Teat and Udder Flashcards
Lacerations of the teat should be treated as____, and first intention repair should be attempted under ___ in _____ or ____ recumbency.
lateral or dorsal
Hand milking should be prohibited for __days postoperatively after laceration repair; prognosis is overall good.
allows an excellent understanding of the internal lesions and should be performed before planning any elective surgery.
situated at the internal end of the streak canal serving as barrier for pathogens
rosette of Furstenberg
Milk outflow impairment originating from the rosette of Fu ̈ rstenberg or the streak canal is best treated using minimally invasive surgery ___
known as the large lactiferous sinus
gland cistern
The most distal barrier to the teat is the
streak canal
Blood is supplied to the udder primarily by what BV
ext pundendal artery
how many layers is the teat wall?
the teat mucosa ends at the
rosette of Fu ̈ rstenberg.
is an invagination of the teat skin and is composed of a stratified squamous epithelium in which the stratum corneum produces keratin.
streak canal (ductus papillaris mammae)
netlike integrated elastic system containing smooth muscular fibers at the level of the streak canal
dx tool that will allow the clinician to determine whether a portion of the teat and udder is inflamed, fibrotic, and/or painful.
manual palpation
it is more beneficial to first perform an___ examination rather than to blindly try to force a cannula into the streak canal to avoid iatrogenic damage to the teat
is the first complementary technique that should be performed to further evaluate teat disorders
From the skin to the teat cistern, echogenicity will appear as follows:
Skin: ___
Muscular and conjunctive layer: ___
Vessels: ___
Submucosa and mucosa: ___
Milk: the milk appears more ___ as the somatic cell count increases
From the skin to the teat cistern, echogenicity will appear as follows:
Skin: hyperechoic
Muscular and conjunctive layer: homogenous and mildly echoic
Vessels: hypoechoic
Submucosa and mucosa: hyperechoic
Milk: variable; the milk appears more hyperechoic as the somatic cell count inc
other dx tool for diagnosing teat or mg ISSUES
Standing surgery can be performed for major proce- dures such as blind opening of the streak canal.
xyla dose
0.1 IV
0.2 IM
Laceration of the teat is a surgical emer- gency,
antibiotic reco for teat laceration
procaine penicillin
For vertical laceration, the mucosa is sutured using a ___ with a _-mm bite interval.
continuous suture pattern
For transverse lacerations, the mucosa is sutured with a __ ,
__ mm interval to prevent any stenosis at the suture level
simple interrupted suture pattern
why is there 3mm interval per bite
ensure healing
in suturing submucosa and assoc CT, bite intervals could reach
possible skin suture patterns
simple, cruciate, horizontal mattress, angle suture
was determined to be an inappropriate choice of suture material for teat surgery,
If the laceration involves the streak (papillary) canal, reconstruction must be started proximally to ensure a perfect anatomic reconstruction of the region.
Insertion of a silicone teat in the streak canal is advised to avoid ___.
Mechanical milking is carried out on the day after surgery.
The author recommends removal of any nonabsorbable skin sutures __ days postop- eratively to limit the formation of fibrosis in the tissue.
is the diagnostic imaging procedure of choice to determine if milk is present in the udder cistern or not
remain undetected until after the first calving because they are intimately attached to the main teat and appear as Siamese teats
Conjoined supernumerary teats
appears as a bulge caudally to the normal teat.
supernumer- ary teat
anesthesia protocol for conjoined supernumerary test
ring block
used as a stent to maintain an appropriate teat cistern diameter during re-epithelialization
silicone prosthesis
2 most common complications of silicone prosthesis
migration during milking
exuberant granulation tissue –>recurrence
Fu ̈rstenberg are best trimmed using an -__ cutter under direct visualization
presence of polyps and lactoliths in the lumen of the teat is icommon
most common indication of radical mastectomy in cattle.
Acute gangrenous
chronic unresponsive mastitis
2 mastectomy techniques
en-bloc resec- tion of the udder, and more recently, physiologic mastectomy.
Bvs need to be ligated during mastectomy
external pudendal artery and vein
mammary vein
ventral perineal artery and vein