustment is lacking
In conclusion, only no.3 ““choosing device with better GPS chips”” is accessible but it is important to understand how it works and why is there gap between countries or areas.”
1125 How many photos can be attached to SKUs?
No restrictions for the number of photos.
1147 What Super company can do?
It is good to set Super company when Manager observes several companies. By switch company button, he can easily moves back and forth between SENRI accounts of multiple companies. However, there is no dashboard to see all companies in one place.Settings in CS page- Go to Super Company List- Create New Super Company- Assign companies to belong to the super company- Set user who can move back and forth between companies
1011 Something error occurred at refreshing
Check as follows;
- Check Error Report in CS page or ask FS to share “Refresh Detail” which are in drawer menu of the app.
- Check in what situation the error occurred.
- Share the info with engineering team through trouble shooting channel on Slack
1049 SENRI either suddenly stops or brings me back to the login page with no error
Retention period might be set by Manager. If it’s not set, please update the app to the latest version.
1111 Can I remove some SKUs from some customers?
Set price 0 for specific tier so that those SKUs are not shown in the customers under the tier
1123 Can I make payment method compulsory?
In user settings, you can hide “Not Set” from choices so that Field staff have to choose either method.
1139 Can I clear all customer assignment?
You can clear all customer assignment from CS page.
- Choose company
- Go to user list
- Click clear assignment buttonThis function is not currently accessible by client but CS page.
1140 Can I restrict FS to view all customers?
Existing customer data
You can set customer assignment
1. Go to user list in admin console
2. Click customer assignment button or import customer assignment. When the number of customer is large, import is recommended
New customer data
You can set customer assignment settings for new customer registration
1. Go to company settings
2. Go to app settings
3. See “New Customer Assignment on Mobile App”
4. Choose from the below choices
All users
Only user who is assigned to the region *require region assignment settings from user settings
Only user who register the customer`
1149 What are server, database and UI spec of SENRI?
Run in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
For server, use EC2 with Elastic Beanstalk.
For DB server, run with RDS. At the time of high load, use Auto Scaling.
For development, we use different server.
Database supported PostgreSQL 12 and later
Programming languages on web are Javascript and Ruby on Rails
Programming language on mobile is Kotlin
Methods of integration are import/export csv and JSON API
Security: Data Encryped / Secured Connection
Web user interface is Web based User Interface (HTML with Javascript) and Touch Based User Interface (TUI)
1017 How can I check all refresh history (not last refresh)?
User usage in CS pages is recorded every time field staff starts refreshing the app although whether refresh was completed or failed cannot be distinguished in this list.
1027 How do I record credit note?
- Credit note is required when customers ordered but not received delivery or place return
- If customer requires document, you need to make manually, but in SENRI, you edit transactions or record return
1046 Payment is disabled, but the FS can still see it on the mobile app
Viewing payment information is available on the app even if payment function is disabled. Field Staff can check the payment status of sales with pay later
1058 What’s happen when record replace and return to sales amount and inventory?
Replace:As the stock is deducted from sub-inventory, the qty is counted as SKU sold. Sales amount is 0.
Return:As no stock is deducted from sub-inventory, the qty is not counted as SKU sold. Sales amount is negative.こっちに変更のためArchive
1119 Can both field staff and manager collect part of payment?
Both of them can collect part of payment.
1120 What is importing outstanding balance?
Transactions will be created in back date. It accepts both positive and negative amount. It helps to adjust outstanding balance and setup starting balance when start using SENRI.
1121 What is the difference between “Enable view” and “Enable record and view” of users settings of payment functions?
Enable view:Field staff can only check outstanding balance and communicate it to their customers but not allowed to register payment.
Enable record and view:Field staff can even record payment and it will be reflected to customer’s outstanding balance immediately.
1127 What is the difference between Force to enable Location Permission and Force to enable GPS?
Force to enable location permission:When it is turned on, Field staff can use no functions in SENRI unless location permission is enabled in app settings of android devices.
Force to enable GPS:When it is turned on, Field staff cannot create a record on SENRI unless GPS is on. The reason why we cannot force Field Staff to GPS on for using any functions of SENRI is that Android policy prohibit application to require GPS always. However, there are some MDM application to enforce it so please use it in case of high level of necessity.
1129 What’s happen when user is assigned to user group?
By assigning users to user group, only the information of the assigned group can be accessed by them on both web and mobile app.
1141 How many characters can be sent in one SMS?
The length of a text message is 160 characters, including spaces. When a message exceeds 160 characters, it will become a multi-part message.
1145 What is the difference between ERP inventory and Main inventory?
ERP inventory- It can connect with Sub-inventory- It can have multiple inventories and assign an inventory to Field Staff- SENRI has not the inventory history- The number of stock per SKU in ERP inventory is displayed when placing an order on the app, and FS cannot sell SKUs that exceed the number of stock, unless the settings allows selling negative stock.Main inventory- It cannot connect with Sub-inventory- It can have only one inventory and have no user assignment- SENRI has the inventory history- FS can sell SKUs regardless of the stock in Main inventory
1071 What is rank of products for?
Rank can control order to show on mobile app.
1082 Why am I not seeing the bottom to add new field staff?
You have reached maximum number of licences. Please contact to PIC.
1099 Why can’t we reduce threshold for automatic checkout or duration calculation?
Threshold for our automatic checkout is 1km away from customers and field staff cannot undo checkout but need to checkin again in case of mis-functioning.Threshold for duration calculation without checkin/out functions is circle of 200m radius and it cannot be undone.
Reason1: GPS accuracy
GPS is not always 100% accurate so GPS information may jump to far point and the function above may work unintentionally.Google says GPS accuracy is 68% and it also varies depending on the devices.Plus the following data is based on actual SENRI GPS information of approx. 300,000 GPS information, as of 6 Aug 2021. Basically, only 82% of GPS information is as accurate as 50m but 98% of GPS information is as accurate as 1km. Thus, SENRI sets threshold based on those data.
Reason2: Outlet size
Some large outlet may have width of more than 200m or 500m so the functions above may work unintentionally when field staff moves around”
1137 Why are #registered customers in customer list and customer registration different?
When field staff only register customer, it is neither counted as visit nor new customer registration.Those are only counted when FS records some activities like check-in/out, visit report, sales, merchandising report, delivery or payment.
1138 How can we show or hide prompt for suspension of alerts?
Go to Restriction of Functions on CS page.Find “Display Payment Alert” and set either enabled or disabled.
1146 Why number of customer is 0 in region list?
The number of customer is shown only in regions that are directly connected to it.
1150 Why is total of “Order (excl. VAT)” not same as total of order in activity report?
Order of activity report includes what web users create as order-taking and assign to field staffVisit list only shows customers visited by field staff so it does not include orders by web usersPlus total sales of individual activity report only have approved order including order from web managers
1118 Which invoice will be paid when I registered payment in payment management page?
Basics is first in first out so invoice with oldest creation date is paid when payment registered in Payment Management.
1118 Which invoice will be paid when I registered payment in payment management page?
Basics is first in first out so invoice with oldest creation date is paid when payment registered in Payment Management.
1126 Can field staff give discount to customers on site?
3 types of discount can be made according to the user settings
- Free sample
- Discount rate % Per each deal or applied to all transactions
- Discount by fixed amount Per each deal only
1130 What is sections for and how can I make conditional questions?
The section is a group of questions in Visit Report. Using sections, you can create a conditional question that displays the following questions depending on the answer to the previous questions.
How to create:
- Create all the sections you need.
- For the first section, set the following section.
- Set the last section as a Submit form.
1130 What is sections for and how can I make conditional questions?
The section is a group of questions in Visit Report. Using sections, you can create a conditional question that displays the following questions depending on the answer to the previous questions.
How to create:
- Create all the sections you need.
- For the first section, set the following section.
- Set the last section as a Submit form.
1144 On the Activity tracking map, why are there pins in places where FS cannot go, such as overseas?
Check the following two possibilities.- Someone may have logged in at a different location.
- Check wether different login tokens are appearing randomly in user usage
- Fake location was used- Check wether fake location alerts are showing up in Activity report.If not above, the GPS has acquired inaccurate information.Repeatedly turning the device or GPS on and off will not stabilize the location acquisition, so it is recommended to keep the power and GPS on while using the app.
1148 How prices can be set for Direct Order?
Pricing in Direct Order can be set for each tier as well as the default pricing for Direct Order.
Customers can see the discount rate if the Direct Order pricing is lower than the SENRI pricing, since in many cases it is a better deal to buy at Direct Order
When several price settings are set to SKU, the basic rules for display price and discount are
The price to display is DO preset price > DO default price > SENRI default price
Discount comparison is SENRI preset price > SENRI default price
1113 When is transaction marked as pending automatically?
Transactions are automatically marked as pending after any of web users open the transaction details.Read and unread status are managed by each managers so if one user does not open the transaction and other web users do open the transaction, the transaction will be marked as pending and all other web users will see the same status
1151 Why is today’s data in data studio empty?
Google data studio, more precisely BigQuery as a background, syncs with SENRI only once in a day at 3AM UTC.
SENRI prepares manual sync and spec follows:
- If you run manual sync once, you cannot re-run in next 3hours.
- Manual sync usually takes 5-10mins and 30 mins at maximum.
Please communicate to product team if manual sync is required.
Also please note that if data transaction of one company exceeds 1TB, we may need to charge additionally. Usually every 1 table consumes 300KB-500KB everytime open reports, thus it hardly reaches.
1308 What if FS reports an issue but CS cannot reproduce?
You can follow the following procedures to check for the issue:
1. Check the Company-wise and user settings and make sure that the demo account settings are exactly the same.
2. Check the phone settings and permissions granted to SENRI.
3. Ask the user for the exact steps to reproduce the issue and follow the same steps to see if the issue can be reproduced. If possible, request a video of the issue.
1309 Why do Transactions from some users on SENRI not sync to the ERP?
The integration module will only sync transactions from users based on the following:
1. The User Group: The API user MUST be in all the User Groups that the sync should happen
2. The User Code: The user Code on SENRI must match the user code on the ERP.
1272 Note: Effects to transactional data owing to change in relational or master data in SENRI
This articles explain the data effects to transactional data when relational data (or master data) have been changed in admin console. Transactional data especially means the below but this may affect any related reports like activity report or sales trends.
- Transaction/Deal
- Visit report
- Merchandising report
- Project
Cases when transactional data will be updated - (Change in data relation) Basically relational data to transactional data will be updated as data relations of relational data.
- Customer relational data. It means primary sales may increase if you add some secondary customers to one primary customer even after transaction is made for example and it equally affect sales by tier or sales by region.
- Primary customer name
- Region
- Tier/Customer type
- SKU relational data
- Product
- Category
- (Rename/Change in relational data) Basically relational data to transactional data will be updated as relational data renamed.
- Product
- SKU/Product/Category name
- User
- User name
- User group name
- Customer
- Customer name
- Tier, customer type, region name
- Primary customer name
- Project
- Stage name
- Stage rank
- Probability name
Change in data relation and rename in relational data is only updated when transactional data in BigQuery (datasource of Looker Studio and Tableau).Cases when transactional data will not be updated
- Basically relational data which directly be included in transactional data will not be updated as relational data updated
- Product
- Price of product: if you change price settings of any product, all the past transactions will not be updated
- VAT settings of product
- Discount settings of product: if you change price scheme settings of any product, all the past transaction will not be updated
- Customer
- Customer default discount
- Excluded in analysis
- For plan, the settings will be reflected as of begin date time, not created date
- Visit report
- Answer options: if you change or switch options of single/multiple choice questions, all the past answers will not be updated
- Answer type: if you change answer type from free text to date for example, all the past answers will not be updated
- Questions text: if you change questions text, all the past answers will not be updated although question id will remain same so that it will be displayed in the same column when exporting
- Payment
- Custom payment methods
- User group: Actually user group is not relational data of user but direct relational data of transactional data. Thus all the past transactional data remains under the user group when the records have been made.