Sales and Transaction Flashcards
1009 Can I delete default price?
It’s possible on app.
- If you assign default price to specific tier, it will disappear for customer not assigned to the tier.
- If you set default price as 0, it will not be shown on the app.
It’s Impossible on web. It is required to input figures although 0 is accepted as price.
1027 How do I record credit note?
- Credit note is required when customers ordered but not received delivery or place return
- If customer requires document, you need to make manually, but in SENRI, you edit transactions or record return
1032 What is difference between created-at and uploaded-at of transactions?
- Created at: Time when field staff start recording transactions
- Uploaded at: Time when the record was sync to server
1046 Payment is disabled, but the FS can still see it on the mobile app
Viewing payment information is available on the app even if payment function is disabled. Field Staff can check the payment status of sales with pay later
1056 Can we calculate weight of order items?
Weight of order items can be calculated if weight for SKU is set.
When it’s set in SKU detail, it shows in transaction detail, invoice and delivery assignment on the web.
In addition, the weight amount of each category sold can be checked in Product Amount of Sales Trends.
When the unit of SKU is different from the unit of category, weight need to be set for SKU in order to calculate the weight in the same unit.
Category is Paint
SKU is Paint bottle 500g
- Set Unit as “Kg” in Category “Paint”
- Set Unit as “g” in SKU “Paint bottle 500g”
- Set the wight to 0.5 for SKU “Paint bottle500g”
- If 1 qty of “Paint bottle 500g” is sold, it will be counted as 0.5kg in the Sales by Product amount
1057 What is variant, amount, scale and unit?
Product name: Coca Cola
SKU name: Coca Cola 200mlPET×10
Amount: 200ml
Scale: 10
Unit: ml
Variant: 200mlPET×10
Weight: 200
- Variant is a name used to distinguish between SKUs in the same product on only the app.
- Normally, SKUs in the same product have the same name and different quantities, colors, etc. Therefore, when displaying SKUs on the app, instead of showing the official name of the SKU, a variant is displayed to avoid duplication.
- It’s displayed after selecting a product in sales order on the app.
- Amount, Scale, Unit can be viewed in sku detail in order taking and product category on the app.
- If weight is set with unit, total weight can be referred in transaction, deal export and delivery assignment. on the web.
1058 What’s happen when record replace and return to sales amount and inventory?
Replace: Detected from sub-inventory and no change in sales amount
Return: No change in both sub-inventory and return.
1059 Can I set default value in payment and delivery information when recording sales?
Manager can set default value blow;
- Due date:
1. Customer & Reports > Customers> Click the name of customer
2. Click the Payments tab under the name of customer
3. Click on the upper right dot and click edit
4. Go to “Default Number of Days for Payment Due” and edit it,
- Type:
- Admin Console > User setting section > Uses
- Click the name of Filed staff which you want to set the default value
- At the Sales Setting section, set “Default Payment Type”
- Method:
- It is automatically copied from previous transactions
- Delivery assignee:
1. Admin Console > Service settings section > Delivery Settings
2. Set the “Default Delivery Assignee”
- Delivery status: It is automatically copied from previous transactions
- Due date: No settings
1061 Can Field Staff edit price or make discount?
Fied staff can edit the price or make discount when managers allow them in the user setting beforehand.
Managers can choose either allow or restrict Field Staff to edit price or give discount it at the following these steps.
How to change the setting in user
1. Admin counsole > users
2. Click the user name which you want to change the authority
3. The bottom of page, you can choose the setting below
・Deal Discount (Percentage)
・Deal Discount (Fixed Amount)
・Edit Price
・Free Sample
1064 What is Edit Order Time in New Request on web?
Field staff can set the date of transactions in sales order if the order date needs to be different from the day.
This will be sent to manager as a request of changing order date and manager needs to approve the request to reflect the data to the transaction.
If manager doesn’t approve the request, the change won’t reflect to the transaction.
1071 What is rank of products for?
Rank can control order of list products on mobile app.
If you want to edit the rank at the following these steps.
- Admin Console > Servive setting section > Products and SKUs under the Sales
- Click the name of product, ou can set the rank.
If there are many products, you can import data form on the upper right dot.
You can get the import format from “Data Downloads”.
1072 Which information of SENRI is tax reflected and not reflected?
Basically, transactions or payment are inclusive of tax and analytics for Field Staff activity does not.
- Web;
- Sales trends, Activity report, Dashboard, Target Management:
- Not reflectedTransaction, Payment Management: Reflected
- Mobile
- Home, Record sales: Reflected
1073 Why does some product not appear in mobile app?
There are some possibilities.
1.Price is 0
2.Price is not assigned to tier of that customer
3.Product category is not assigned to field staff
If you want to appear them in mobile app, manager can change the setting below;
<In the case of 1 and 2>
Admin Console > Service Setting section > Sales > Products and SKUs
Click the name of SKUs
Click Price Settings under the Edit SKU
Set Price at the Default Section
<In the case of 3>
Admin Console > User setting section > Users
Click the dot on the right side and Assign Item Categories.
You can check the items which you want to assign.
1080 Why some transactions are approved although I do not approve transactions?
Even if you do not approve it, it is automatically approved when:
- Delivery status is delivered
- Web users edit orders and saveThus, for someone doing van sales, orders are usually approved automatically.
1081 What is the difference between Ordered Item List and Invoiced Item List?
- Ordered Item List: order which field staff input
- Invoiced Item List: latest orders after edit or approve by web users (from business perspective, this is confirmed orders)
1084 What’s happen to past transactions if I delete product or customer etc…?
Transactions will not be deleted.
Basically in SENRI, even if you delete product, user, customer etc, no related records does not disappear.
1089 What is the diffrence between orders and sales?
Order is what Field Staff collect on the app whichever it is approved or not. Since most of orders may not approve within a day. It is show in Activity Report and Daily Activity Summary on Dashboard.
Sales is what is either approved by web user or delivered. It is show in Sales Trends and Monthly Summary Summary on Dashboard
1108 What kind of application (usage) do we expect for Web transaction page?
a) Share order processing status to FS in real time- approved or not, if there’s any changes in q’ty
b) Process orders within the warehouse - to check order and give it to warehouse (often the case with printed document) for delivery
** Payment status / Credit balance to be reviewed in payment management page
** Checking orders / reviewing orders - not sure if that gives any vaules”
1111 Can I remove some SKUs from some customers?
Set price 0 for specific tier so that those SKUs are not shown in the customers under the tier
1112 Can I restrict some field staff to sell or see specific products?
Please set item category assignment for Field Staff so that those items are not shown to them.
1113 When is transaction marked as pending automatically?
Transactions are automatically marked as pending after any of web users open the transaction details.
Read and unread status are managed by each managers so if one user does not open the transaction and other web users do open the transaction, the transaction will be marked as pending and all other web users will see the same status
1116 Can we set discount and promotion rules by the size of purchase? What kind of rule can be applied?
SENRI has 3 types of promotion rules by the size of purchase, which called price scheme.
- Free sample - e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 3 quantity of free sample. It is multiplied when 4 quantity bought.
- Discount rate % - e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 25% discount. It is not multiplied when 4 quantity bought because it will reach to 100% in the end.
- Discount fixed - e.g. Buy 2 quantity and give 10USD discount. It is not multiplied when 4 quantity bought.
1118 Which invoice will be paid when I registered payment in payment management page?
Basics is first in first out so invoice with oldest creation date is paid when payment registered in Payment Management.
1119 Can both field staff and manager collect part of payment?
Both of them can collect part of payment.
1120 What is importing outstanding balance?
Transactions will be created in back date. It accepts both positive and negative amount. It helps to adjust outstanding balance and setup starting balance when start using SENRI.
1121 What is the difference between “Enable view” and “Enable record and view” of users settings of payment functions?
Enable view:
Field staff can only check outstanding balance and communicate it to their customers but not allowed to register payment.
Enable record and view:
Field staff can even record payment and it will be reflected to customer’s outstanding balance immediately.
1123 Can I make payment method compulsory?
In User settings, you can hide “Not Set” from choices so that Field staff have to choose either method.
- Admin Console > Users
- Click the user which you want to change the authority,
- Payment method in the Sales Setting, you can check “Not Set” and save.
1125 How many photos can be attached to SKUs?
No restrictions for the number of photos.
1126 Can field staff give discount to customers on site?
3 types of discount can be made according to the user settings.
- Free sample
- Discount rate % - Per each deal or applied to all transactions
- Discount by fixed amount - Per each deal only
1128 Will the order and payment amount be deleted in visit list if transactions or payment is deleted?
Order amount:
It will not deleted because order amount indicates amount Field Staff receives.
Payment amount: It†will be deleted.
1148 How prices can be set for Direct Order?
Pricing in Direct Order can be set for each tier as well as the default pricing for Direct Order.
Customers can see the discount rate if the†Direct Order pricing is lower than the SENRI pricing, since in many cases it is a better deal to buy at Direct Order
When several price settings are set to SKU, the basic rules for display price and discount are
The price to display is DO preset price > DO default price > SENRI default price
Discount comparison is SENRI preset price > SENRI default price
1150 Why is total of “Order (excl. VAT)” not same as total of order in activity report?
Order of activity report includes what web users create as order-taking and assign to field staff
Visit list only shows customers visited by field staff so it does not include orders by web users
Plus total sales of daily activity report only have approved order including order from web managers
1153 Can product name be duplicated?
Product name cannot be duplicated as well as category and SKU names.
1156 How many preset price can be set per SKU?
Number of preset price per SKU can be selected from 5, 10 and 15 in Price and Tax settings.
1158 When email notification will be sent for transaction?
By settings up email notification functions, emails will be sent at the following times;
To customer
- An order is made by Field Staff or manager
- An order is declined by manager
- An order is canceled by Field Staff
- An order is made with secondary customer
- An order with secondary customer is declined by manager
- An order with secondary customer is canceled by Field Staff
To Internal
- An order is made by Field Staff or via Direct Order
- An order order is declined by manager
- An order order is cancelled by Field Staff
- An order order is approved by manager
1202 How can I check total sales coming from single primary customers?
- Go to sales trends
- Tick “include secondary sales”
- All sales amount of secondary customers under the primary customer will be summarized
1203 How can I check nearest due date of each customers?
- Go to Payment management
- View next due. It’s nearest upcoming due date. If it overdue, it shows past date.
1204 How can I check payment due next week to estimate cash flow?
Field staff can input expected amount of payment when they make schedule and manager can view on schedule summary. Extended reports are available with GDS.
1218 Why is total of deal different from order value or sales value in SENRI?
It happens when you compare total of deal subtotal in data download and order/sales in activity report.
- Check if what is order and sales
- order amount in activity report should be equal to total of deal subtotal with any manager approval status
- sales amount in daily activity report should be equal to total of deal subtotal with approved status
Thus, please check with appropriate figures - Check with round settings on decimal numbers
- Most of companies set round up/down to decimal numbers and when it’s enabled, decimal numbers will be round up/down in transaction total *not deal subtotal. Thus if you purely sum up deal subtotal, all amount adjusted by round up/down will be gap in deal download format and any other SENRI figures.
For example,
SKU1 2102.3
SKU2 1000.3
SKU3 2200.1
When it’s round up decimal number, transaction total will be 5303 and 0.9 will be ignored in transaction and order/sales of activity report but it will remain in deal download format.
1227 How new transactions will be automatically approved?
When the delivery status becomes “Delivered”, manager status of the transaction will become automatically “Approved”.
So only when delivery status is not managed in SENRI, new transactions can be approved automatically.
Set up:
1. Disable Delivery function in Function settings by CS which will make default status of all the transaction “Delivered”
2. Do not allow “Edit delivery details” in user settings so that delivery status will not be changed from Delivered to Ordered.
1228 Sales is made although no visit is recorded
When SENRI sends orders to ERP, order are invoiced in SENRI and pulled back to SENRI. Then created time is updated to reflect the time from the ERP.
That is the reason why uploaded time is different from created time. Also note if an invoice is made directly made in the ERP, it will pull and reflect to SENRI (without any visits).
1246 What is the gaps b/w total sales per product and per customer?
This may affect sales summary and sales trends.
Sales per customers: Total of transaction amount which round/round-down calculation is applied
Sales per SKU/product/category: Total of deal amount which round/round-down is not applied
*Both of them applied discount.
*Round/round-down are applied to total amount of transactions before VAT.
*Transaction is a group of deals which are sales records of one SKU.
*Round settings are available at Admin console > Sales > Price and Tax > Rounding/Digit for Rounding.
1252 Why total sales are different by categorisation?
There are some possibilities
- Deleted customers
Sales by Customer doesn’t include the sales made by deleted customer while it’s included into sales by other categorisation. - Round settings on decimal numbers
The total sales may differ depending on whether it is calculated based on deal or transaction. This is due to round settings. Please see the detail in this article.
Sales by Field Staff and customer are calculated based on transaction while others are calculated by deal, there might be difference depending on rounding settings.
1263 Why is sales amount for Field Staff different from the actual value
- User group might be changed
When user group is changed, the app does not display the sales associated with the previous user group.
On the web, if the manager is not a member of the previous user group, he/she won’t be able to see the sales data.
If the manager belongs to both the previous and the new user groups, please pay attention to the User group filter when checking sales amount per Field Staff. In order to see the total value, you need to select both User groups in user group filter. - If new Field Staff takes over a user account of resigned Field Staff, the sales amount created by the resigned Field Staff may still be included. This is because sales amount is associated with the account, even if the account ownership has changed.
1287 What shows in sales history of customer detail on the mobile app?
Customer’s sales history shows all transactions within a week and all unpaid or undelivered transactions within 180 days by default. By downloading the data, you can view all previous transaction history. Transactions made by others are also included if you have allowed ‘Show sales data made by others in the mobile app’ in the sales settings.
Total amount for last 3 month is shown only when “View sales data made by others on mobile app” settings is allowed and it reflects only the transactions with approved status in last three months not including this month.
1291 How can we start using delivery assignment function?
In order to use delivery assignment function, default delivery status must be “Ordered” and default delivery assignee must be “Not assigned”. New orders will then automatically appear on the Deliveries Assign page and a delivery person can be assigned.
1300 What is restricted when using multi currency?
Fixed discount for deal cannot be used when using multi currency.
1352 Field Staff cannot view assigned deliveries created by different users
Since these are transactions from different users, ensure "View sales records created by others" is Allowed. *Default is not allowed.<br></br>Settings: Admin consoles > Sales > Mobile App Sales > View sales records created by others.