Human Behavior and Effective Communication Flashcards
To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of human behavior and effective and how it impacts effective learning.
What is repression? Give an example.
Repression is a defense mechanism wherein the person refuses to acknowledge what has happened, is happening, or will happen. A person places uncomfortable thoughts into inaccessible areas of the unconscious mind.
As the engine starts to run rough the pilot believes that he checked the engine oil when he clearly did not.
After individuals are physically comfortable and have no fear for their safety, which human needs become the prime influence on their behavior?
Social - Belonging
What is reaction formation? Give an example.
Reaction Formation is when a person exhibits an opposite behavior because the normal behavior is too uncomfortable.
The common is example is acting warm and friendly to someone you hate.
What are some common reactions to anxiety?
- Hesitancy to act
- Inability to do anything to correct the situation (freezing)
- Impulse to do something quickly, even if it is wrong
- A disruption in day-to-day living in severe cases (anxiety disorders)
What are factors determining a communication sender’s effectiveness?
Ability to effectively use language
Speak from accurate, up-to-date and stimulating material
What is displacement? Give an example.
Displacement occurs when one redirects uncomfortable emotions to a different place where they don’t belong.
Going home and kicking the dog because are mad at the flight instructor.
How can an instructor help a learner deal with anxiety?
- Completing manageable yet challenging tasks to build confidence over time.
- Reinforcing the learner’s enjoyment of flying.
- Introducing learners to maneuvers with care so that the learner knows what to expect
- Having a plan and Progressing forwards to the end goal.
- Treating fears as a normal reaction, rather than ignoring them.
What are human needs?
Things that all humans need for normal growth and development.
What defense mechanism is a student exhibiting when they refuse to participate in class activities?
How do you counteract a student’s impatience?
Give the student goals and give them the overall goal.
What is fantasy? Give an example.
Fantasy is when a learner daydreams about a happy situtation rather than the uncomfortable situation they are experiencing.
The student pilot is thinking about all the interesting places he will visit as an airline pilot rather than getting established on final approach in a gusty crosswind.
What should a flight instructor do when faced with a seriously abnormal student?
Have the student evaluated by another instructor to confirm If confirmed, withhold endorsements and further instruction, and take steps to ensure the student doesn’t become a pilot.
What is compensation? Give an example.
Compensation is when a person tries to balance a perceived weaknesses by focusing on or developing strength in another area.
The student has trouble with landings and instead becomes great at ground reference maneuvers.
What are the common barriers to communication?
- Confusion between symbols and the symbolized object
- Overuse of abstractions
- Interference
- Lack of common experience
What is rationalization? Give an example.
Rationalization occurs when one attempts to explain or justify actions that otherwise would be unacceptable.
The fuel guage reads near empty and the pilot continues to his destination comforting himself that the fuel guage must be inaccurate.
What are the basic elements of communication?
Source: The sender of the information
Symbols: Words, expressions, gestures
Receiver: listener, student, etc
When a student uses excuses to justify inadequate performance, which defense mechanism are they using?
What signs would most likely be the result of chronic fatigue?
Taking unwarranted risks.
What are some emotional and physical issues to look for in students that indicate barriers to learning?
- Anxiety
- Impatience
- Worry
- Lack of interest
- Physical discomfort
- Illness
- Fatigue
- Dehydration
- Apathy due to inadequate instruction
What defense mechanism is a student exhibiting when they become bewildered and lost in the advanced phase of training after completing the early phases without grasping fundamentals?
When a student engages in daydreaming, it is the defense mechanism of…
Flight or Fantasy
What signs would most likely be the result of dehydration?
Slowing of decision-making ability and inability to control the aircraft.
What is meant by esteem?
Self respect or the need for respect from others
What defense mechanism is a student most likely exhibiting when they blame the examiner for a failed checkride?
What is a defense mechanism?
A defense mechanism is an inappropriate behavior that people use to deal with stressful situations.
Which of the student’s human needs offer the greatest challenge to an instructor?
Self actualization (Self fulfillment)
What is projection? Give an example.
Projection occurs when a learner attempts to put the blame for their own shortcomings on others.
The student blames his failure on the practical test on the examiner being unreasonable.
Abnormal student behaviors used to cope with stress are called what?
Defense Mechanisms
What are the common defense mechanisms?
(Dr Dr F CPR)
- Denial
- Repression
- Displacement
- Rationalization
- Fantasy
- Compensation
- Projection
- Reaction Formation
and more…
- Aggression
- Resignation
What signs would most likely be the result of acute fatigue?
Irratability and neglecting secondary tasks.
What are some abnormal reactions to stress.
- Painstaking self-control
- Rapid changes in emotions
- Extreme over-cooperation
- Severe anger directed toward the flight instructor, service personnel, and others
- Inappropriate laughter or singing
- Marked changes in mood on different lessons, such as excellent morale followed by deep depression
What is human behavior?
The study of why humans function the way they do, behave in predictable ways, have needs that motivate them and react to stress in certain ways.
Before a student can concentrate on learning, which human needs must be satisfied?
What are the major obstacles to learning?
- Impatience
- Fatigue
- Poor instructor preparation
- Anxiety
What does “self-actualization” mean?
Self-actualization is the top of Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs. The person is trying to be what they were “born to be”. They are trying to rrealize their full potential.
What are the basic human needs?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Physiological
- Security
- Belonging
- Esteem
- Cognitive and Aesthetic
- Self- actualization
How can the instructor develop their own communication skills?
- Listening
- Instructional communication
- Questioning - what has student learned?
- Instructional enhancement - learning more
- Role playing - practicing instruction