Fadhbanna Ár Linne Flashcards
Once upon a tim, Ireland was a quiet, peaceful country with a good life spent by people in it
Truth dá raibh, ba thír chiúin shíochánta í Éire a raibh deashaol le caitheamh ag daoine ann
The Family was strong and moral matters very strict
Bhí an chlann láidir agus cúrsaí moráltachta an-dian.
People were proud of Ireland and it was hard for those who had to emmigrate
Bhí daoine bródúil as Éire agus ba chrua an chéim dóibh siúd a bhí orthu dul ar imirce
If people were abroad, the weren’t very happy with life in England or America
Má bhí daoine thar lear, ní ró-shásta a bhí siad le saol i Sasana nó i Meiriceá.
Nothing would suffice but to return home to raise their family in Ireland
Ní raibh futhu ná tharstu ach filleadh abhaile chun a gclann a thógáil in Éirinn
But now we have to ask the question; would those honest people recognise our country as it is now?
Ach anois caithfimid an cheist a chur; an aithneodh na daoine macánta sin ár dtír faoi mar atá sí anois?
The country of the saints and the professors damaged completely with the problem of the drugs, problem of alcohol, crime and violence that is blasting through the country daily
Tá Tír na naomh is na nOllamh loot go guile is go hiomlán le fadhb ba ndrugaí, fadhb an alcóil, coiriúlacht agus foréigean atá ag réabadh tríd an tír go laethiúil.
Worse than that, every single person knows that those problems are getting worse in the last few year
Níos measa ná sin ach tá a fhios ag gach mac máthar go bhfuil na fadhbanna siúd ag dul in olcas le blianta beaga anuas
You can’t deny that the drug problem is a deadly scurge of our time
Ní féidir é a shéanadh ach go bhfuil fadhb na ndrugaí mar scúirse marfach ár linne
There are thousands of addicts feeding their habits and the public suffering as a result
Tá na melt andúileach ag cothú a nósanna agus an bobal thíos leis dá bharr
There is not a dug that they cannot get, not only on the streets of our capital city, but on the streets of every town in Ireland
Is beat drugs each féidir leo a fháil, ní amháin ar shráideanna ár bpíomhchathrach ach ar shráideanna gach baile in Éirinn
It disgusts me that the young generation is ruining their body with drugs like ecstasy and cocaine without a second thought
Muireann sé déistin arm go bhfuil an t-aos óg ag scriosadh a corp le drug mar ecstasy ages cócaon gan aon dara smaoineamh.
What about the dealers that are sitting pretty and them oblivious to the disaster that ensues?
Cad faoi n amangairí ate go teen in a sub agus iad beagbeann don tubaiste a leanfar
We can’t turn a blind eye on what is happening all around us
Ní féidir linn súil dall a chasadh ar a bhfuil ag tarlú mórthimpeall orainn
One will have to give support to the organisations that help those victims so that the story with improve
Caithfear taca a thabhairt do na h-eagraíochtaí a chabhraíonn na h-íobartaigh siúd ionas go dtiocfaidh feabhas ar an scéal
‘Give up drinking or you’ll die’
“Seachain an teach tabhairne nó is bairneach do breath duit’
This is a proverb that explains the problem linked to alcohol
Is seanfhocail é see a léiríonn an fhadhb a bhaineann le h-alcól
In the past few year the alcohol problem is gone from control in Ireland
Le blianta beaga anuas tá fadhb an alcóil imithe as smacht in Éirinn.
As well as that, with ecstasy, cocaine and marijuana, alcohol is a drug
Ina theannta sin. le ecstasy, cócaon agus marachuan is dryga é an t-alcól.
It is a deadly addictive drug
Is drugs march, tógálach é
The Irish people are famous for the amount of alcohol that they drink
Tá clú agus ccil ar mhuintir na hÉireann as an méod alcóil a ólann siad