Teaching Maneuvers Flashcards
What are the four fundamental flight maneuvers?
- Straight and Level
- Level Turns
- Climbs
- Descents
What happens to pitch and bank in the first 90 degrees of a chandelle
Constant bank and changing pitch
How do you describe the pitch and bank during the first 90 degrees of a chandelle?
constant bank and increasing pitch
How do you describe the pitch and bank during the second 90 degrees of a chandelle?
constant pitch and decreasing bank
What is the maximum airspeed to be flown during the execution of a chandelle?
Maneuvering speed
What are common student errors executing a Chandelle?
- Initiate maneuver with bank that is too steep - performing what is essentially a level steep turn with a nose-high rollout out the 180 point.
- Initiate maneuver with bank that is too shallow - stalling before reaching the 180 point.
What is the lowest altitude to be flown during the execution of a chandelle?
1500 AGL
What is an examiner looking for in the execution of a chandelle?
- Selects an altitude that allows completion of the maneuver not lower than 1500 AGL.
- Establishes entry configuration - power & airspeed - to not exceed maneuver speed
- Establishes 30 degrees of bank at the outset
- Simultaneously applies power and pitch with a constant bank to the 90 degree point
- Executes coordinated roll-out to the 180 point (+- 10 degrees)
- Completes roll-out at 180 point just above stall airspeed
- Resume straight and level flight with minimum loss of altitude
If you don’t use enough rudder in a turn, is that a slipping or a skidding turn?
What is the most common mistake students make in eights on pylons?
Using rudder to slip or skid to correct pylon position.
What error is likely to occur if a student is looking too far ahead on landing?
Difficulty in judging closeness to the ground resulting in a nose-first touchdown.
What causes ballooning on landing? How do you correct it?
Misjudging the rate of sink and pulling back on the yoke too fast. Hold the landing attitude, add a little power and then gradually back off the power again.
What typically results from a student focusing on references that are too close during landing?
Rounding out and flaring too high.
What commonly causes flaring too high at landing?
Focusing on references that are too close.
What is a common cause for a nose-first touchdown on landing?
Looking too far ahead, resulting in difficulty judging closeness to the ground.
What causes wheelbarrowing on landing?
Landing with too much airspeed and forcing the nose down.
What causes floating on landing?
Carrying too much airspeed into the landing.
What are the common errors in performing the Lazy 8?
- Overcontrolling
- Insufficient right rudder as the aircraft slows in the climb to the right
What would cause the 45 degree point to be reached before the maximum pitch-up attitude during a lazy eight?
Beginning with too rapid a rate of roll
What is the most common error in performing a lazy 8?
Overcontrolling! Lazy 8 is a finesse maneuver.
It can actually be performed with no aileron input after the initial slight bank because of the over-banking tendancy as the airplane slows.
When performing a lazy eight, where should the maximum pitch-up attitude occur?
At the 45 degree point
When performing a lazy eight, where should the aircraft be at minimum airspeed?
At the 90 degree point
When performing a lazy eight, where should the aircraft maximum pitch-down attitude occur?
At the 135 degree point
When performing a lazy eight, where should the maximum altitude occur?
At the 90 degree point
Describe what is happening at the 90 degree point of a lazy eight.
The airspeed is minimum, the altitude and bank are maximum and pitch is level.
Explain the performance factors affecting the lazy eights maneuver.
- Selects an altitude that allows completion of the maneuver not lower than 1500 AGL.
- Selects a reference point on the horizon
- Establishes entry configuration - power & airspeed - to not exceed maneuver speed
- Exit altitude same as entry altitude.
What are the four left turning tendencies?
- P-Factor
- Torque
- Spiralling Slipstream
- Gyroscopic Precession
What is the common student error encountered in making level turns?
Lowering the nose in a left turn because the aircraft appears to rise above the pilot.
When executing S-turns across a road, what are the common student errors?
- Turning in too soon on the upwind leg and making that loop too close to the road to straighten out before crossing.
A common student error in performing intentional stalls is ________
Over-reliance on the airspeed indicator while ignoring other clues
What are common student errors executing steep turns?
- Too much back pressure rolling into the turn.
- Improper throttle handling
- Using back pressure alone to raise the nose up
- Disorientation on roll-out
- Letting the nose rise on roll-out
- Slipping or skidding
What is the common student error for Straight and Level flight?
Relying on the flight instruments rather than outside visual references.
What is the pivotal altitude depenendant on?
Ground speed
When the pylon gets behind the wing in an eights on pylons maneuver, what do you need to do to correct?
Climb to pivotal altitude.
Hint: Slow the aircraft to let the pylon catch up
What happens to the wing reference point when you get too high in an eights on pylons maneuver?
It appears to move ahead of the wing.
What is the objective of the steep spiral maneuver?
To safely lose altitude as quickly as possible while remaining over a point, presumably to land.
Explain performance factors for steep turn maneuvers.
- Selects an altitude that allows completion of the maneuver not lower than 1500 AGL
- Establishes recommended maneuver entry airspeed
- Maintains bank angle 50 degrees +- 5 degrees
- Recognizes need to apply smooth coordinated control movements to maintain specified altitude +- 100ft and airspeed +-10 knots
- Divides attention between airplane control and orientation
- Rolls out on heading +- 10 degrees
- No stall indications
What is the standard width of the traffic pattern?
1/2 to 1 mile
What are the recommended traffic pattern exits?
Straight out or 45º in direction of crosswind turn.
Which instrument is primary for pitch in a constant airspeed climb? What is secondary?
Airspeed Indicator is primary for pitch control, backed up by the attitude indicator and the VSI.
Which instrument is primary for bank in a constant airspeed climb? Secondary?
The Heading Indicator is primary for bank. It is backed up with the attitude indicator and the turn coordinator.
Which instruments are used to maintain level flight?
The attitude indicator backed up with the altimeter and VSI.
What instruments are used to maintain straight flight?
The heading indicator backed up with the attitude indicator and turn coordinator.
What instruments are used for constant airspeed descents?
The airspeed indicator is primary for pitch, backed up with the attitude indicator and VSI.
The heading indicator is primary for bank, backed up with the attiude indicator and turn coordinator.
What is the process for establishing a constant airspeed climb on instruments?
Have a specific heading and climb airspeed in mind.
Apply light elevator backpressure to raise the miniature airplane the desired amount on the attitude indicator.
Simultaneously add power as necessary to maintain the target airspeed.
As the climb rate and airspeed stabilize, trim out the elevator control forces and adjust the power as necessary.
Use the airspeed as the primary pitch instrument backed up with the attitude indicator and VSI. Use the heading indicator as the primary bank instrument backed up with the attitude indicator and turn coordinator.
What is the process for establishing a constant airspeed descent on instruments?
Have a specific heading airspeed in mind.
Reduce power to the predetermined value.
Apply forward pressure on the elevator control to lower the miniature aircraft on the attitude indicator to an appropriate descent pitch.
Adjust power to maintain airspeed as necessary.
When descent rate and airspeed have stablized, trim.
Airspeed indicator is primary for pitch, backed up with the attitude indicator and the VSI. Heading indicator is primary for bank, backed up with the attitude indicator and turn coordinator.
What is the process for establishing a level turn on instruments?
Apply coordinated aileron and rudder in the direction of the turn.
Use the attitude indicator to establish the desired bank angle and the turn coordinator to adjust it standard rate.
Use the attitude indicator, altimeter and vsi to maintain level in the turn. Adjust pitch as necessary to account for the loss of vertical lift.
Begin the rollout at heading degrees equal to 1/2 the bank angle.
Reduce the pitch as necessary on rollout to maintain level.
What are the standards of performance for Basic Instrument constant airspeed climbs?
- Shows knowledge of instrument attitude flying during (instrument maneuver).
- Transitions to (instrument maneuver) using proper instrument crosscheck and interpretation, and coordinated control applications.
- Demonstrates (instrument maneuver) solely by reference to instruments; maintains altitude +/- 200 ft, heading +/- 10º and airspeed +/- 10 knots.
What are the standards of performance for turns to headings Basic Instrument maneuvers?
- Shows knowledge of instrument attitude flying during turns to headings.
- Transitions to level turn attitude using proper instrument crosscheck and interpretation, and coordinated control applications.
- Demonstrates turns to headings solely by reference to instruments; maintains altitude +/- 200 ft, heading +/- 10º and airspeed +/- 10 knots.
Describe the recovery from a nose-down unusual attitude.
Recognize the nose-down unusual attitude by a decreasing altimeter and increasing airspeed. Recognize bank on the attitude indicator and with the heading indicator and turn coordinator/rate of turn.
Simultaneously reduce power and level the wings.
Apply gradually increasing backpressure to raise the nose.
Describe the recovery from a nose-high unusual attitude.
Recognize the nose-high unusual attitude by an increasing altimeter and decreasing airspeed. Recognize bank on the attitude indicator and with the heading indicator and turn coordinator/rate of turn.
Reduce pitch attitude and increase power.
Level the wings as necessary.