Activity Report and GPS Tracking Flashcards
1000 Location is not captured on the map although GPS is on
When checking the activity of Filed Staff, Managers find no location on the map although GPS is on in GPS information.
# Why this happens?
There are some possibilities.
Accuracy of GPS location is not high enough to capture to the map
Battery optimization is on
Debug mode is on
Filed Staff may not allow the notification for location service which has the message “SENRI is running” so that location service doesn’t work
Field staff moves very fast (more than 60km/h)
Field staff moves very slow or does not move (less than 200m)
How to solve the trouble?
1. To get high accuracy location,
Allow location permission all the time
Permit to user precise location
keep turning on wifi
keep turning on Bluetooth
To refresh GPS sensor.
Turn off GPS once and turn it on again
Restart the device
2. Check battery optimize setting (Ref. )
- Check device settings and debug mode is not on: disabling the developer options and USB debugging
- Allow the notification for location service in the mobile settings
1001 Fake on-site visit records seems created under geofence restrictions
Fake on-site visit records seems created under geofence restrictions
# Situation
The ONSITE visits that appear pinned in places where the user doesn’t seem to have gone to.
# Why this happens?
- Case1 : Changed the customer location after recorded visit
- Case2 : GPS Info in SENRI†was reset before recording visit
- Turn off GPS right before recording the visit
- SENRI tracking service was killed by OS† before recording the visit
# How to solve?
For case1, manager should carefully check customer location request.
For case2, please check not to optimise battery for SENRI.
Optimise may kill the SENRI background service.
Settings > App & notifications > Special app access > Battery optimisation > App apps > SENRI > Donít optimise
If the user can not turn off GPS by MDM, probably SENRI background service was suspended or killed by† OS. Check device settings if battery optimisation which might be pre-installed in Android and any other vender’s original battery optimisation function is installed.
1007 Field staff said he made 3 visits in this morning and 2 visits in the afternoon but I only see visit of afternoon. Is it possible?
Basically, it is not possible since SENRI mobile app does not send part of information when it’s synced. i.e. All information is synced or none of information is synced.
However the exception is here:
- Field staff cancel/delete records before they submit so manager needs to check deleted transactions or visit reports to see those records and it does not reflect to activity report or sales trends.
- Field staff clear data or uninstall the app before they submit them.
- Field staff may change time settings of mobile app and the records in the morning are not recorded as in the morning. You can lock automatic date/time on mobile.
1008 Why check out time is empty in visit list?
If version of mobile app is 5.13 or later, it means the field staff†has not yet check out outlet
If version of mobile app is 5.12 or before, it means check out functions is disabled for that person or field staff has not yet check out outlet
1012 User didn’t go to the field but the map record distance
- GPS is not that accurate so that GPS location might be received even the phone is not moved.
- Field Staff login to multiple devices. This can be checked by Login token on usage history or user usage.
1015 How do system calculate the time spend at customer’s place?
- For using checkin and checkout: Calculate time between record checkin and checkout
- For not using checkin and checkout: Calculate time when field staff was as close as 150m to customers
1016 Why some visit duration are accurate while others are not?
For using checkin/out- In case of automatic checkout, checkout time may be delayed a bit
For not using checkin/out - In case of low accuracy of GPS, calculation of duration has also low accuracy because the duration is based on the calculation when field staff was as close as 150m to customers.
1023 What are the meaning of the white, red and green blocks under GPS Tracking?
- White: Phone was off or GPS tracking time range was not set
- Red: Phone was on but GPS was off
- Green: Phone was on but GPS was on
1024 What is last visit at? What if field staff has not finish all their visit of today?
- Last visit is latest visit recorded when sync is completed
- For today’s last visit, last visit keeps updating every time Field Staff made new visit
1025 Why last visit is empty although field staff made a visit?
Last visit is empty until Field Staff made more than 2 visits
1026 What is change location in new requests on web?
- A request sent from Field Staff to the manager to change a customer location
- By approving the request, customer location will be changed and the visit when the request was sent will be changed from offsite to onsite.
- It’s important to check carefully not to approves wrong requests. Customer location may be registered incorrectly or visits by field staff will be marked as onsite although visit was not made.
1037 Can we force the field staff to keep ON the GPS?
In company settings, SENRI can only force GPS on when Field Staff creates record and customer registration but not always.
This is Google policy that mobile app cannot force GPS on at all time. However, we observe some MDM is possible to lock GPS settings so please install MDM separately. If FS uses private smartphone, it may be difficult to agree installation of MDM.
1038 How often can I track the movement of my field staff?
If FS keep moving, the app tracks†between 10 - 60 seconds depending on the device.
1039 Will the Field Staff be tracked if he turns off internet?
Yes, it is possible.
However, more accurate GPS can be captured when FS is connected to Wifi.†
1040 What’s happen when geo-fence is on?
You cannot create records until you are as close as 300m to customers.
1041 How do you ensure that the Field Staff can’t fake GPS data?
- SENRI map, distance, customer location and all other GPS related functions does not capture fake GPS
- Also, you can see if Field Staff uses fake GPS in GPS tracking of individual activity report.
- Additionally, MDM can restrict fake GPS app to install
1045 I cannot see GPS tracking in map. What could be the issues?
- Mobile app is not refreshed
- Low GPS accuracy
- Field staff does not move at all
- Location audit service is turned off. Please refer to Don’t kill my app
1047 SENRI is saying I’m not close to customers though I am
It may be due to GPS accuracy.
GPS Accuracy is low right after turning on GPS.
Please turn on GPS† at all time, rather than only†recording to avoid it.”
1055 The phone keeps hanging, battery power drains faster
The battery saving function may be working on the app. When the app is killed many times, battery consumption will be faster.
To stop battery saving function, please refer to:
1051 Fake on-site visit records seems created under geofence restrictions
Field Staff may create the future visit by changing the date & time of phone.
Enable “Force Automatic Date&Time” option on company settings so that Field Staff cannot make records if the settings is not†Automatic Date&Time.
1079 What is the timestamps in visit list?
Using checkin/out function - Time when field staff tap checkin and out
Not using checkin/out†function - Time when field staff start recording
1050 App is requesting FS to grant permission for location although it’s granted
There are multiple ways to grant permissions depending on the OS.
In some cases, the permission is only granted while the app is open but†SENRI requires that permissions are always granted
Recently, the Permission dialog does not include “Always granted” option. You may need to change the permission to “Always granted” from phone settings.
1086 How does SENRI calculate visits?
Count number of visit unique to 1 customer in a day by 1 Field Staff.
Plans are also counted same. If you made 1 visit in a day although you made 2 plan, it shows visited as planned
1091 How is it possible for the field staff to make 3 onsite visit within 2 mins?
It may be possible when customers are very close and make no reports or sales.
You may need to make “Make Records before Checkout” required to avoid FS to do checkin/out only.
Or FS might change the date&time of mobile phone. To avoid this, you need to make “Enable Automatic Date/Time” required.
1093 Why does blue dot (GPS tracking) not override on red flags (onsite customer visit)?
This is because logics of blue dots and red dots are completely separate.
Blue dots are captured every 10-60 seconds except when field staff is not moving or moving very fast.
Red flags are captured when FS record visit and blue dots are not recorded at the time so those are not at the sames point
However blue dots and red flags should be as close as 200m and then verify onsite.
1094 Can we track field staff if they kill the apps?
You can track as long as the location service is running.
If you turn off the location service notification display, the location service will be disabled.
1096 Why is any GPS dot not showing for 1 hour althought GPS shows on?
Here is possible senarios;
- Field staff moves very fast (more than 60km/h)
- Field staff moves very slow or does not move (less than 200m)
- Also when the app is closed, GPS dots will be shown less than when the app is opened.
1097 FS is saying SENRI is draining battery so battery does not last. Is it possible?
If smartphone is only for SENRI, battery can last for approximately 2 days.
FS may misunderstand it because some android phones notify FS the app using battery most except for google apps
This notification is inevitable when we track FS at all time and the app syncs automatically every 30 minutes but still it can last at least 1 day.
For someone having 1week trip to rural area, buying battery bank may be recommended.
1098 Can we track the milage of the sales rep?
It is possible, but it has 20% inaccuracy in calculation.
Since we calculate this based on the distance of GPS blue dots, it may not able to capture curving movement well.
1099 Why can’t we reduce threshold for automatic checkout or duration calculation?
- Threshold for our automatic checkout is 1km away from customers and field staff cannot undo checkout but need to checkin again in case of mis-functioning.
- Threshold for duration calculation without checkin/out functions is circle of†200m radius and it cannot be undone.
Reason1: GPS accuracy
- GPS is not always 100% accurate so†GPS information may jump to far point and the function above may work unintentionally.
- Google says GPS accuracy is 68% and it also varies depending on the devices.
- Plus the following data is based on actual†SENRI GPS information of†approx.†300,000 GPS information, as of 6 Aug 2021. Basically, only 82% of GPS information is as accurate as 50m but 98% of GPS information is as accurate as 1km. Thus, SENRI sets threshold based on those data.
Reason2: Outlet size
- Some large outlet may have width of more than 200m or 500m so†the functions above may work unintentionally when field staff moves around
1100 Why does some GPS dots go very far suddenly or is it not exactly where Field Staff goes?
GPS accuracy is not always 100% and would be said 68% by Google.
According SENRI actual data, 82% of GPS data is as accurate as 50m, 95% for 200m and 98% for 1km.
Also, it has difference depending on brand or devices. We observe Samsung phones have high accuracy in GPS as well as Xiaomi and Nokia, though TECNO phones do not have as well as itel, infinix and Huawei.
1101 Why is sometimes GPS inaccurate and what can we do for it?
GPS accuracy is not depending on SENRI but all factors below matter concurrently.
Google assumes that GPS accuracy is apporox. 60% so it cannot be perfect with today’s technology. However SENRI use unique technologies to eliminate inaccurate GPS within as much as possible but still cannot be always perfect.
- GPS satellite
- Different satellites has different quality†of positioning and usage of satellites is different by country.
- Recent research mentioned that†Chinese satellites are higher quality of accuracy than US’s
- Americas and West Africa are using US satellites primarily. On the other hand, rest of the world are using Chinese satellites primarily. Actually, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and some of western Europe are using both equally.
- Plus, Kenya is supported by more satellites than other countries like US or UK and it also matters.
- Wifi or GSM†adjustment
- Cons of satellite tracking is especially inaccuracy at indoor
- Wifi and other GSM antenna adjust location in collaboration with satellite
- However, it requires hardwares in territory so countries with lack of the antenna or some rural areas are not supported in this methods.
- Quality of GPS chip of device
- Different GPS chips supports different satellite and for example, some chips does not support Chinese satellite and other does not support Europe satellite etc
- It is different by brands or generations so needed to choose right devices.
- Indoor or†outdoor
- GPS satellites require clear sky for accuracy
- Tracking location indoor is difficult especially when wifi or GSM adjustment is lacking
In conclusion, only no.3 “choosing device with better GPS chips” is accessible but it is important to understand how it works and why is there gap between countries or areas.
1103 What would you explain as risks for customers who wants to introduce GPS tracking function only?
We don’t recommend customers to use tracking function only because
- Strong resistance from fields staff expected
- Often the case, vehicle tracking system can give the similar function with cheaper price We recommend customers to use at least visit report.
- Often the case, it gives better information of number of visit and customer details.
1104 What is the limitation of GPS tracking to be shared to the customer who has strong motivation to track GPS?
- There are several ways that FS avoid being tracked: turning off SENRI / turning off mobile
- Strong registance from FS
- GPS quality not necessarily perfect with†low quality smartphone and may show wrong location information (typically Nigeria and Tanzania)
- No real time tracking: we track every 10-60†seconds†but data shared every 30 min
**note: important to share those limitation so that we can have better expectation control in advance”
1105 What are the cons of GeoFencing that should be shared to prospective customers?
In case GPS quality is low, cannot record at the time of sales (or need to wait till internet connection)
Often the case, FS wants to record order by receiving a phone call from customers”
1115 Can SENRI count different field activities as separate visit numbers for the same customer within the same day?
SENRI counts multiple records in one customer in the same day as 1 visit in Activity Report, Dashboard etc.. However, in Visit List of Daily Activity Report, you can check each record and visit even if Field Staff create multiple records in the same day
1127 What is the difference between Force to enable Location Permission and Force to enable GPS?
Force to enable location permission:
When it is turned on, Field staff can use no functions in SENRI unless location permission is enabled in app settings of android devices.
Force to enable GPS:
When it is turned on, Field staff cannot create a record on SENRI unless GPS is on. The reason why we cannot force Field Staff to GPS on for using any functions of SENRI is that Android policy prohibit application to require GPS always. However, there are some MDM application to enforce it so please use it in case of high level of necessity.
1132 Why is #visit and new customer registration counted as 0 although Field Staff visits and registers customers?
When field staff only register customer, it is neither counted as visit nor new customer registration.
Those are only counted when FS records some activities like check-in/out, visit report, sales, merchandising report, delivery or payment.
1136 Why do change location and edit order time require approval?
- Change location - It’s because all visit will be onsite if field staff can change location as they like
- Edit order time - Many inconveniences can occur, for example,†monthly target achievement can be faked if field staff change month of sales
1137 Why are #registered customers in customer list and customer registration different?
When Field Staff only register customer, it is neither counted as visit nor new customer registration.
Those are only counted when FS records some activities like check-in/out, visit report, sales, merchandising report, delivery or payment after his/her customer registration.
1143 Why onsite status of visit is blank although user is forced to turn on GPS?
When onsite is blank (-) in visit list of Daily Activity Report, it means that GPS was ON but the app didn’t receive location info.
If almost all the status are blank, it might be because
- GPS monitoring service has been killed.
- The app doesn’t have permission to access the location information
Check if “SENRI is running” message keeps showing on the mobile which means monitoring service is working and allow the app to access the location
If some status are onsite but others are blank, it might be because
- Rebooted the device.
- GPS was turned off once and turned on immediately
Recommend FS not to turn off device and GPS while using SENRI since GPS cannot start collecting GPS info immediately after turn on GPS
1144 On the Activity tracking map, why are there pins in places where FS cannot go, such as overseas?
Check the following two possibilities.
- Someone may have logged in at a different location. - Check wether different login tokens are appearing randomly in user usage
- Fake location was used - Check wether fake location alerts are showing up in Activity report.\
If not above, the GPS has acquired inaccurate information
Repeatedly turning the device or GPS on and off will not stabilize the location acquisition, so it is recommended to keep the power and GPS on while using the app.
1157 What is auto checkout?
- Away from checkin location
When GPS is turned on, FS will be automatically checked out when they are away from checkin location.
The distance to be automatically checked out depends on the accuracy of the GPS as follows;
- High (Accuracy less than 50): 1km away from checkin location
- Middle (Accuracy 50 - 500): 2km away from checkin location
- Low (Accuracy more than 500): 4km away from checkin location
- GPS turned off
Under enable GPS function, FS will be automatically checked out when he keep turning off GPS after checkin - No checkout until 23:59
When a visit has not checked out till 23:59, FS will be will be automatically checked out when the app is launched in the following day.
In addition, if FS changes data and time of device or turns off GPS repeatedly, it will cause GPS to be inaccurate and cause auto checkout.
No.1 and 2 can be turned off at Admin Consoles > Checkin Settings > Auto checkout parameter.
1166 When exactly is the time of visit and transaction meant?
Created at of transaction is the time when FS start recording transaction.
Checkin/out time in visit list of Daily Activity Report is the time when FS press Checkin and checkout button.
The time for not checkin/out user in visit list of Daily Activity Report is the time when FS start any activity for the customer.
1169 Why two visit lists are made for one visit in Individual Activity Report?
This happens because of the way SENRI records visit and activity data.
When an FS starts an activity, the app sends information to the web that a visit has been made. Then, when the activity is completed, the activity data is added to the visit and records in the visit list as a single visit that had activity.
However, in some cases, the activity data may not find the visit data and record it as a separate visit.
As a result, two visit lists are created for one visit in Daily Activity Report.
1179 When would red-flags be raised on Red-flag Report?
Maximum 4 red-flags will be raised when the result of the weekly Visit meets the following criteria.
The report for the last week is displayed based on data uploaded by Sunday evening each week.
- Low #Visit Red-flag
- # of visit is more than 10% lower than last week
- # of visit is out of 70% of average trends of last 20 weeks - Low Onsite Rate Red-flag
- Onsite rate is 50% or less
- Onsite rate is more than 20% lower than last week
- Onsite rate is more than 15% lower the average of last 20 weeks - High Short Visit Rate Red-flag
- Short Visit Rate is 50% or more
- Short Visit Rate is more than 20% higher than last week
- Short Visit Rate is more than 15% higher than the average of last 20 weeks - Low #Daily Average Visit Red-flag
- # of daily average visit is more than 15% lower than the average of last 20 week
1180 When alerts are raised on Red-flag Reports?
Red-flag Report shows alerts on activities of Field Staff based on the data uploaded by Sunday evening every week.
Maximum 4 red-flags will be raised when the result of the weekly visit meets any of the following criteria.
Red-flag 1. Low #Visit
- # of visit is more than 10% lower than last week
- # of visit is out of 70% of average trends of last 20 weeks
Red-flag2. Low Onsite Rate
- Onsite rate is 50% or less
- Onsite rate is more than 20% lower than last week
- Onsite rate is more than 15% lower than the average of last 20 weeks
Red-flag3. High Short Visit Rate
- Short Visit Rate is 50% or more
- Short Visit Rate is more than 20% higher than last week
- Short Visit Rate is more than 15% higher than the average of last 20 weeks
Red-flag4. Low #Daily Average Visit
- # of daily average visit is more than 15% lower than the average of last 20 weeks
1183 If a customer wants customization for the dashboard and web reports, what would you recommend?
a) We don’t do customization for dashboard as it is for all of our customers
b) For customized KPI and reports, we have Google Data Studio where we can set customized KPI (e.g., number of items sold per sales)
1196 I have supervisor for each user group. Can I check total of #visit and order amount under one user group?
SENRI team can create customized table with Data studio. Please contact customer success officer for more information.
1209 How can we manage working time with clock in and clock out?
Use attendance function in activity report.
It shows 1st visit and last visit made on that date.
Some companies set time for 1st visit and check if it’s late.
1210 I doubt if field staff really visits and talks with customers properly although visit is onsite.
a) Use visit timeline in daily activity report and check if too much visit made within 1 hour.
b) View visit report and photo properly if content is rich. If not, you can detail in by using comments.
c) Check suspicious visit in activity report. If flag is raised, you can view visit list and talk with field staff.
1211 We have daily visit target. Can we implement with SENRI?
We recommend to set minimum number of plans.
It’s important for field staff to set plan rather set number only.
If you use this function, filed staff cannot start visit activity without setting up plan.
1212 How can I check frequency of visit to each customers?
- Go to activity report
- Go to visit by customer
- Change format to monthly
- You can see visit frequency per month
1022 How should I understand status other than onsite?
Field Staff were as close as 300m to customer registered location
Field Staff were not as close as 300m to customer registered location. Field Staff can send request for change location at the time and if manager accepts change, it will be changed to Onsite
ー (minus mark):
Either visit location or customer location was not captured. or neither of them were not captured.
GPS off:
GPS was physically off on device
1226 Why is good to use Check-in/out function?
By using check-in/out function, manager can know exact duration of visit and get alerts for some conditions.
When check-in/out function is enabled, the time when FS visit and leave a customer would be recorded. On the other hand, when check-in/out function is disabled, only the time that FS start recording activity would be recorded.
So when checkin/out function is enabled, manager can do following;
- Set minimum first checkin time
- Set standard duration
- Set a order of activity
In addition, following data is available
- Distance and duration between visits
- Number of short visit
1223 What notifications are available for external users?
Weekly Report and Daily Report can be sent to users who are not registered in SENRI.
Their email address can be registered in Company Settings.
1229 Why GPS tracking doesn’t appear on the map although visits are uploaded?
This is because SENRI applies extra accuracy examination to GPS tracking data which takes 30mins to achieve high quality GPS tracking function, while it does not apply to location data of customer visit.
How to capture and upload location data of customer visit
1. Field staff using check in/out function: upload location data of customer visit immediately once it gets online after checkin even if Field Staff does not check out
2. Field staff not using check in/out function: upload location data of customer visit immediately once it gets online after complete visit.
How to capture and upload location data of GPStracking
1. Store location data for 30mins and run extra accuracy examination
2. Upload location data only passed the examination
For both cases, SENRI automatically filters out location information which GPS sensor mark it as low accuracy and extra accuracy examination is applied only for no.2 since GPS location tend to be low to capture someone on move.
1236 Why can Field staff record own visits even though did not reach the minimum plan?
The number of plans includes deleted plans.
Please count plans with checking View Delete Plans at Schedule > Schedule Summary > Rresult > Choose name of field staff. and filter date.
1251 What does S and G means in Map?
S and G shows only when check in/out function is enabled.
S is where Field Staff start moving and G is where Field Staff finish moving.
If working hour is set, S is only after working hour and G is before working hour.
When GPS becomes off, the device is left somewhere or end of working hour comes, G would be shown even if Field Staff didn’t finish moving at the place.
1253 What can we check on Daily and Monthly Activity Report?
Daily and Monthly Activity Report are valuable for tracking activities of Field Staff.
The report provides detailed information on visits, plans and sales, by which manager can evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.
Daily Activity Report
Leave status: Day off of Half-day off
If no stats shown but no activities are made, you may need to check the reason
Last sync at: The time of the app’s last refresh
The app syncs automatically every 30 minutes. If it hasn’t synced for long time, there is a possibility that the user has been offline or turned off their device, or logged out of the application.
Bar graph: The number of visits, on-site visits, orders, new customer acquisitions, unplanned visits, and short visits
Pie chart: The number of plans and achievement of visits
Order amount*: The amount of all orders
Visit Timeline: The time of first visit and last visit and moving distance for the day. Plus, the number of visits per hour, with darker circles indicating a higher number of visits
The distance is calculated base on location information. If Clock in/out is enabled, it’s the distance only from clock in to clock out.
If the number of visits for an hour is too high, you may need to check whether those visits actually were done.
Fake GPS: Detects if Field Staff tries to use Fake GPS, although Fake GPS is not available on SENRI. Learn more
GPS status: Green - On, Red - Off, Grey - Out of service due to log out
Map: Tracking of Field Staff, with green indicating on-site visits and red indicating off-site visit
Visit list: Detailed activity for each visit, which can be downloaded.
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URL for test environment:
Monthly Activity Report
Day worked: Total days on which visits were made or clock in/out was recorded within the working hours set
Visit per day: The number of visits divided by the number of days worked
Sales per visit: The sales amount divided by the number of visits
Payment collection: The amount of payment collect
Visit achievement: The percentage of visit target achieved
Total Plans: The percentage of plans achieved
Sales achievement: The percentage of sales target achieved
Sales to Order: The percentage of sales to orders for all orders
Graph: The number of visits, on-site visits, orders, unique customers, new customers, unplanned visits, and short visits
Weekly summary: The number of visits, sales amount, and new customers on a weekly basis.
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URL for test environment
Graphs/charts with * are hidden when the function is enabled
Short visit and Start/Goal on Map are hidden if Check in/out function is disabled
1257 What kind of alerts that might appear when Field Staff make an activity?
Field Staff may receive alerts that prevent them from making an activity based on certain settings.
1) Working Hours:
* Settings: Working Hours is set
* Condition: Field Staff tries to make an activity outside of their set working hours
* Alert Message: “You can only make records between [working hours] from [days of the week].”
2) Automatic Date and Time:
* Settings: Automatic date and time is required
* Condition: Field Staff sets date and time of their mobile device manually
* Alert Message: “You must turn on automatic date and time before making records.”
3) Geofence:
* Settings: Geofence is enabled
* Condition: Field Staff try to make an activity away from customers
* Alert Message: “You need to be close to the customer.”
4) Location Access Permission:
* Settings: Enable GPS is on
* Condition: Field Staff haven’t given the app access permission to get their location
* Alert Message: “You need to permit getting location for using this app. Please turn on the location get permission for this app.”
5) Inaccurate GPS:
* Settings: Enable GPS is on
* Condition: The app fails to get an accurate GPS signal
* Alert Message: “Please wait a second at where the GPS works well such as outside. After that, try again.”
* What to do:
5) Fake Location:
*Settings: None
* Condition: The app detects a fake location
* Alert Message: “Fake GPS cannot be used.”
6) Customer Edit:
* Settings: Compulsory Field of customer information is set
* Condition: Field Staff tries to make an activity without required customer information being registered
* Alert Message: “Required fields of customer information must be registered before making an activity.”
7) Unplanned Visit
* Settings: Unplanned visits is not allowed
* Condition: Field Staff try to make a record with a customer who doesn’t have plans on the day
Alert Message: “You cannot create new record because you don’t have a plan with this customer.”
8) Minimum number of plans
* Settings: A minimum number of plans is set
* Condition: The minimum number of plans is not reached on the day
* Alert Message: “You cannot make new record because of insufficient number of plans for today.
1301 Can FS edit past expense?
FS can edit expense within the same day, while manager can edit expense anytime.