SX of umbilicus and related structures Flashcards
the ruminant most commonly treated for umbilical hernia (or mass) in most practices
most common congenital defect in cattle
umb hernia
umb hernia is second most common in __
umbilical arteries carry oxygen rich blood from the fetus
oxy poor
infection of 1 or both of the umbilical arteries is called __.
is a fetal continuation of the bladder taking waste to the allantoic sac.
the umbilical vein courses from the umbilicus cranially into the __.
he umbilical vein courses from the umbilicus cranially into the liver.
delivers oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the fetus through the liver and ductus venosus
umb vein
The tissue making up the normal umbilical cord seen at birth is the
urachus and umb vein
calving in barn is more hygienic than in fresh pasture
false. calving on clean fresh pasture may be superior
The most important part of examination of umbilical masses by the practitioner is
manual palpation
Even larger and more fractious calves may require squeeze chute restraint. The presence of infected umbilical rem- nants is often easier to determine in thestanding q calf
recumbent dorsal
hernial mass with an abscess that is either a large cavity full of thick, purulent exudate or multiple foci of infection surrounded by fibrous tissue may indicate
nonreducible hernia
may provide good information before surgical resection or an attempt to lance and drain an abscess.
utz are a must prior to umb hernia surgery
f. ultrasound examinations are reserved for sick calves or the ones whose physical examination findings indicate potential complications.
When one suspects an abscess of an umbilical remnant caudal or cranial to the mass, it is reasonable to make the initial body wall incision adjacent the suspected abscess
oppisite the abscess
The author routinely uses #1 Vicryl with a __ pattern after placing 1 to 2 -__ tension sutures.
The subcutaneous tissue is closed with __ suture in a __ pattern.
The skin closure may be done in a __
simple continuous
absorbable; simple continuous
NA simp cont. removed 10-14 days or absorbable
The elliptical skin incision is only useful when the umbilical mass is less than __ cm in diameter
For most umbilical masses in males, a ___ skin incision is more appropriate
half- moon or semilunar
in closing, It is wise to place the first suture at the __ most aspect of the semilunar incision and work caudally from that point on each side
procedure to correct small simple umbilical hernias that are easily reduced.
closed herniorrhaphy
One may consider doing a ___in cases of hernias exceeding 15 cm diameter or for a second surgery when previous closure failed.1
mesh herniorrhaphy
mesh herniorrhapy are s=secured using suture pattern ___
mattress pero SI daw??!
Larger hernias are closed with more __ sutures and less with ___ suture patterns.
The case most frequently treated umbilical disorder in the field is the
simple hernia
Classically, simple hernias either contain SI (__) or omentum (__) that is easily replaced in the abdominal cavity by depressing the hernia sac.
A ____is usually sufficient to completely resect the abnormal portion of the umbilical vein completely
deep abdominal ligature
ix when abnormal vein extends into the liver parenchyma,
location of marsupialization
his author prefers marsupialization through a separate stab incision because it leads to fewer incisional complications
The vein is usually sutured with minimal tension to the ___ using 10 to 12 ____ sutures.
external rectus sheath
simple interrupted absorbable
A second layer of sutures secures the vein to the skin, again with simple interrupted sutures using ___ material.
nonabsorb- able or delayed absorbable
The prac- titioner should never __ under pressure because the __ could become patent and allow flush solution and contaminated exudate to enter the systemic circu- lation
ductus venosus
The calf should receive systemic antibiotics postoperatively. Frequently, establishing ____ is all that is needed to allow the infection of the vein to resolve
ventral drainage
most commonly infected umbilical remnant is the
normal umbilical remnants
urachus, umb artery, umb vein
Any abnormal urachus in the calf is nearly always an ____,
why do calves with urachus present pollakiuria?
The frequent urination of small volumes is related to the urachal remnant not allowing the bladder to decompress fully and therefore the animal has the frequent urge to urinate.
One can occasionally determine the presence of an urachal abscess in young calves by ___
deep transabdominal palpation.
Leaving a portion of the urachus may lead to a ___ that does not empty completely at urination and therefore could contribute to __
urachal diverticulum
alternative to stay sutures (1-0) in bladder prior to resectin
doyen forceps
he animal that has uroperitoneum will develop __ and __
azotemia and uremia.