Téamh Domhanda Flashcards
There is not a subject more controversial in the eyes of the people at the moment than global warming
Níl ábhar níos conspóidí i mbéal na phobail faoi láthair ná téamh domhanda
Of course it doesnt matter what magazine or newspapaper you read, there are paragraphs bassed on such
Dar ndóigh is cuma cén iris nó nuachtán a léitear, bíonn altanna ann bunaithe ar a leithéid
For many years experts and organisations have wanted to inform us the great threat that is associated with it
Le roinnt mhaith blianta tá saineolaithe agus eagraíochtaí ag iarraidh a chur ina luí orainn an bagairt mhór a bhaineann leis
But is it a threat?
Ach an bagairt é?
More than 20 years ago an agreement was signed promising that a decrease would come on the amount of CO2 that was released into the air, but only a small amount of countries obliged with it as they didn’t believe in it
Breis is fiche bliain ó shun síníodh comhaontú agus gealladh go dtiocfadh laghdú ar an méid CO2 a bhí á scaoileadh amach san aer ach níor chloigh ach líon beag tíortha leis toisc nár chreid siad ann
Then there were different committees and according to them the world gets warmer every milenium and that it was nothing but a fenomenon of climate
Ansin bhí coistí éagsúla eile agus dar leo éiríonn an domhain níos teo gach mílaois agus nach bhfuil rud ar bith ann ach feiniméin na haeráide
Whatever is happening anyways, it is noticed by a large number of people that the temperature is increasing year after year
Pé rud atá ag tarlú áfach, tá sé tugtha faoi deara ag líon mór daoine go bhfuil an teocht ag méadú bliain i ndiadh bliana
In Austria and Switzerland, they are in the countries that depend on snow for their tourism industry, they had to make fake snow this year so that the people could ski
San Ostair agus san Eilvéis, ‘sé sin sna tíortha a braitheann ar shneachta dá dtionscal turasóireachta, bhí orthu sneachta bréagach a chruthí i mbliana ionas go mbeadh na daoine in ann dul ag scíáil
Such was not seen before that and because of that we can’t tun a blind eye on that anymore
Ní fhacathas a leithéid riamh roimhe sin agus dá bhrí sin ní féidir linn súil dall a chasadh ar sin níos mó
It is a fact that much more is n question than a coincidence
Is fíric é go bhfuil i bhfad níos mó i gceist ná comhtharlú
and it is a fact as well that the level of the sea is rising
agus is fíric é sin freisin go bhfuil leibhéal na mara ag ardú
and it is a more important fact still that more than 40 people died on the European Main Land in 2003 because of heeat waves
Agus is fiíric níos tábhachtaú fós go bhfuair breis is daichead duine bás ar Mhór Roinn na hEorpa sa bhliain 2003 dá thairbe an scaláin teasa
Not only that but for those countries around myanmar the era of the famous blue skies is over
Ní amháin sin ach sna tíortha siúd timpeall na meanmara tá ré na spéartha gorma cáiliúla thart
and soft white clouds now in their place
agus néalta boga bána anois ina n-ionad
and closer to us in Ireland the land frost is gone for the most part and more rain
agus níos cóngaraí dúinn in Éirinn tá sioc talún imithe don chuid is mó agus tá níos mó báistí ann
This year the flowers of spring were in full bloom in February with buds on the trees before December. The likes that aren’t seen before the start of April
I mbliana bhí bláthana an Earraigh faoi dhuilliúr i mí Feabhra le baslóga ar na crainn roimh mí na Nollag, a leithéid nach bhfuil le fescint roimh tús an Aibreáin.
there is even change after coming to our insects and the fish of the sea
fiú tá athrú tar éis teacht ar ár gcuid feithidí is éisc na mara
In the North Pole the ice is melting daily
Sa mhol Thuaidh tá an leac oighre ag leá go laethúil
and if the likes of it continues the sea tide will be destined for us before this end of this age, with horrible ruining of the population of our own coasts
agus má leanann a leithéid beidh tuile mara i ndán dúinn roimh deireadh na h-aoise seo le scriosadh uafásach don daonra ar ár gcostaí féin
If we understand that much and we accept it as part of our lives, what can we do as a solution to the problem?
má thuigimid an méid sin agus má glaicimid é mar chuid dár saoil, cad is féidir linn a dhéanamh mar réiteach ar an bhfadhb?
the answer is so simple!
tá an feagra an-simplí!
Firstly, we have to cut back on many things, but especially carbon fuel
ar an gcéad dul síos caithfimid gearradh siar ar go leor rudaí ach go h-áirithe breosla carbónach
and in the building industry the builders will have to build houses that are 100% insulated and especially out of recycled materials
agus sa tionscal tógála beidh ar na tógálaithe tithe a thógail a bheidh céad faoin gcéadh teasdíonta agus go h-áirithe le h-éadach athchursálaithe
They will have to adhere to these conditions as if they dont adhere, those houses won’t be bought
Beidh urthu cloígh leis na coinníolacha sin mar muna gclíonn, ní cheannófar na tithe siúd.
We have to put the big gorgeous car to the side in favour of the small car such as the ‘smart’
B’éigean dúinn an gluaisteán mór galánta a chur ar leathaobh, de rogha ar an gcarr beag cosúil leis an ‘smart’
and an even more effective than that is to travel on foot
agus fiúníos éifeachtaí ná sin ná chun taisteal de shiúl na gcos
That is understood and widely accepted in Germany and they have made a great effort to resolve this problem with specific plants and certain trees to absorb the CO2 from the environment
Tuigtear é sin agus glactar é sin freisin go forleathan sa ghearmáin agus tá an-iarracht déanta acu chun an fhadhb a réiteach le plandaí ar leith agus crainn áirithe chun on CO2 a shú ón timpeallacht
and of course many other countries should follow this example
agus dar ndóigh ba cheart le roinnt mhaith tíortha an sampla seo a leanúint
Without a doubt there is universal agreement within the countries of Europe and the main part of the world about this subject
Gan amhras tá comhaontú uilíoch i measc tíortha na hEorpa agus le mór roinnte an domhain faoin ábhar seo
but if we don’t tackle this problem, it would be right then to give high fines to the governments of those countries that don’t adhere to the guidelines
ach muna dtéimid i ngleic leis an bhfadhb ba cheart ansin fíneálacha arda a ghearradh ar rialtais na dtíortha siúd nach gcloínn leis na treoracha
and at the moment America is the most guilty country as their effort is small that they have made recently
agus faoi láthair is é an Meirceá an tír is ciontaí toisc gur beag iarracht atá déanta acu le déanaí
with the growth of the economy of that country and the amount of oil that they use there
le borradh géilleagar na tíre sin agus an méad ola a úsáideann siad ann
I would be able to continue this essay for further long pages about the issue, but to be serious is there a need for it?`
Bheinn in ann an aiste seo a leanúint ar aghaidh le leathanaigh fhada eile faoin bhfadhb ach chun a bheith i ndáiríre, an bhfuil aon gá?