TEC1 - Semester 2: Upper Extremity Flashcards
Name the upper extremity joints.
shoulder girdle, elbow, proximal & distal radioulnar, wrist, hand, fingers
Which joints belong to the shoulder girdle?
Describe the SCJ.
- synovial diarthrotic
- biaxial saddle joint
- between proximal clavicle and clavicular notch at manubrium and sup. surface of first costal cartilage
Name the intrinsic and extrensic ligaments of the SCJ.
intrinsic: interclavicular, anterior & posterior sternoclavicular
extrinsic: costoclavicular
Describe the SCJ movements in the planes.
sagittal: anterior & posterior rotation
frontal: elevation, depression
transverse: protraction & retraction
What does humeral abduction require?
clavicular elevation and rotation
What is reciprocal movement?
movement at the same time but in opposite direction
Where does reciprocal movement occur in the clavicle?
at the distal and proximal ends
Describe the ACJ.
- synovial, diarthrosis
- plane/gliding
- between distal clavicle and facet in acromion process
What are the ligaments and discs of the ACJ?
intrinsic: AC -> prevents post. dislocation, limits scapular rotation
extrinsic: coracoclavicular -> prevents sup. dislocation, limits scap. rot.
disc: projects into joint from superior part of capsule
functions of the ACJ?
- gives scapula additional ROM
- allows scapula to change shape of thorax as humerus moves
- transmission of forces from UE to clavicle
What happens to scapula in ACJ movements?
- abduction/flexion: scapula rotates sup.
- adduction/extension: scapula rotates inf.
- protraction: internal rotation
- retraction: external rotation
- elevation: anterior tiliting
- depression: posterior tilting
Describe the GHJ.
- synovial, diarthrosis
- ball & socket
- multiaxial
- between humeral head and glenoid cavity
What are the intrinsic and extrinsic ligaments of the GHJ?
intrinsic: glenohumeral (sup, middle, inf.), transverse humeral, coracohumeral
extrinsic: coracoacromial
What are their functions?
- Superior: prevents inf. translation
- middle: limits ext. rotation
- inferior: limits ext/int rotation
- transverse humeral: prevents displacement of bicep tendon
- coracohumeral: limits inf. translation & ext. rotation
- coracoacromial: protection
in which ration do movements of scapula and humerus occur?
2:1 (2x GHJ: 1x Scapulothoracal) -> scapulothoracic rhythm
Describe the elbow joint.
- synovial, diarthrosis
- hinge, ellipsoid, pivot
- uniaxial
What are the three articulations?
- humeroulnar (modified hinge)
- humeroradial (gliding plane)
- proximal radioulnar (pivot)
What are the ligaments of the elbow?
- medial/ulnar collateral
- lateral/radial collateral
- annular ligament
Functions of the ligaments?
- reinforcement of capsule
- stabilize joint in opposing varus and valgus movements