National Airspace System Flashcards
You’re in the mountains at 12,500 feet MSL, and you’re 1,050 AGL in Class G airspace. What is your minimum required visibility during the day?
Regardless of your MSL altitude, as long as you’re 1,200 feet AGL and lower, your daytime vis requirement is 1 SM.
You’re in the mountains at 12,500 feet MSL, and you’re 1,050 AGL in Class G airspace. What is your minimum required visibility during the night?
Regardless of your MSL altitude, as long as you’re 1,200 feet AGL and lower, your night time vis requirement is 3 SM.
You’re flying in Class G at 9,000’ MSL (5,100’ AGL). What is the max speed you can fly?
Since you’re below 10,000’ MSL, you’re limited to 250 knots.
You’re flying in Class G at 8,000 feet MSL, and you’re 7,400’ AGL. How far below the clouds do you need to stay during the day?
Since you’re above 1,200’ AGL, but below 10,000 feet MSL, you need to stay 500 feet below the clouds.
What is the general speed limit?
250 kts IAS below 10,000 MSL
What is the speed limit under the lateral boundaries of class B airspace?
200 kts IAS
What is the maximum indicated air speed permitted when operating an aircraft with 4NM of the primary airport in class D airspace?
200 knots IAS
What is the speed limit around class C and D airports?
At or below 2500’ AGL within 4 NM of the primary airport in class C or D airspace, the speed limit is 200 knots IAS.
How high can Class G go in the lower 48 states?
All airspace above 14,500 MSL is controlled.
T/F - There is always Class E over Class G airspace
Where is Class A airspace?
18,000 to FL 600 (60,000 MSL)
T/F - All airspace is Class G unless designated otherwise
Where mapped on a VFR sectional, how is Class E airspace with a 1200 ft AGL floor shown?
The fuzzy side of the blue vignette is class E with a floor of 1200 ft unless there is an MSL altitude noted in blue.
How is Class E surface area airspace shown on a VFR sectional chart?
A segmented magenta line around an airport or extending from other airspace.
How is Class E airspace with a 700 ft AGL floor shown on a VFR sectional chart?
A magenta vignette around the area.
What are the visibility and cloud clearance requirements for VFR operations in Class G airspace?
1200 AGL or less: 1 SM and Clear of Clouds (day), 3 SM and 500/1000/2000 (night)
Above 1200 AGL and less than 10000 MSL: 1 SM and 500/1000/2000 (day), 3 SM and 500/1000/2000 (night)
Above 1200 AGL and at or above 10000 MSL: 5SM and 1000/1000/1 SM
What are the visibility and cloud clearance requirements for VFR operations in Class C/D airspace?
3SM and 500/1000/2000
What are the visibility and cloud clearance requirements for VFR operations in Class E airspace?
Below 10000 MSL: 3SM and 500/1000/2000
At or above 10000 MSL: 5SM and 1000/1000/1SM
What are the visibility and cloud clearance requirements for VFR operations in Class B airspace?
3SM and Clear of Clouds
What do you need to request SVFR at night
An instrument rating, current and equiped.
What is one of the primary differences between warning areas and restricted areas?
The U.S. doesn’t have sole jurisdiction over warning areas that are found over coastal and international waters.
What minimum equipment is required for you to enter Class B airspace?
The minimum equipment required to enter Class B airspace is a two-way radio, a transponder with altitude reporting capability and ADS-B out.
While in Class B airspace below 2,500’ AGL, lower than 10,000’ MSL and within 4 NM of the airport, what is your maximum speed?
Class B airspace does not have a maximum speed. However, any time you’re less than 10’000 MSL feet in the CONUS, your maximum speed is 250 knots, regardless of airspace
On a sectional chart, what does an open circle airport symbol indicate?
All runways are soft, or all hard runways are less than 1500’ long.
What minimum equipment is required for you to enter Class C airspace?
The minimum equipment required to enter Class C airspace is a two-way radio, a transponder with altitude reporting capability and ADS-B out.
Where is ADS-B out required?
Class A, B, C airspace
Below and above B and C to 10k feet,
E above 10k feet and 2500 AGL
E below 3k over the Gulf of Mexico out 12 nautical miles
T/F - In most of the U.S., Class G airspace is everywhere 1200 AGL and below.
False. Class E airspace includes 1200 AGL, so Class G is only BELOW 1200 AGL.
What does SVFR get you?
The ability to operate at an airport with class E, D, C or B to the surface where the visibility is less than 3 sm and/or the ceiling is below 1000’.
Traffic Separation Services
What are the VFR cloud requirements for operating at airports?
If you’re flying into or out of an airport that has Class E, D, C or B airspace to the surface, you need a minimum of 1,000’ ceilings to operate under VFR. Class G just needs clear of clouds.
What are the minimum weather requirements for an SVFR clearance?
1 SM and Clear of Clouds (same as class G day)
An airport has a magenta vignette surrounding it and is reporting a 900’ ceiling. Can you land VFR during the day?
Yes, but you have to stay below the 700’ AGL floor of class E airspace and clear of clouds.
What are the VFR weather requirements in class G below 1200 AGL at night?
3 SM and 500/1000/2000
unless within 1/2 SM of an airport, then it is 1SM and Clear of Clouds.
What are the equipment requirements for class G airspace?
Mode C transponder and ADS-B out above 10,000 MSL and 2,500 AGL