An Córas Oideachais (Díospóireacht) Flashcards
Without a doubt there has to be pains in your head from listening to the opposing team about the amazing education system that we have in this country
Gan amhras caithfish go bhfuil pianta i bhur gcoigne agaibh ó bheith ag éisteacht le lucht an fhreasúra ag maíomh as an gcóras iontach oideachais atá againn sa tír seo
Of course you’d think that they are talking about Utopia. But dodge and don’t believe a word from them!
Dár ndóigh, cheapfá gur ag caint faoi Utopia atá siad. Ach seachain agus ná creidigí focal astu!
Don’t listen to that rubbish talk that they have going on, It is clear to me, and of course clear to you all, that they don’t understand anything about the education system in Ireland
Ná h-éistigí leis an chaint seafóideach atá ar siúl acu. Is léir domsa agus dár ndóigh is léir daoibhse go léir nach dtuigeann siad tada faoin gcóras oideachais in Éirinn
Even worse than that, are they trying to convince us that they are attending ideal private schools in some small ‘Oasis’ of education, and that they don’t feel the pressure of “the points system”?
Níos measa ná sin, an bhfuil siad ag iarraidh a chur ina luí orainn go bhfuil siad ag freastal ar scoileanna idéalacha príomháideacha in ‘Oasis’ beag oideachais éigin agus nach mothaíonn siad brú córas na bpointí?
If they are, well the likes of them aren’t attending my school - that’s for certain. Such arrogance!
Má tá, bhuel níl a leithéid ag freastal ar mo scoilse - tá an méid sin cinnte. A leithéid de shotal!
According to them the education system is more appropriate and better in Ireland than any in our big continent around us.
Dar leo tá an córas oideachais níos oiriúnaí agus níos fearr in Éirinn ná in aon cheann den seacht mhór róinn
Are they living on cloud nine, maybe?
An ar scamall a naoi a chónaíonn siad, n’fheadar?
Look around yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen. Look at the state of this school that is dark, damp, without basic furniture and that didn’t see a lick of paint in more than 20 years
Féachaigí timpeall oraibh féin a dhaoine uaisle. Féachaigí ar staid na scoile seo atá dorcha, tais, gan troscán bunúsach agus nach bhfaca cóta péinte le breis is fiche bliain
Look at the teachers! I’m not sure if they’re alive or dead
Féachaigí ar na múinteoirí! Nílim cinnte an beo ná marbh iad.
It;s clear that they stay here for the sake of the pension and only for the sake of the pension.
Is léir go bhfanann siad anseo ar son na bpisean agus amháin ar son na bpinsean
They don’t have any interest in their work. Of course there is one or two here that are great but that’s not enough if you need more than 600 points
Níl suim dá laghad acu ina gcuid oibre. Dar ndóigh tá duine nó beirt anseo atá go h-iontach ach ní leor sin má tá breis is sé chéad pointí uait
If parents that the money and the resources, we have a great education system in this country, because they can buy it for us
Má tá an t-airgead agus na h-achmhainní ag tusití, tá córas oideachais iontach againn sa tír seo, mar is féidir leo é a cheannach dúinn
Weekly one sees big groups of students attending extra classes outside their classroom, to get the high marks
Go seachtainiúil feictear sluaite daltaí ag freastal ar ranganna sa bhreis lasmuigh dá seomra ranga, chun na marcanna arda a fháil
But these classes are expensive
Ach bíonn na ranganna seo costasach
But don’t we live in a two-tiered society? and if you have bad luck to be on the wrong side of the crossing line, I pity you!
Ach nach mairimid i sochaí dhéshraitheach?, agus má tá sé de mhí-ádh ort bheith ar an taobh mí-cheart den líne aibhléíse, is mhairg duit!